I am desperately looking for a way to go back in time


Senior Member
"You cannot necessarily compare time to distance. They are related, but not necessarily the same at all. I can measure the distance between two points, for instance, by starting at one point and counting my steps to the second point. When I reach the second point and sum all my steps to come up with some measure of distance, the first point still exists. I can easily walk back there."

Now let's be specific here. I'm not referring to time travel in the sense of time travel. I'm talking about our normal everyday observation of time in the macroscopic sense. In that framework, all time is comparable motion. All motion has distance(space) and duration(comparison of two moving things).

Now in the sense of time travel, what we do know is if you are near a large object like a planet time slows near it. Same with moving really fast. Imagine yourself near a blackhole. There's a thing where if you get near it without touching it all motion stops. Looks like a time machine was activated and froze everyone.

So, using deductive reasoning, what could suddenly reach out and stop all motion like magic?

Is there an intervening medium of material that mediates all motion that we can't see?
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I just wanted to share a thought, which is , an invention such as a Time Machine , can only be created, when someone thinks outside of the box, and refuses to listen to anyone , even scientists, that say, they can not invent such a machine. it is no doubt true, that the ideas scientists offer, are impossible for us to use to create a time machine using todays tech, SO , any idea that someone can not use to build a time machine, is off the table. so if they say, we need a giant black hole to do so, then thats not an idea that can be used. So, one must think outside the box. Why not create ideas , such as , perhaps there are all kinds of wormholes, that exist, that can expand, and that have properties that are quite different than a black hole. There may be microscopic wormholes, such as ones that would carry information from universe to universe, as many as there are particles . If these can be expanded, they may have different properties and reactions than a black hole. its like planets, not all planets are the same nor particles, yet they are similar. But though they are similar, they are different. Some are safe, some are not. Why would wormholes be any different? there is so much more i could say on this, but so could many others no doubt, and far more better than what i could think of, no doubt. lol i am no expert, i am no scientist. and i mean no offense to anyone. i am just sharing some thoughts. Peace to you all. :)


