I'm a Time Traveler


Active Member
In what way do you define hostile? See, me asking questions or commenting to the obvious hoax is not... and let me repeat it for ya..not hostile in any form. I tell new members to keep an open mind here because as a forum, attitudes and opinions are highly expressed. If this hoaxer..and he is a hoaxer... wishes to continue the farce..so be it. If you wanted everyone here to believe that you are a time traveler, then you will be asked questions regarding your experiences or story, or whatever you wish to call it. It in no way means that those asking the questions are being hostile....folks just want to know. Members want to talk to time travelers...it's what brought most of us here to this wonderful site. Debate will always ensue when topics such as this are discussed.


Junior Member
In what way do you define hostile? See, me asking questions or commenting to the obvious hoax is not... and let me repeat it for ya..not hostile in any form. I tell new members to keep an open mind here because as a forum, attitudes and opinions are highly expressed. If this hoaxer..and he is a hoaxer... wishes to continue the farce..so be it. If you wanted everyone here to believe that you are a time traveler, then you will be asked questions regarding your experiences or story, or whatever you wish to call it. It in no way means that those asking the questions are being hostile....folks just want to know. Members want to talk to time travelers...it's what brought most of us here to this wonderful site. Debate will always ensue when topics such as this are discussed.

if he believes it though?


Junior Member
People are of course entitled to believe whatever they want....but others are equally entitled to disbelieve and ask for evidence and to try to pick holes in a story if someone is presenting it as fact. For instance Hitler might have really thought he was doing a great thing trying to kill off all the jews, gypsies, communists, homosexuals, mental patients etc and stomping all over everybodies countries.... he really believed in it but it doesn't mean he was right.


Hi I just wanted to tell you that all people have their own opinions to agree and disagree we are all different if the world was the same then it would be a very different and boring one as well my motto is believe whatever you want to believe I am not a god just a normal person seeking answers this is what I know for sure marital law will come into the near future the people will protest more and will become angry with the government they will not trust them anymore oil will drop to very low percentage and gas will be higher than what it is now food will not be around in the near future but virtual reality and other entertainment will come into play in the further future, time travel and other subjects will come soon I am saying not now but in the further future world war 3 will come into effect in the further future so you don't have to worry about that now our minds will be hooked up to computers for kids, teenagers, and young and old adults if the older people want to do it they can always refuse to do it the mobile market will go higher and will not fade away but desktops and console systems will be obsolete and vr will be the main attraction jesus and satan will fight when the world ends there is no such thing as the rapture where people vanish off of the face of the world like teleporting but teleportation is real in the further future we will have the ability to teleport and have transportation units where you go through a tube and exit out of another tube your final destination now as for invisibility scientists will be able to cloak trains, ships, planes and cloak will be able to cloak humans as well as for time machines they will be more advanced then machines that are now in the present timeline the time machines will be any kind of wearing and carrying items the hadron collider will also produce a time portal or time tunnel to the past and the future but at first it won't be made public so only private use stargates and other portals will serve the private use of government and scientists and they will use these to go to the past and future and other dimensions and worlds or parallel universes there are a lot of worlds out there to explore so is the multiverse real the answer is real and true the multiverse coexists with this universe and millions of other universes as well aliens and ufos are real but they are not here and interested in us they are here to observe what has happened in the past and as of now as well as in the near future too you can call them ets, extraterrisals, aliens, grays, they are time travelers and not creatures from outer space the government is hiding a lot of stuff about what really happens in the world through them time travel and teleportation in the future is established holographic tvs, radios, and phones will be common in ther further future you will be able to speak and talk with your friends or family through your holograms and holographics instead of what it is today land lines all of that stuff will be obsolete.
