Debate Is the Mark of the Beast literal?


Junior Member
The topic is about Bible Prophecy on the Mark of the Beast and how it is being fulfilled in our time. The evidence shows that it is coming to fruition, as far as the technology being developed.

Are you sure it's a chip? How do you know for sure? Could it be something else entirely?


Senior Member
It's probably a kilroy, not literal.

I believe Bible Prophecies are literal as they have proven to be in the past. Example: Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament Prophecies that foretold of His birth/life/death when He was on earth, just as they were stated. Here are just a few: Old Testament prophecies of Jesus

Here's a book on the Prophecies of Jesus fulfilled: Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus Christ: Earl C. Tingey

So I also believe the Prophecy about the Mark of the Beast will be fulfilled, literally.
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Senior Member
Do you believe in seven headed ten horned sea monsters?

I forgot about that, and I see what you mean. Some areas of Bible Prophecy in Revelation are written allegorically, but much of it is not. I'm not sure if "allegorically" is the correct word. Some parts are symbolic. The Beast from the sea is described with the heads of animals that represent countries (i.e. the bear is Russia, the lion is Great Britain, etc.) . I will stop there as I do not care to debate the issue. My theories and research are here to share with others. That is all.

I highly recommend listening to Irvin Baxter's End of the Age which airs on TV (TBN and other stations). He's an expert in explaining all of the End Times and Revelation Prophecies. You can also find him on Youtube, but I could not find his TV program there. His TV program is really great! His Website: End of the Age Television | Endtime Ministries with Irvin Baxter
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Junior Member
I forgot about that, and I see what you mean. Some areas of Bible Prophecy in Revelation are written allegorically, but much of it is not.

It appears figurative. While I agree that much of the bible is indeed literal, I have to note the cryptic nature. It stands to reason the mark is equally figurative as monsters. How do you base your premise? What is your standard of reason? It is cryptic words on paper.

Consider this:
If I present a picture of a sea monster to you and I claim it's real you are forced to argue its validity on the basis of the evidence that I present or create. Under these circumstances, you can't win. If you look at the picture and argue that sea monsters should have more teeth or their incisors are not in proportion to the amount of fish they eat, it's easy to ask you how you know so much about sea monsters if they don't exist. Granted, you could point to dinosaur skeletons and make comparisons. But I can still say, its not a dinosaur, it's a sea monster. In fact, I could even "whip" up some tooth marks on a piece of petrified wood and prove to you don't know anything about sea monsters.


Senior Member
Regarding my opinion, my previous comments will have to suffice. I'm not here to debate with you, but I appreciate the inquiry.
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Junior Member
Regarding my opinion, my previous comments will have to suffice. I'm not here to debate with you.

Debate not intended. I am simply trying to discern a solid premise in order to better discover truth in all this. I can talk circles around scripture, current events, even titor posts. My intent is not to argue. I am rather enjoying the discussion. It is indeed a good one.


Junior Member
I was enjoying this topic of discussion until Rex turned it into a debate thread simply because he doesn't share your opinion Sam. I'd like to kindly ask him to either start a debate thread about this, or go somewhere else if he can't understand why this thread was created. Sorry Rex, it's just easy to see you don't share Sams belief on this matter. And that's ok. But she's already said this isn't the place to go back and forth about it. Let it go.
