Incredible product I found NANO GOLD not monotamoic

Note and disclaimer: I am not being paid to advertise this. I am not telling anyone to buy it either.

However, I can tell you that I felt tremendous bursts of energy when I drank this.
Mixing it with coffee made me feel almost ecstatic with joy.

You can sell the gold for 100 times what the bottle costed. :cool:

Grab your shovels and keep the bottles flowing.
You can sell the gold for 100 times what the bottle costed. :cool:

Grab your shovels and keep the bottles flowing.

That's a good point, Beholder. Gold is more sought after than anything.
Excellent ideas. California Gold Rush, good times good times. Those were the days.

What was your schedule like? Daily? How much? For how long? Same effect each time? Thanks!

Again, experience varies person to person as it states in the product description but
I would recommend a lot. Like four or five drops and add it to your coffee or soft
drink or whatever it is you enjoy drinking and it will be enhanced tenfold.
As for how often I would say do that process every morning and every night
and possible every afternoon if you so desire.
I would prefer monoatomic if I were to choose any, monoatomic is gold which is caught dimensionally between the 3d and 5d, much like ormus is. Same way h3o2 is water in it's higher multidimensional state, Nano gold is probably just regular gold either ground or printed from normal 3d type metal. Maybe it still has some benefits but not as much as monoatomic should by comparison.
now we know why aliens use gold so much and thats to prolong there life spans and ive only just herd about the ruby red coloured colloidal gold which may be the real philosophers stone , and my latest colloidal silver brew and some bizarre experiments for the first time ever ive got amber coloured colloidal silver which they say is best so ive diluted it down into 2 bottles and run them through the same tests see if they both come out amber coloured .
my latest colloidal silver brew and some bizarre experiments for the first time ever ive got amber coloured colloidal silver which they say is best so ive diluted it down into 2 bottles and run them through the same tests see if they both come out amber coloured .
The amber color being better is a sales&marketing myth. As more silver particles start sticking together in the distilled water, the color starts to shift. The particles are big enough for light to start interacting with it. With a colloid, you don't want large chunks. The smaller, the better.

After I added a slow stirring motor to my DIY colloidal silver generator, if I left it on too long it would turn a greenish color instead of yellow. Green is higher frequency (shorter wavelength) light than yellow, so smaller particles were sticking together to make that color.

With other colloid metals (like gold), this also holds true.
