Is it possible to predict future?


Senior Member
I have discussed this with a few and i do not believe it to be "Predicting" the future as much as it is taking a shot in the dark based on current events. If it was possible to predict the future what point is there in living?

For example we are going to take the Current events with the boston Bombing and the current explosion in Waco and make a prediction. Based on the current events with the school shootings and such we can assume the bombing in Boston is going to cause very large racial conflict specially if the reports are true the reports said the suspect is a darker skinned male, and since the Waco explosion pretty much destroyed all evidence no one will ever really know SO here we go.

I predict several more Hostile incidents on US soil over the next several months, the Waco Texas plant is a show of muscle but will be chalked up to a accident to prevent panic, there will be more many more threats and attempts at the presidents life, and stiffer regulations on gatherings. Expect a large scale attack on the US not from Over seas but on our own territory this attack will split the country in 2, The Ammo shortage will continue as the Gov proceeds to claim all the ammo it can.

Now we go about this with the knowledge that N Korea supposedly does not have the ability to hit us, but that does not mean they cant plant something here and detonate it. We have 2 large scape goats with n korea and Iran that all the incidents will be blamed on.


It's easy to predict the future, but the techniques are hard to learn, and a certain amount of the skill is inborn . People who can't do it can't because they aren't supposed to.


where the wild things are
I have a friend who had a dream two years ago, that there was going to be a terrorist attack on the east coast in 2013.

Boston is on the east coast and there was a terrorist attack two months ago.

ElevenAmerican: I had this strange dream, I wonder if its precognitive like my other dream. The year was 2015, and there was a civil war that happened in mid 2013, after a terrorist attack on the east coast.
Submachiner: alright... you been watching too many end of the world movies hm?
ElevenAmerican: Maybe. But it felt so real. You were living in Cincinnati by the way, and I was living in Washington state. Which was part of the western united states.
Submachiner: states get split up? sounds like titor.
ElevenAmerican: The war breaks out after the terrorist attack on the east coast, the government forms martial law, and we revolt. The war lasts about a year, with the eastern and western parts of the united states seceding to create their own country.

He had another dream a few weeks ago where another attack happens on the west coast near los angeles. According to him this happens in late 2013.

frank miller

New Member
i think there are million of people in this planet, if every one predicts something about the future , then it is possible that a few predictions will come true.

also i think there are a few people that are gifted, so maybe future predictions is a possibility.


Senior Member
I've predicted the future several times while in a dream state, so it's definitely possible.

Pretty sure posts describing those experiences are around this forum somewhere, but I'll rewrite them later if anyone is interested.


Senior Member
I've predicted the future several times while in a dream state, so it's definitely possible.

Pretty sure posts describing those experiences are around this forum somewhere, but I'll rewrite them later if anyone is interested.
Do you or Num know of the original thread regarding these posts? I for one would be interested in looking into them. I have futuristic dreams from time to time and would like to see what others are a form of comparison, if that would at all be possible.


Senior Member
I can't seem to find it; I'll look more again tomorrow.

Perhaps it was something I said in chat one night.
I've predicted the future several times while in a dream state, so it's definitely possible.

Pretty sure posts describing those experiences are around this forum somewhere, but I'll rewrite them later if anyone is interested.
Do you or Num know of the original thread regarding these posts? I for one would be interested in looking into them. I have futuristic dreams from time to time and would like to see what others are a form of comparison, if that would at all be possible.


Senior Member
Well, seeing the future is a big help, but most of the time the future makes no sense. For example, George Washington fights England and wins. Most people would have predicted England winning the war. Still, there we go.



Senior Member
Well, seeing the future is a big help, but most of the time the future makes no sense. For example, George Washington fights England and wins. Most people would have predicted England winning the war. Still, there we go.


Agreed. The premonitions I've had make zero sense until they've been experienced in context.