Thanks, and I agree completely. Someone , anyone, who has an open mind and a Will to Create, shall always be just as capable as any scientist, and , perhaps, sometimes, even more capable, because they are not being isolated by beliefs given to them by schools. (not that i think schools are a negative effect , i'm just saying lol ) . The problem , is , when we listen to others that say it is impossible to create something. As impossible as it is to believe perhaps, all things are possible to create, given the Soul with the Will to do so, and the Spirit to never give up. I've noticed that scientists (some), seem to reflect an attitude that seems like , if they are unable or unwilling to keep trying, to build, say , a Time Machine, then their ego, gets in the way, their minds say to them "if i can't do it, no one can, cause i'm smart" then they say, "science says its impossible because you need..... " this or that.... and then they give up or keep following the route that is impossible.
Now, the scientists (however few they may be,) whom decide to change course, and create a new path of thought, they will have a far better chance at creation of an "impossible" invention, such as a Time Machine. Yet the thing that many do not understand, is the fact that you don't have to be a scientist to invent an "impossible" invention. Just like fixing a car, or a computer, someone who took a school course on it will be able to fix these things, Yet, at the same time, so too, can a person who didn't go to school, and instead just tried to fix things themselves when they needed to. Both folks would have the same capabilities, even though one is considered "educated" and the other is not. The one advantage the "uneducated" Soul may have, is the ability to think outside of the box (though this is not always the case of course, it is just a thought for this discussion) .
Sorry i typed so much , lol, when i speak, i speak lol. (or rather type i guess lol).
An idea on how to TIme Travel, came to my mind, i thought i'd share with you all here. I was uncertain whether or not i should share some thoughts on it, as i have noticed some people online tend to copy other folks idea's , to make money. Yet at the risk of that happening again, i shall share some ideas here anyhow, because i'd rather share some of my thoughts with you all, (and take the chance that someone will copy my ideas), since, in my mind, i see more good folks than not, here on this planet, no matter what the news tells us.
Ok, so, this will be a very quick talk, i won't go into much detail, since i have typed so much already and i don't want to tick anyone off by typing too much lol , also, please take in mind, i am no expert, and i may be very wrong with what i say, i just have some thoughts, about Time Travel , which i think are interesting. Alrighty then, let's get to what i was going to say, which is;
How to control the direction of Time Travel. For this part of the discussion, I am going to use the idea that the Many Worlds theory is true, and that Time Travel is possible because of this, and also allows for no "paradoxes" to appear. "god does not play dice with the universe" i think is a true statement made by an smart man. :) (it is doubtful the universe would be made to be easily broken. Hence the many worlds theory is a great glue that keeps the multiverse from collapsing upon itself. )
Alrighty then, to know this, we have to look at an Atomic Clock. Now, when we look at the wiki online of this, it says that such a clock uses "an electron transition frequency" , now those clocks are apparently the most precise are they not? i could be wrong, yet now look at the wiki (and i know the wiki online is not the greatest for info, but it is quick and usually not totally untrue lol) , anyhow, and yes i mean wikipedia . lol . Anyhow, just follow me for a moment here, :) ok , alrighty then, now, when you look at the wiki of "atomic electron transition" it speaks about the Electron , "jumping" . There is also an area that says this " The larger the energy separation of the states between which the electron jumps, the shorter the wavelength of the photon emitted. "
Why is this important , you may ask? My minds answer to that is, science copies science. The moon is round, the earth is round (no offense to anyone who doesn't believe that :) ) , so, why this is important for directing the control of Travel in Time, is because, of this thought that comes to my mind, which is :
What if a certain photon, in every moment in Time in all paralel universes, gave off a certain emission , or rather, frequency, and what if we had a machine that could pick up frequencies of these emissions, through out Time in the multiverse ? Imagining , if we can, for a moment, that we did have such a device, or machine, how do we choose a Time frequency to , capture? or latch onto? By the wave length of the frequency.
Using the model of "electron transition" , and theorizing about the frequency given by Time relative to the Time Travellers position , we can now go on to the next thought i want to share, which is ,
the shorter the wave length, the further away in Time the machine sensors are picking up. The longer the wave length, the closer in Time the sensors are picking up. How i come across with this idea, is by following the model once again of the "electron transition" , and theorizing that in that process, since , as the wiki says anyhow, that " The larger the energy separation of the states between which the electron jumps, the shorter the wavelength of the photon emitted." So, too, could be the difference between sensing a moment in Time further or closer to the Time Traveller and their machine.
To bring this long post (sorry) to a close, main example point is, if a person wants to travel ten years into the future or past, the frequency shall be longer than that of say, a hundred years travel. Now how to figure out whether one is sensing a frequency from the future or past in order to decide whether or not to latch onto that frequency, that would definitely have to be talked about another time, if at all. since i have typed way more than intended , and probably way more than i should lol.
i am sorry for typing so much, i wanted to share this thought with you all. And if someone copies it and makes money off of it, so be it , i guess . lol (though i wish they would not). I share this thought for those of you who respect good ideas and peoples opinions. alrighty stay cool all. and again, i mean no offense to anyone. Peace . :)

(edited because after reading over what i typed, i realized one word needed to be changed lol , far as i am aware so far lol, far as i know , i fixed my mistake and things should make sense )
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Senior Member
good insights.
I like that old quote "if a scientist tells you something is possible believe them, if they say it's impossible, don't". I like to add a caveat. If they say it's impossible in a specific experimental setup yes with reasoning, believe them but if they make blanket statements without conditions then don't.

Turns out the whole concept that ideas come only from our conscious or subconscious is a sloppy conclusion at best. It's an assumption. Ever had a thought that seemed to come out of nowhere and turned out to be unusually useful at the right time? Nobody understands where that comes from.

Warren York(an inactive para member) built a time machine and claimed he discovered that anytime a photon is absorbed and emanated by an atom that it's actually absorbing and remanating time itself.

that's what you find when you build time machines, matter absorbs time like a sponge, holds it for a moment and then re-emanates it. Turns out there's two types of photons. One like light and radio and another one that's as yet of discovered by science but is responsible for quantum uncertainty(and time).

