If you believe, please pray

Do you wanna know what sucks? A few people found out I had cancer and disappeared from my life. My cousin (a survivor) said that people are afraid to be close to people with cancer because they might die. I'm not even dying! It's amazing how the truth comes out when something major happens in your life. You really find out who your true friends are and honestly, family (and not even all of them!) are the only ones you end up trusting in the end. I'm grateful to have wonderful parents and children.
You know, when my sister was going through cancer, I didn'tbdisapear, but I certainly shyed away...The reason was because I was afraid of losing her, and I had tremendous guilt from fights we'd had in the past, so I felt by not being near her while she was losing her hair and getting radiation, Icould have avoided the fact that she even had cancer...It might not have been logical, but everyone deals with these things differently...It didn't mean I don't love her, but I donwish I had been there for her more during that time...I hope your friends and family all come around and realize that as well...
Do you wanna know what sucks? A few people found out I had cancer and disappeared from my life. My cousin (a survivor) said that people are afraid to be close to people with cancer because they might die. I'm not even dying! It's amazing how the truth comes out when something major happens in your life. You really find out who your true friends are and honestly, family (and not even all of them!) are the only ones you end up trusting in the end. I'm grateful to have wonderful parents and children.
You know, when my sister was going through cancer, I didn'tbdisapear, but I certainly shyed away...The reason was because I was afraid of losing her, and I had tremendous guilt from fights we'd had in the past, so I felt by not being near her while she was losing her hair and getting radiation, Icould have avoided the fact that she even had cancer...It might not have been logical, but everyone deals with these things differently...It didn't mean I don't love her, but I donwish I had been there for her more during that time...I hope your friends and family all come around and realize that as well...

It's good to hear the other side of the coin, but we already feel like freaks. (I won't know if I'm going to need Chemo for another week or so, but I already feel marked somehow, like I'm different, with a flaw). We need people to show they care and when serious things happen in life, we are willing to drop grudges and move forward with forgiveness. At least, I am. I don't know. I've always felt like an outcast, but now I feel like a LABELED outcast. Not only are people afraid of me because I am different, now they have to be afraid of me because I have mutated DNA. I feel like an alien.
Do you wanna know what sucks? A few people found out I had cancer and disappeared from my life. My cousin (a survivor) said that people are afraid to be close to people with cancer because they might die. I'm not even dying! It's amazing how the truth comes out when something major happens in your life. You really find out who your true friends are and honestly, family (and not even all of them!) are the only ones you end up trusting in the end. I'm grateful to have wonderful parents and children.
You know, when my sister was going through cancer, I didn'tbdisapear, but I certainly shyed away...The reason was because I was afraid of losing her, and I had tremendous guilt from fights we'd had in the past, so I felt by not being near her while she was losing her hair and getting radiation, Icould have avoided the fact that she even had cancer...It might not have been logical, but everyone deals with these things differently...It didn't mean I don't love her, but I donwish I had been there for her more during that time...I hope your friends and family all come around and realize that as well...

It's good to hear the other side of the coin, but we already feel like freaks. (I won't know if I'm going to need Chemo for another week or so, but I already feel marked somehow, like I'm different, with a flaw). We need people to show they care and when serious things happen in life, we are willing to drop grudges and move forward with forgiveness. At least, I am. I don't know. I've always felt like an outcast, but now I feel like a LABELED outcast. Not only are people afraid of me because I am different, now they have to be afraid of me because I have mutated DNA. I feel like an alien.

I suppose some people might think it's contagious. I know I might disappear if I found out you had Ebola.
Do you wanna know what sucks? A few people found out I had cancer and disappeared from my life. My cousin (a survivor) said that people are afraid to be close to people with cancer because they might die. I'm not even dying! It's amazing how the truth comes out when something major happens in your life. You really find out who your true friends are and honestly, family (and not even all of them!) are the only ones you end up trusting in the end. I'm grateful to have wonderful parents and children.
You know, when my sister was going through cancer, I didn'tbdisapear, but I certainly shyed away...The reason was because I was afraid of losing her, and I had tremendous guilt from fights we'd had in the past, so I felt by not being near her while she was losing her hair and getting radiation, Icould have avoided the fact that she even had cancer...It might not have been logical, but everyone deals with these things differently...It didn't mean I don't love her, but I donwish I had been there for her more during that time...I hope your friends and family all come around and realize that as well...

