If you are a Time Traveler open this

Doc 05

Active Member
I think you are not lying but my navy recruiter said you are lying to me and you are making to me a joke.
Here's the deal:
Whoever masters, direct path, physical time travel will rule the world.
If truly evil people get ahold of this ability, we are all screwed.
This information is of such national security importance,
no one with any hint of knowledge will tell you, because they don't know who you are or your background (security clearance).
Also, you do not have a "need to know" (employment position - job - special access program)
Nor would you have any clue what they were talking about (quantum physics/mechanics background - degree)
Most people in these projects "don't have time" to even try to explain the concept, nor can they due to the secretcy.
Bad people in these projects, use people like you and I for "lab rats", just to check a concept or device. (acceptable loss).
I have given you a possible "path" to gain this knowledge and be in a position to possibly be able to time travel (space force/program).
What path you choose is up to you.

I spend my time writing this to you because:
  1. I truly like trying to help people.
  2. As a "Napoleon's Corporal" exercise - if you can understand my reasoning/thoughts, others can also.
  3. Others on this forum want to see how I respond to your comments/questions.
  4. You are "not the first" to ask this request/question; and this is a tread others can be directed to (wait until I tackle the "go back in time and save my baby/love one" dilemma - I've done this one - don't do it - careful what you wish for - really think this one through - never turns out well, etc.).

As for your recruiter: recruiters have a quota for number of recruits, for certain jobs, every month.
They (recruiters) get in trouble if they don't meet quota - they will tell you anything to get you to sign.
They are the "used car salesmen" of the military.
Make sure you get any thing promised in writing (contract).
After you sign, they "own" you - if it's not in writing, there is no recourse for you.
Any veteran has a "but my recruiter told me" horror story.

I wish you well and hope you find what you are looking for.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your family and love ones (they are more precious that anything you can imagine - hold them tight).


New Member
Here's the deal:
Whoever masters, direct path, physical time travel will rule the world.
If truly evil people get ahold of this ability, we are all screwed.
This information is of such national security importance,
no one with any hint of knowledge will tell you, because they don't know who you are or your background (security clearance).
Also, you do not have a "need to know" (employment position - job - special access program)
Nor would you have any clue what they were talking about (quantum physics/mechanics background - degree)
Most people in these projects "don't have time" to even try to explain the concept, nor can they due to the secretcy.
Bad people in these projects, use people like you and I for "lab rats", just to check a concept or device. (acceptable loss).
I have given you a possible "path" to gain this knowledge and be in a position to possibly be able to time travel (space force/program).
What path you choose is up to you.

I spend my time writing this to you because:
  1. I truly like trying to help people.
  2. As a "Napoleon's Corporal" exercise - if you can understand my reasoning/thoughts, others can also.
  3. Others on this forum want to see how I respond to your comments/questions.
  4. You are "not the first" to ask this request/question; and this is a tread others can be directed to (wait until I tackle the "go back in time and save my baby/love one" dilemma - I've done this one - don't do it - careful what you wish for - really think this one through - never turns out well, etc.).
As for your recruiter: recruiters have a quota for number of recruits, for certain jobs, every month.
They (recruiters) get in trouble if they don't meet quota - they will tell you anything to get you to sign.
They are the "used car salesmen" of the military.
Make sure you get any thing promised in writing (contract).
After you sign, they "own" you - if it's not in writing, there is no recourse for you.
Any veteran has a "but my recruiter told me" horror story.

I wish you well and hope you find what you are looking for.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your family and love ones (they are more precious that anything you can imagine - hold them tight).

Happy Thanksgiving thanks for your time and for helping me you are the best.im only 17 years old and I’m going to join navy soon.

Doc 05

Active Member
My pleasure, and Thank You.
You will have so much opportunity before you, but keep your eyes on the goal.
In your lifetime you will have a chance to go to the Moon, Mars, and Time Travel.
But only if you want this; no one will "give" it to you.
Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities and seize them.
Never be afraid to act, Never be afraid to take a chance, Never be afraid to fail.
Fear of failure, cripples most people; do not let this hinder you.
You will go far.
Good Luck, and again,
Thank You


New Member
Welcome to your new family, its good to see your common sense approach (y):)..
Hello bro. I know you. You are so active here, I am here for about a month but i didn't comment before but from now i will be active
I have different Ideas (Regardless Vortexes, Anti gravity and Anti Counter- Clockwise shaft) and I want to discuss them with anyone
So what's this picture on your avatar about?
BTW I really loved this website and most of the members here, I didn't chat with anyone here yet except @Einstein he is very intelligent


Senior Member
Hello bro. I know you. You are so active here, I am here for about a month but i didn't comment before but from now i will be active
I have different Ideas (Regardless Vortexes, Anti gravity and Anti Counter- Clockwise shaft) and I want to discuss them with anyone
So what's this picture on your avatar about?
BTW I really loved this website and most of the members here, I didn't chat with anyone here yet except @Einstein he is very intelligent

Yes i was aware that you had not posted anything since first registering on Paranormalis, i found that out after looking at your profile ;)..
The photo is of my "indoor" delta t antenna, i use as a "breadboard" for experiments :cool:..
