JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!

When I went on this site I too thought JT wasn't a hoaxster but now I see he is, duh. I have many resons for this (here is 1 reason: i have been thinking if u were a scientist with at least half a brain you wouldn't be like "oh there is a nuclear war going on lets build a time machine" no u'd be like "lets find a cure for luchemea cause u kno that there are gonna be a lot of cases of luchemea" duh) and if anyone wants to talk about it I'd be glad to.
Re: JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!

1 of the many things i have been thinking is that if u were a scientist with at least half a brain you wouldn't be like "oh there is a nuclear war lets build a time machine" no u'd be like "lets find a cure for luchemea cause u kno that there are gonna be a lot of cases of luchemea" duh

Re: JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!

I find his reason about going back because of getting this old piece of hardware kinda funny though :D
Strange that they didnt have the knowledge in the future about it.

He also mentioned that some IBM scientist could confirm his claims... Would be interesting of hearing about that.

Re: JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if he is a hoaxer or not and to be perfectly honest, I am to the point where i don't worry about it much. His message rings true enough and it is something we should all listen to.

But I must say the logic in your reasoning certainly baffles me. If I understand you correctly...You know he is a fake because if there is a Nuclear war Half brained scientists should be Curing Leukemia as opposed to building time machines?
Re: JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!

well you should probably go back and look at the timeline more closely, in his story (be it true or false), Titor stated time travel was developed after the supposed nuclear war. Leukemia isn't really the first thing I'd jump to either when thinking of nuclear war, more like charred remains and a whole lotta instant, uncancer-like death. Also, can't imagine they wouldn't have plenty of money from our year lying around for him to use. Hell he could probably even use a bill from 2007 and I doubt any chasier would notice. This all of course assumes that he was indeed accurate. I think the jury's very much still out on that one.
Re: JT Fake!!!!!!!!!!

no 1 of the many reasons but seriously shouldnt they be curing radiation poisoning or something(i used luchemea as an example) and the technology for a time machine is like 100-1000 years away also if we did invent a time machine that fast then he still shouldnt go back cause you can change the future like making 1 post isnt that bad but staying on for a year that could have dire concequences
