Introduction of new member


New Member
Hello guys, I just found out about the forum and decided to join since it seemed like a great platform to discuss time travel and other stuff.
I have lots of personnal experience with what we call "paranormal" but I don´t want to make this too long so I´ll explain a bit about what has led me here.

From my teenage years I´ve been having experiences that go beyond the physical world or that goes beyond what is commonly known by society, like: seeing ufos several times, seeing orbs, being touched by something non-biological, and precognitive dreams... Of all these, it´s precognitive dreams and deja vus that made me start question linear-time, I admit I questioned before but I guess I wasn´t ready to accept reality as it truly is (time is non-linear, that means all is happening in a big NOW).

So, skipping a bit here... It´s been around 2 years that I´ve been having some astral projection experiences and through reading and understanding more about the subject, I could understand that when we dream we (conciousness) are inside our astral body. So that explains precognitive dreams, they can only happen if you reach out the info and the astral reality seems to be a great place to reach such info...

Now comes what I´m interested about, I´m not merely interested in talking about time travel, my goal is to understand reality as much as possible in order to change it, and so far I only perceive time travel being possible in the astral or beyond (but i can´t have a saying about it because I haven´t experienced).

Seems to me we are inside a matrix, and we are part of programs. However, if we break through that, we could change the whole system. It bothers me that as far as I know no religion talks or emphasizes the role of non-linear time in reality, for me the role it plays is basically the major role, it rules everything else, all the sequences of events that happen do so because they were programmed to do so.

A little experience I had while back: One day everything conspired for me to go to a certain place, I was going to catch a bus to do so, but in the middle of the way I turned back and caught another bus and went somewhere else. By doing this I tried to do something "random", so maybe I would change something in my timeline sequence, and guess what.... Awhile later, I had a deja vu. Ever since then I wonder, why did the deja vu happen... It could be that it happened to show me that I did not change anything, but some believe deja vus happen when something changes in the timeline, if it changed, it´s hard for me to believe it did simply because I tried to act "randomly".

Finally, I´m up to learn more about others's experiences and exchange ideas and even try experiments together.


Junior Member
...Now comes what I´m interested about, I´m not merely interested in talking about time travel, my goal is to understand reality as much as possible in order to change it...

You lost me here.


New Member
...Now comes what I´m interested about, I´m not merely interested in talking about time travel, my goal is to understand reality as much as possible in order to change it...

You lost me here.

Once one understands that time is non-linear, past, present and future coexist, that means all is already happening, so nothing really new happens unless someone breaks the linear time illusion and change something. That´s what I meant...


Senior Member
Hello guys, I just found out about the forum and decided to join since it seemed like a great platform to discuss time travel and other stuff.
I have lots of personnal experience with what we call "paranormal" but I don´t want to make this too long so I´ll explain a bit about what has led me here.

From my teenage years I´ve been having experiences that go beyond the physical world or that goes beyond what is commonly known by society, like: seeing ufos several times, seeing orbs, being touched by something non-biological, and precognitive dreams... Of all these, it´s precognitive dreams and deja vus that made me start question linear-time, I admit I questioned before but I guess I wasn´t ready to accept reality as it truly is (time is non-linear, that means all is happening in a big NOW).

So, skipping a bit here... It´s been around 2 years that I´ve been having some astral projection experiences and through reading and understanding more about the subject, I could understand that when we dream we (conciousness) are inside our astral body. So that explains precognitive dreams, they can only happen if you reach out the info and the astral reality seems to be a great place to reach such info...

Now comes what I´m interested about, I´m not merely interested in talking about time travel, my goal is to understand reality as much as possible in order to change it, and so far I only perceive time travel being possible in the astral or beyond (but i can´t have a saying about it because I haven´t experienced).

Seems to me we are inside a matrix, and we are part of programs. However, if we break through that, we could change the whole system. It bothers me that as far as I know no religion talks or emphasizes the role of non-linear time in reality, for me the role it plays is basically the major role, it rules everything else, all the sequences of events that happen do so because they were programmed to do so.

A little experience I had while back: One day everything conspired for me to go to a certain place, I was going to catch a bus to do so, but in the middle of the way I turned back and caught another bus and went somewhere else. By doing this I tried to do something "random", so maybe I would change something in my timeline sequence, and guess what.... Awhile later, I had a deja vu. Ever since then I wonder, why did the deja vu happen... It could be that it happened to show me that I did not change anything, but some believe deja vus happen when something changes in the timeline, if it changed, it´s hard for me to believe it did simply because I tried to act "randomly".

Finally, I´m up to learn more about others's experiences and exchange ideas and even try experiments together.

Welcome to your new Paranormalis family :)..


Hey there, welcome to the forum!

Matrix and virtual reality theories fascinate me. Finding out we're in a virtual reality would be the ultimate plot twist. It's beyond what our minds are able to grasp.