Here's an excellent excerpt that explains it nicely:

Physicists have no understanding whatsoever of the basic element―TIME. It's still one of the great mysteries of both physics and philosophy. So if one doesn't know what TIME is, or how its passage is operationally CREATED, then the business of a time-forward timestream and a time-reversed timestream (always relative, of course, to the external OBSERVER'S timestream, which seemingly is always time-forward) can get very, very confused and messy. That's exactly where physics is at present.

However, there is an electromagnetic mechanism that generates the flow of time itself. I discovered the gist of it in 1971 while at Georgia Tech to get my master's degree. Have only published just a bit on it; but have recently covered it a bit more in papers I am slowly writing for The Virtual Times, Internet node WWW.HSV.COM. It is an engineerable mechanism, so it can eventually be TESTED, and falsified or upheld.

Basically, present physics considers that photons―which are composed/made of "energy x time"―only carry ENERGY! That's like saying a moving board, made of length x width, can only carry length and not its width! Plus which, no one really knows what a PHOTON is. E.g., in 1951, four years before his death, Einstein wrote to one of his oldest friends:

"All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no closer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Of course, today, every rascal thinks he knows the answer, but he is mistaken."
And the picture hasn't changed since he wrote that. I spent an evening once with Eugene Wigner, the physicist who put time reversal into quantum mechanics, and a scientist whom I greatly admired. For an hour or so we had a most delightful conversation, until he asked me to explain what I do and to explain scalar electromagnetics. I explained that in my view a photon transports both energy and time, and that a mass that "absorbs" a photon's ENERGY (which just turns into a wee bit of excess mass, via Einstein's equation

m =


must temporarily turn into MASSTIME, not mass, since it is now "coupled" to a time-tail (the ∆t portion of the photon that just "lost its energy").

Then when this MASSTIME emits a photon, it turns back to MASS (the time-tail of the intermediate "masstime" is torn off by the emitted photon, to couple with the photon's energy, leaving behind an entity―mass―which a priori did not and could not exist in time.) Wigner was thunderstruck. He fully agreed that the photon was composed of energy x time, but did not believe it therefore "carried a little piece of time" was well as a little piece of energy. So, he affirmed, it was only the energy that was quantized. Of course I had stated that it was the whole photon (action, or angular momentum) that was quantized, not just the energy component by itself. The energy will be DISCRETIZED, but not quantized. I did not press the issue further, because I had too much respect for Wigner to press him. But I was quite taken aback that he could believe that something made of BOTH energy and time, could only carry a finite amount of ENERGY but could not carry a finite amount of TIME!

