I am aware of two alternate timelines


New Member
There are infinite number of time lines meaning there are several alternate options, some bad, others good, and still some totally great.

How were you able to get all those details from a supposed alternate reality?

Where is the positive one you mentioned? Why you did not post it?

Warning: this information could be posted here to intimidate others with the goal of making a reality out of a fabricated alternate time line.

I have an excellent imagination so I am able to easily fool others with my writings. I once about ten years ago posted here in Paranormalis, my name then was Max X, an article about a man who used to teleport to a future time where he had a lover. His wife never suspected a thing since the guy used to come back home, after spending weeks with the other woman, just a few minutes after he had left.

Some nice people here were convinced the story was based on facts and not the product of my imagination. Yet, I understand, that it can happens if you are an expert on traveling and manipulating time.

Please neither accept, nor believe any negative "prediction" from so-called prophets, naysayers or charlatans, be them in the bible or any other book or media. All they want is your money.

Believe and trust only in the absolute power of harmony, unity, community and peace past, present and future.
I'm not a prophet or out for profit. I'm too lazy to try to fool anyone. I don't know why I know these things (it is like I remember them like I have already lived them and am now reliving them). It sounds crazy. And I indeed hope that Australia does not sink into the ocean. I am not sure what you meant by the positive one and why I did not write that one. I don't remember writing something about a positive one.


Junior Member
Duh everyone from the future knows this. Paper's worthless, confidence's sinking fast for paper, thus metals demand (and price) rises up, thus central banks try to depress metal (gold) price so to keep worthless paper worth at an acceptable level. One way to do this is to sell-out gold they don't have.


Junior Member
I am aware of two alternate time lines. Here is the first. There was a massive influenza viral event which resulted in fundamental changes to everyday behavior in this country. The short story was a pandemic viral event started as what looked like a typical outbreak of influenza. The first patient identified had been on a flight that landed in a major east coast city. Within two days cases were reported in other cities. Large numbers of people became severely ill and hospitals were overwhelmed. The news was reporting on the epidemic nightly. In locations where large cases were occurring, states of emergency were declared where people were urged not to leave their houses. Workplaces closed in an effort to prevent further spread. Air travel was curtailed. People were afraid of going outside. People did not want to handle paper money and coins. Banking and the markets and businesses were crippled. The virus was especially virulent as it attacked both the respiratory system as well as organs causing increased mortality. After about 12 weeks the cases and deaths began to subside. So many were dead. Following the aftermath and very long recovery, no doors had handles they were either automatic or had kick plates where everyone used their feet to open them. Paper money was abolished. People remained very wary of sickness. No one shook each others hand anymore. An individual created some sort of solenoid that allowed for cool plasma to be used to sanitize hands. This was present in a device about the size of one of those hand dryer blowers in bathroom no one used faucets in public bathrooms they used these instead. It was mandatory for people who were ill to not be allowed at work and this was enforced as the anxiety over another epidemic was so prevalent. So many people had been lost and it disrupted the infrastructure to such a degree for such a long time that people just would not take the chance. After the event, it was determined that the actual origin of the virus was not natural. It was traced to a researcher who created a hybrid influenza strain that would be highly virulent in respiratory and to the nervous system causing organs to fail. The researcher was not allowed to publish his work for national security reasons as publication would include the hybridization methodology. the researcher became disgruntled and released the virus on flights seeding the epidemic.
Damn. This is pretty amazing. So IDK about 'alternate timeline' but maybe some psychic ablities /teleportation of the mind into the future kind of stuff. I havent been here in years so is interesting to see this post from 6 years ago basically predicting the present time.


Senior Member
I am aware of two alternate time lines. Here is the first. There was a massive influenza viral event which resulted in fundamental changes to everyday behavior in this country. The short story was a pandemic viral event started as what looked like a typical outbreak of influenza. The first patient identified had been on a flight that landed in a major east coast city. Within two days cases were reported in other cities. Large numbers of people became severely ill and hospitals were overwhelmed. The news was reporting on the epidemic nightly. In locations where large cases were occurring, states of emergency were declared where people were urged not to leave their houses. Workplaces closed in an effort to prevent further spread. Air travel was curtailed. People were afraid of going outside. People did not want to handle paper money and coins. Banking and the markets and businesses were crippled. The virus was especially virulent as it attacked both the respiratory system as well as organs causing increased mortality. After about 12 weeks the cases and deaths began to subside. So many were dead. Following the aftermath and very long recovery, no doors had handles they were either automatic or had kick plates where everyone used their feet to open them. Paper money was abolished. People remained very wary of sickness. No one shook each others hand anymore. An individual created some sort of solenoid that allowed for cool plasma to be used to sanitize hands. This was present in a device about the size of one of those hand dryer blowers in bathroom no one used faucets in public bathrooms they used these instead. It was mandatory for people who were ill to not be allowed at work and this was enforced as the anxiety over another epidemic was so prevalent. So many people had been lost and it disrupted the infrastructure to such a degree for such a long time that people just would not take the chance. After the event, it was determined that the actual origin of the virus was not natural. It was traced to a researcher who created a hybrid influenza strain that would be highly virulent in respiratory and to the nervous system causing organs to fail. The researcher was not allowed to publish his work for national security reasons as publication would include the hybridization methodology. the researcher became disgruntled and released the virus on flights seeding the epidemic.
Thanks for the update. Interesting. We study alternate timelines here. Yeah, I've heard a troubling influenza rumor and talk, rattling around in the can making noises as of late. Wonder if we're talking about the same thing? A flu shot's the one thing I can take, but I'm not sure about the covid shot, due to my past Bell's palsy interlude and my post covid longhauler's symptoms?
