Keto/Atkins/Low Carb


Ok, so I lost 50 lbs on Weight Watchers but it stopped in January. I just started Atkins/Keto (kind of a combo of both).
I do worry about all the sodium and cholesterol. I'm hoping this works. I want to get into a super healthy range, even though I'm told I am looking good. I started weights and I hike in the woods about 5-6 days a week, plus house work and errands. So, I am active.

Starving/fasting not an option - low carb is perfect for me....protein!!!

Has anyone else tried low carb?

I'm on day 4. Day 2 I felt like shit. Yesterday, I felt fantastic and had a super amount of energy.
BUT.... I need to wait for weight loss.


Still not in Ketosis. I bought strips to check.

Anyone else try low carb diets?


Senior Member
It's a terrible idea for me. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, but I did with constant physical training. More muscle means more calories burned. Training constantly forces you to rehab your body problems and address mobility issues. Micronutrients are way more important than your macro ratio unless you are on a very strict diet for competition, but that's not healthy either.

When I did try very low carb, my training suffered. Badly. Which sabotaged my progress and slowed the rate at which I sustainably changed my body composition.


It's a terrible idea for me. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, but I did with constant physical training. More muscle means more calories burned. Training constantly forces you to rehab your body problems and address mobility issues. Micronutrients are way more important than your macro ratio unless you are on a very strict diet for competition, but that's not healthy either.

When I did try very low carb, my training suffered. Badly. Which sabotaged my progress and slowed the rate at which I sustainably changed my body composition.

I honestly don't have time to spend hours doing weights. I'm a mom. I do light amounts of weights.


New Member
There isn't any long term studies on the effect of being in ketosis for long periods of time. There is however many studies that demonstrate that foods typically popular in the Keto diet are harmful in many ways. Mostly from animal products, but also oils derived from plants. Losing weight also doesn't equate to healthy. The best diet is mostly or completely whole food plant based, and limits animal products, salts, refined sugars, and oils to none or hardly any.

I've researched allot on nutrition, but yet my staple foods at the moment are ramen noodles, cookies, canned beans, and canned meat. :(


Senior Member
Whole foods.

Mostly vegetables and fruits.

Enough lean meat (ideally fish, but blah) to build and maintain muscle (for men that is about 100-180 grams of protein if you train hard).

Macros for most people should be about equal, but fats should mostly be from nuts, olive oil, etc.

Avoid the kinds of carbs you find in most grains, though I personally think oats are not terrible if you want grains.


Carbs are in more than I thought. Was given some advice.

I am supposed to get my carbs from green veggies. So, I bought a ton.

I also just made my first fat bomb -- wasn't eating enough -- coffee with MCT oil and butter and cream in it. LOL

If I have a heart attack, you'll know why!

It is REALLY weird buying and eating the foods we were told since the 80's to avoid!!!! I wonder if it was all planned! If we can lose weight eating fat, WHY did they push a huge LOW FAT theme in the 80's?


New Member
Carbs are in more than I thought. Was given some advice.

I am supposed to get my carbs from green veggies. So, I bought a ton.

I also just made my first fat bomb -- wasn't eating enough -- coffee with MCT oil and butter and cream in it. LOL

If I have a heart attack, you'll know why!

It is REALLY weird buying and eating the foods we were told since the 80's to avoid!!!! I wonder if it was all planned! If we can lose weight eating fat, WHY did they push a huge LOW FAT theme in the 80's?
Fat is mostly what makes you fat. Just on a Keto diet you're using ketosis to use fat as a primary energy source, so you're body uses it instead of storing it.
