Not inherently, no. A religion is, in essence, a group of people who hold a set of spiritual beliefs. To organize that is also not inherently bad.
Now, if you want to ask whether or not existing organized religions are bad? Hm...I think so. The problem stems from a number of things. Poor leadership being the biggest issue. It goes without saying that some leaders use their position for profit, and others wield their post as a form of political power.
A very big issue I see with all major religions is that they promise to have all the answers. The issue with this is that their sacred texts seldom ever actually address every single issue that could come up in life. They can cover a broad range of topics, but never everything. Take for instance...hmmm...if heaven is a perfect paradise, but my loved one goes to hell, how can it be perfect if I miss them? The Bible, for instance, doesn't tackle this question as far as I recall. Never DIRECTLY. And the issue then is that you get people who take it upon themselves to try and interpret sections of holy texts. Why? Because they refuse to consider the possibility that the book simply doesn't have an answer for every question under the sun. They're too proud to say, "yeah, we don't know." Secondly, by what authority are they permitted to be interpreters of god's word? They presume to speak for him. In this sense, I think major religions of this day and age are often led by power hungry types.
They always come into error, I believe, when they say that their religion is the only way. Some of them are also in error about only living one lifetime and then going to Heaven or Hell for eternity. Let me elucidate.
First, we normally live numerous lifetimes. Many of us lived numerous extraterrestrial physical and/or etheric lifetimes, before we came to Earth and began reincarnating here. Sometimes, we came in groups, on a rescue mission, to raise the frequency of Mankind, such as the 144,000 from the Etheric Realm inside Venus, who came here with Sanat Kumara, the leader of Venus, a long time ago.
I've been seeing 144 many thousands of times, especially on car license plates, for over five decades. And my house number is 105, corresponding with the number in Sanat Kumara's personal spaceship, namely himself, four Great Lords and 100 assistants, when they flew to Earth. All this leads me to believe that either I or my higher self, was with Santa Kumara on that rescue mission.
Gautama Buddha was one of those Great Lords, with Sanat Kumara, in that spaceship, who reincarnated as Gautama Buddha, after more than 100 lifetimes on Earth. I believe that he now resides in Shambhala, in the Etheric Realm, inside the Hollow Earth. And he interacts with Babaji Nagaraj and Mataji Annai, derivatives of Sanat and Venus Kumara, as well as Jesus, Mary, Saint Germaine and others.
People at that level of consciousness understand physics and metaphysics much better than most of us do. Marshall Govindan wrote in one of his books of yoga, that Babaji Nagaraj will speak more openly in this world, over 40 years from now. By then, we should be well into a Golden Age and his words should help elucidate these things for us. I imagine that some of us will be living much longer lives, by then.
In the Bible it mentions, The Lake of Fire. People believe that is a reference to Hell, but it is not. Hell is the Lower Astral Plane, where miscreants are temporarily incarcerated, presumably somewhere within Earth. They may be given more chances to reincarnate and hopefully become better people. But if they have been too evil for too many lifetimes, then they go to the "Lake of Fire", for their Final Judgement.
The Lake of Fire is The Great Central Sun, in the center of the Milky Way, where those judged being guilty of too much evil, those who have become inhuman, are dissolved in the fires of God. It is a blessing to all, including themselves, as it gives them the opportunity to finally stop being evil. As all is of God, the Infinite Spirit, God would never allow any portion of itself to remain evil indefinitely, nor be in Hell forever.
The essence of an inhuman entity, dissolved in this way, then gains the opportunity to evolve from the lowest levels and might become an entire specie of insect, for instance. A combining effect takes place in evolution afterwards to a number of animals and eventually a single humanoid, who hopefully chooses good over evil, this time, after millions or billions of years of evolution.