John Titor

Re: John Titor

Numenorean7 said:
Harte, could explain a little on how Titor's way of time-traveling was wrong on scientific level.
This is the easiest way of refuting Titor's claim scientifically:

6 trillion tons per singularity, if I recall my calculations.

You can find out how to calculate this at the following link:
How big is a black hole?

Titor claimed his singularities were "about the size of an electron."

Considering an electron has no actual size (it's a point particle) one must see what the traditional size is. This is based on how close you can squeeze one electron up next to another.

Google "size of an electron" for this info.

Put that size in to the formula from the previous link, fill in the rest and the answer will be the mass.

As I said, if I remember correctly, it's about 6 trillion tons.

maybe it was 6 trillion pounds.

Either way, not likely to be toted around in a Chevy, wouldn't you agree?

As I said, this is the simple refutation. Others are more complicated.

BTW, there is a lower limit to the size of anything. It's called the 'Planck length." You can find this length online as well and use it to calculate the tiniest possible black hole.

It should be noted that black holes as small as Titor claimed evaporate quickly through Hawking radiation. In fact, the smaller the hole, the faster it evaporates. Also, the smaller the black hole, the more intense the Hawking radiation becomes.

At the size Titor claims, this radiation would instantly turn him and his Chevy to a small mixture of ash and slag, after which there would be no singularities left.

Re: John Titor

Titor's must have said 6 trillion pounds (I didn't remember this part of the story)

For a 6 trillion pounds black hole I get 4*10^-12 mm
For 6 trillion tons : 4*10^-9

Looks like to be big as 4 electrons. If my calculations are correct lol, I hate making calculs like these :eek: lol
An electron is 1*10^12 mm

Anyway, you can't go around in a truck with a black hole behind your seat.

Hey, perhaps they have the technology required for this in 2036 ;) hehe

Re: John Titor

Numenorean7 said:
Titor's must have said 6 trillion pounds (I didn't remember this part of the story)

There's a very good reason for this. The hoaxer never mentioned it. Apparently he figured people are too stupid to go figure it out for themselves.

As you saw, it's ridiculously easy.

Numenorean7 said:
For a 6 trillion pounds black hole I get 4*10^-12 mm
For 6 trillion tons : 4*10^-9

Looks like to be big as 4 electrons. If my calculations are correct lol, I hate making calculs like these :eek: lol
An electron is 1*10^12 mm

Anyway, you can't go around in a truck with a black hole behind your seat.

Hey, perhaps they have the technology required for this in 2036 ;) hehe


Don't forget Titor claimed to have two singularities in his device. Maybe that's where my number came from.

All these numbers were posted at the old Paranormalis.

Re: John Titor

The Anomalies Network : John Titor :: IRC Discusion Log
TimeTravel_0 : If you bombard a singularity with electrons...
imeTravel_0 : you can alter the size of its event horizon.
TimeTravel_0 : and thus its gravitational field.
TimeTravel_0 : By overlapping these fileds from two singularities...
TimeTravel_0 : you can travel forward and backward through time.
TimeTravel_0 : Its actuallyu quyite simple.
TimeTravel_0 : Thats noit the hard part.
G? : didn't tipler say there was no event horizon?
TimeTravel_0 : No..he said it was possible to approach a massive gravitationl field from certain angles and not get squished.
Is it theoritically possible to alter a black hole's event horizon ?
Looks like that's where he claimed to have 2 singularities in the back of his truck.

Just a question. Titor posted his stuff on Time Travel Institute, right ? I remember this site selling t-shirts with quotes like "JT was here". Did he posted on TFF/TPN/Paranormalis ? I wasn't looking for these subjets on these days.
Thanks !

Re: John Titor

Numenorean7 said:
The Anomalies Network : John Titor :: IRC Discusion Log
Is it theoritically possible to alter a black hole's event horizon ?
Looks like that's where he claimed to have 2 singularities in the back of his truck.

Just a question. Titor posted his stuff on Time Travel Institute, right ? I remember this site selling t-shirts with quotes like "JT was here". Did he posted on TFF/TPN/Paranormalis ? I wasn't looking for these subjets on these days.
Thanks !

TTF nor TPN existed at the time. Sorry NUM!
Re: John Titor

Numenorean7 said:
The Anomalies Network : John Titor :: IRC Discusion Log
Is it theoritically possible to alter a black hole's event horizon ?
Looks like that's where he claimed to have 2 singularities in the back of his truck.

Yes, by adding mass.

I should note that it is theoretically impossible to add more than one or two electrons to a miniature black hole. The hole becomes charged, see, and then repels the other electrons.

Not to mention the impossibility of hitting one electron-sized particle with an electron.

That's like throwing a baseball at another baseball 100 miles away and nailing it dead center.

Re: John Titor

To bring back an old Titor prediction, are the 2008 olympics going to be cancelled, or be boycotted ?

The Associated Press: Chinese Security Forces Swarm Tibet
The violence erupted just two weeks before China's Summer Olympic celebrations kick off with the start of the torch relay, which passes through Tibet. China is gambling that its crackdown will not draw an international outcry over human rights violations that could lead to boycotts of the Olympics.
There's always doubt :cool:

