Jeb Bush


A strange thing to say.The Bush family (Prescott i think?) profited heavily from Hitler/The Nazis during the war.It's been a while since i looked into it but i'm sure the info is out there.


A strange thing to say.The Bush family (Prescott i think?) profited heavily from Hitler/The Nazis during the war.It's been a while since i looked into it but i'm sure the info is out there.

Union Banking Corporation, Prescott Bush a key player, had it's assets seized under the Trading With the Enemy Act for funding the Nazi regime. Something interesting to note is that Hitler and his Nazi friends were students of pre-WW2 eugenics programs and literature from the United States.

I am not surprised that filthy rich industrialists and war profiteers, worldly bankers, racial purists and whoever else wants to join the party, would get together to start great big wars and recklessly kill a lot of people they don't like in order to gain more wealth and power, strategic gain and resources, as if Earth was a chess board.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket


Oh my gosh that's a terrible idea. As much as Hitler ruined this world without him this world could be in even more danger right now. You just DON'T take that risk.

Yes, I agree to an extent.

We cannot say for sure what would have happened had the Nazis not come into power. The situation was so enormously complex relative to diverging time lines, there is no way to accurately anticipate exactly. It would likely have been a more peaceful world though. However, I can imagine how it could have been much worse later.

Germany had some serious economic issues that likely would have manifested into some kind of war or turmoil regardless. Considering that German scientists were the ones figuring out fission, they would have made the bomb first IF Germany could finance the research. If not Germany, it could have still been the USA at a later date or perhaps Russia stealing it like they did from either USA or Germany.

Imagine the events and circumstances of the 20's and 30's that led up to WW2 being drawn out until the 60's or 70's when everyone had nukes.


Oh my gosh that's a terrible idea. As much as Hitler ruined this world without him this world could be in even more danger right now. You just DON'T take that risk.
Yeah, unfortunately, we do need some evil in this world to balance out the good.

Granted, you cannot have good without evil, light without dark, etc, ... But ...When is evil ever really necessary?

Physics vs Jaden

Amazing Person
I personally think of Hitler was killed at birth, Germany would've fallen during the Great Depression. Hitler actually saved Germany at first, before he was corrupt.


What would happen if you found younger Hitler and sat him down for a little while somewhere private then honestly confronted him about his future, who and what to avoid and how to do so?

What if you had a way to validate yourself by proving you are a time traveler?

What if you gave him an out?

What if you did the same thing to his fellow Nazi leaders?

How would that effect the global geopolitical and economic status across the time line?

Would the world not have a World War Two or any other global conflicts?

Would it be worse later?

Would millions of deaths of World War Two be a lesser evil than billions later?


Senior Member
I think on a two way street you could have a good world with peace without little interruption such as war, corruption behind the gov't walls. Trump is a Dirty scoundral. he will lose very badly. So don't put your hopes up, i am going democratic this 2016 voting season. Going Either Bernie or Jeb. Conflict of Interest is a subject i know well. He's taking advantage and bullying people, he could get a charge out of that too.


I think on a two way street you could have a good world with peace without little interruption such as war, corruption behind the gov't walls. Trump is a Dirty scoundral. he will lose very badly. So don't put your hopes up, i am going democratic this 2016 voting season. Going Either Bernie or Jeb. Conflict of Interest is a subject i know well. He's taking advantage and bullying people, he could get a charge out of that too.
The way the mainstream media likes to portray Trump is twisted and/or taken out of context, and it is nowhere near the level of insanity committed by such politicians as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. While Trump may be a bit boastful, he is nothing like today's Democrats, who are mostly socialists and communists.