The Tom Bearden Website

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Very interesting, NaturalPhilosopher ! :)
And i absolutely found Everything you said, quite Interesting ! Including of course the excerpt you showed !
What you said here as well, I totally agree with :) :
""if a scientist tells you something is possible believe them, if they say it's impossible, don't". I like to add a caveat. If they say it's impossible in a specific experimental setup yes with reasoning, believe them but if they make blanket statements without conditions then don't."
Precisely, (if I understand correctly), I agree, if someone gives you a statement about something , they should be able to exlain why they said what they did. Without complications. It should make sense, even if its a new idea. As you said, the perfect example of this is a science experiment set up and explained. Definitely a great point. :)
True again, I agree, about the source of concious or subconcious being assumed to be a particular answer. I feel the problem there is that folks tend to argue too much about whether or not there is life after death, while instead they would get answers a lot faster if they stopped fighting over beliefs, and instead worked together to find the truth.
Myself, I could talk deep about that , though i think one said that" experience is the best way to learn" ? i could be wrong lol , my memory is bad these days lol . in fact i might have even read it in a post somewhere here .... i literally forget what i did a few minutes ago sometimes. lol
Oh, i almost forgot, lol, to say, that what i was trying to say a moment ago, is that i think trying "astral projection" is the best way to understand it at first, because it allows for ideas of answers to arrive, without having to , die lol . A safe experiment is always the most wise, clearly lol .
I feel, that since we all came from the same source probably, and will return to it no doubt, ("big bang" ?) then we'll all see each other again, and if that is so, there's no point fighting each other, because we're going to be each other's family of life, forever. And since forever is a very long time , lol, we might as well all get along , it makes time go a heck of a lot better and more fun. :)
Very Interesting what you said about Warren York . And , though it's been a Very long time since i really got into science , from what i understand of what you said of him, if i am correct? then what he's saying is that the atom acts like a camera, it creates a copy of time , while it interacts with the photon. I can actually see that theory working for Time Travel, because that might tie in well with what i said recently about controlling the direction of Time travel. In fact, it ties in well, quite nicely i think. Unless i am wrong, after all, i'm no expert lol.
It would be interesting to see what a few good peaceful minds could come up with together, if given the right environment for it of course. Struggling to survive, does not give much time up for one to work on science , something i imagine many understand, unfortunately, for now.
Perhaps the two types you spoke of, of the photons, radio/light and the other, perhaps it is that other, that would fit the idea i said . Sensing the shorter wave length tells you your sensing a Time further away from your present, while a long wave length reflects a Time closer to the Time Traveller. Very Interesting . :)
I like the excerpt you showed, once again it shows another Great mind, thinking outside of the box ! :) This is the Key to growth of all. For if thoughts are limited, then so too is that Being, obviously. So be limitless with thoughts, and your Being will grow, further than one might imagine. ... There i go again. lol
And i'm making this a long post again ! dang it. lol (sorry) . ok , i'll try and make this quick :
i like the point they made about moving a board, you carry the length and width, not just one part, and if i understand correctly, thats their reason why the photon interaction carries Time. I Agree 100,000 % with this.

What they say about "MASSTIME" , in my mind could be in effect, similar to how new universes are made in the multiverse. Perhaps it is that "MASSTIME" that creates the new parallel universe , who knows. :) Very Interesting indeed ! :)
And they also give an interesting idea when they say that energy can carry a "finite amount of Time".
Definitely Extremely Interesting ! And Awesome to see another one thinking outside of the box !!! :)
Fantastic ! This is how Science "discovers" "new science" . :)
The Great thing is , Everyone is capable of creating a new science idea, and invention, and so, if someone wants to build a Time Machine, they can, Just don't give up. And if you do, then forgive yourself and get back up, and try again. :)
There i go again, getting into philosophy , i am sorry for making this a long post. I do tend to talk too much when i do talk , and always more than intended lol , and i also hope it helps the person that started this post and anyone else who is trying to reach for a goal but keeps getting discouraged. Be encouraged to keep going in life folks. We will always fall, but as long as we try again, the chance is , we'll get back up again, and keep going . Never give up on life, and never give up on your dreams of "impossible" ideas, forever.
peace . :)

trac smit

Junior Member
Ok so basically shit went wrong with someone i kind of got to know mainly because of me and I want fix that. I mean were talking suicide here. So please no trolls. It can be anything a test version of your device a magick spell to a voodoo ritual anything that can actually work. So please no trolling it's about saving a life here.

Don't listen to these bags of wind. If you are young enough, I kno a few methods. No complex math, no craziness... Just belief, faith, and a request to God. So what is so wrong? Tell me serious.


Senior Member
yeah the atom acts like a camera. Good analogy.

astral travel is certainly the best way to understand the afterlife. If more people did that they'd have no fear of death and not only that can develop astral abilities to materialize a new physical body after dying.

Death and astral travel is interesting cuz it allows you to see things that are pretty incredible. Once ya do you don't want to hang around here anymore. It's almost like 'life' is a form of amnesia and ignorance on Earth. So to fully resurrect a dead person to the same state they were before dying you'd have to mind wipe them too. Otherwise getting a job and commuting in traffic wouldn't exactly be their first priority.

Yeah the 'mass' to 'masstime' conversion of matter is the hidden akasha of eastern philosophies. It's the inhale-exhale of an invisible substance into and out of particles(electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, etc). Just like photons are absorbed, electrons jump up then down in orbital shells and re-emanate it.

You find the exact same thing in spiritually 'charging' water or other objects with your intent. However in that case no observable photons are being used but there's a second type of photon which is exclusively longitudinal. That's the one used to create time machines.
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