Junior Member
JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!
When I went on this site I too thought JT wasn't a hoaxster but now I see he is, duh. I have many resons for this (here is 1 reason: i have been thinking if u were a scientist with at least half a brain you wouldn't be like "oh there is a nuclear war going on lets build a time machine" no u'd be like "lets find a cure for luchemea cause u kno that there are gonna be a lot of cases of luchemea" duh) and if anyone wants to talk about it I'd be glad to.
When I went on this site I too thought JT wasn't a hoaxster but now I see he is, duh. I have many resons for this (here is 1 reason: i have been thinking if u were a scientist with at least half a brain you wouldn't be like "oh there is a nuclear war going on lets build a time machine" no u'd be like "lets find a cure for luchemea cause u kno that there are gonna be a lot of cases of luchemea" duh) and if anyone wants to talk about it I'd be glad to.