Debate Law of time


Temporal Engineer
I have yet to see any understanding of what time is. All I see is theory, speculation, and entertaining fiction.

I pay attention to physical observations. No natural observations yet have shown anything that has an overall control of time as we perceive it. It stands to reason that our perception of what time is may be flawed. I think it's time we start to rethink why we think this way. Are we all brainwashed?


Junior Member
In my opinion, "time" is just a convenient concept. The only "thing" that really exists is the present configuration of the universe, which is of course changing every planck second, but the "past" doesn't exist and the "future" doesn't exist. You can't go to either of them. Everything is now.


Senior Member
In my opinion, "time" is just a convenient concept. The only "thing" that really exists is the present configuration of the universe, which is of course changing every planck second, but the "past" doesn't exist and the "future" doesn't exist. You can't go to either of them. Everything is now.
So you never posted this message. Interesting...


Senior Member
Time is infinite in either direction (past and future) . The definition of time is the moment that once was and the moment that is now and the moment that will be next. Alot of people think time can be manipulated but we can't change something that has always existed and beyond the creation of our universe. Law of time sees you at the present but never in the past.
Yes' your'e view, granted. But one cannot properly do-do in an outhouse, if say that outhouse would be under attack by some denizens, that would degrade it. An outhouse must be in prime condition to use it, or the act of trying to use it might be considered a failure. The problems must change, or the considerations of use wouldn't be normal. We have that right to correct in asking of use.


In my opinion, "time" is just a convenient concept. The only "thing" that really exists is the present configuration of the universe, which is of course changing every planck second, but the "past" doesn't exist and the "future" doesn't exist. You can't go to either of them. Everything is now.
So you never posted this message. Interesting...

Have to admit @Thelema ,
@Beholder has a point.

If you're seeing this post....Wouldn't you be looking at something from the past?

Then again....I'm the only known survivor of an actual Time Paradox Point where
past and present touch each other and void into nothingness.

I was vaporized instantly...Except for my left arm which is my watch arm.
The watch was unaffected by the Time Paradox Point as it held a true point in time
which remained intact and wouldn't allow the sped up process of vaporization.

How am I here?


They Crispr-ed the Hell out of my arm and.......,

"Ta Daaaaaaaaahhhh!!!"

(For TimeFlipper.....Wherever you are...I know you're LOL!)


Junior Member
Yes' your'e view, granted. But one cannot properly do-do in an outhouse, if say that outhouse would be under attack by some denizens, that would degrade it. An outhouse must be in prime condition to use it, or the act of trying to use it might be considered a failure. The problems must change, or the considerations of use wouldn't be normal. We have that right to correct in asking of use.
I don't even get what you trying to say. All I am saying is that you cannot travel to the past or future. Just think of it as a video where you change the a character


Senior Member
The laws of time travel are irrelevant to anyone time travelling. No matter how hard you try you cannot change your past or future you can change your present if you see something when you come back but that's just about it.


Junior Member
If you're seeing this post....Wouldn't you be looking at something from the past?

I'm looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. When you look at your memories, you're looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. I can't go back to the same configuration of matter that existed when the post was made.


I'm looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. When you look at your memories, you're looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. I can't go back to the same configuration of matter that existed when the post was made.
You just did, by answering the post. ;)

But...this isn't time travel, correct?