It's good to hear the other side of the coin, but we already feel like freaks. (I won't know if I'm going to need Chemo for another week or so, but I already feel marked somehow, like I'm different, with a flaw). We need people to show they care and when serious things happen in life, we are willing to drop grudges and move forward with forgiveness. At least, I am. I don't know. I've always felt like an outcast, but now I feel like a LABELED outcast. Not only are people afraid of me because I am different, now they have to be afraid of me because I have mutated DNA. I feel like an alien.
Aww, sweetheart, I can understand why you might think that, but I doubt that's it...And you're right, we should put petty things aside and be there for one another...I was only trying to share how I felt, but of course I can't speak for all...I do know that you're not an outcast, you're not flawed because of this, and you're definitely not alone... :)
You know, when my sister was going through cancer, I didn'tbdisapear, but I certainly shyed away...The reason was because I was afraid of losing her, and I had tremendous guilt from fights we'd had in the past, so I felt by not being near her while she was losing her hair and getting radiation, Icould have avoided the fact that she even had cancer...It might not have been logical, but everyone deals with these things differently...It didn't mean I don't love her, but I donwish I had been there for her more during that time...I hope your friends and family all come around and realize that as well...

It's good to hear the other side of the coin, but we already feel like freaks. (I won't know if I'm going to need Chemo for another week or so, but I already feel marked somehow, like I'm different, with a flaw). We need people to show they care and when serious things happen in life, we are willing to drop grudges and move forward with forgiveness. At least, I am. I don't know. I've always felt like an outcast, but now I feel like a LABELED outcast. Not only are people afraid of me because I am different, now they have to be afraid of me because I have mutated DNA. I feel like an alien.

I suppose some people might think it's contagious. I know I might disappear if I found out you had Ebola.

I just caught a cold. Maybe I do. LMAO. JOKE.
No worries, Apple. Was just speaking about people in general. :)

I had to stop watching the news. The racial situation upset me a lot. When you're faced with something that could potentially take your life, you suddenly see life differently. Why on earth are we dividing ourselves???!! Drives me crazy.... our spirits don't have a race.
Do you wanna know what sucks? A few people found out I had cancer and disappeared from my life. My cousin (a survivor) said that people are afraid to be close to people with cancer because they might die. I'm not even dying! It's amazing how the truth comes out when something major happens in your life. You really find out who your true friends are and honestly, family (and not even all of them!) are the only ones you end up trusting in the end. I'm grateful to have wonderful parents and children.
People need to either be told or realize on their own that this is the perfect time to get closer, not farther, from you.

People do this for many reasons. Often it's just that they don't know what to say and they're afraid of causing you pain with their remarks. They don't realize the pain they cause with the absence of their presence in your life, regardless of what they might say while they're with you.

IMO, the thing to do is try to put them at ease. I know it should be working the other way, but you should try to make friends feel comfortable around you - they're probably afraid they'll upset you.

Start cracking a few jokes about the disease, the chemo, the radiation or whatever. That ought to loosen up the real friends, and mortify the ones who are not.

Do you wanna know what sucks? A few people found out I had cancer and disappeared from my life. My cousin (a survivor) said that people are afraid to be close to people with cancer because they might die. I'm not even dying! It's amazing how the truth comes out when something major happens in your life. You really find out who your true friends are and honestly, family (and not even all of them!) are the only ones you end up trusting in the end. I'm grateful to have wonderful parents and children.
People need to either be told or realize on their own that this is the perfect time to get closer, not farther, from you.

People do this for many reasons. Often it's just that they don't know what to say and they're afraid of causing you pain with their remarks. They don't realize the pain they cause with the absence of their presence in your life, regardless of what they might say while they're with you.

IMO, the thing to do is try to put them at ease. I know it should be working the other way, but you should try to make friends feel comfortable around you - they're probably afraid they'll upset you.

Start cracking a few jokes about the disease, the chemo, the radiation or whatever. That ought to loosen up the real friends, and mortify the ones who are not.


Honestly, I don't have any real life friends, just family. They were "online" friends, but I think you nailed it: "Often it's just that they don't know what to say and they're afraid of causing you pain with their remarks. They don't realize the pain they cause with the absence of their presence in your life,". That's exactly how it feels. I didn't talk about cancer much... and I haven't even SEEN the family members to even discuss it with them.. it's just their lack of concern and absence that irks me. My brother just simply couldn't care less. Oh well, if he never cared before, he won't now. That's the same with friends, virtual or otherwise.

I'm pretty upbeat about the whole thing now. I'm not going to die from this... so I wish people wouldn't be so afraid!
