Memories of days gone by...


Senior Member
🕊️ Remembered
I was sitting outside thinking about the past and all the weird memories I had. I thought I would start a thread and list one on mine each week. The older you get the more potential input you have to this thread. For me I need motivation so I will report on Friday night. I would like to hear your weird or not so weird memories you have from the past. Remember this is general discussion and don't judge the content or the individual who is providing the content.
I'm stuck on the lake and can't get out!!
I remember one time when I was out having a good time. I went home and my wife, at the time, said, "What are you doing?" It was 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and I said I needed to get a chain cause I was stuck on the lake. Blast would know that in Minnesota the ice on the lakes can get three feet deep or deeper and eighteen wheelers...trucks can drive on the lakes. Of course some areas are not as thick and people go thru the ice every year and drown. Anyway I got the chain and we went back and pulled the car out of a snowdrift. All we wanted to do is cut cookies on the ice...spin circles... but ended up stuck...bummer. Anyway, I wasn't too popular at the house for a few days after that. Just file this away to one of those memories of the past.

Great Story: I can still remembering Ice fishing on the lakes in Minnesota as a kid.

I guess I am good to go as my password was entered correctly…remember my memories come either Friday or Saturday after 6-9 beers…sorry I can’t handle them like I use to. The last beer was a light, which tastes like shit…This memory is in response to opmmur’s post. Yes we were like kids ice fishing…but now we are a bit older. For those of you that don’t know what ice fishing is, I attached picture of ice houses on a lake…stay excited please! The kid’s sled once filled with chips and root beer has now been replaced by a sled with chips and beer. I remember Miller, Old Milwaukee, Smidt Big Mouths, Pabst Blue Ribbon, just to name a few, and we take no prisoners…all the beer had to be history to make a successful fishing trip and if we caught a fish, that was a bonus! The first sled had our fishing gear and the second sled, with side boards, was loaded with the survival supplies…chips and beer. We would sit in the house and play cards while fishing. Inside the house we had a line wound around a spool with a bell on it. If we heard a bell ring we would say look, “I think we have a fish.” Outside we had tip-up lines that once a fish pulled on the line a rod with a flash light on it would activate by the shifting of a mercury bubble inside, sort of like a level used in construction. This high tech ice fishing allowed us the time that was needed to play cards and finish off those beers. (Note…we did have the designated driver in place years ago as the police would stop cars driving off the lake at night) As I said last week I needed motivation for this thread so stay with me as creating this post now is more difficult than catching the fish was. Why am I writing this? For a minute I forgot…just kidding. My father owned a large company and had an ice fishing trip scheduled for anyone that was brave enough to go. At the time I was the young one among a bunch of older salesmen. I rode up with the vice president who picked up a twelve pack before we ever left town. We had several cars in the caravan and only stopped for gas or a drink at a bar at Bena, MN. (If this bores you…too bad!) We got to Lake Winnibigohish and got in our cabins, which were scheduled for several days. We played cards at night and fished during the day. The lodge would provide the fish house, drill the hole, and provide propane for the heaters. We could either angle for fish thru the drilled hole or spear fish from the large holes that were cut thru the ice. It was hard work…drink all night and do the same thing in the fish house. Having a beer at 7:00 AM was called “corn flakes in a can.” Remember, I was the young one and I couldn’t believe that they we drinking round the clock. After the first day, I was counting the days before I could get home and sleep. At nights we had people crawling outside to their cabins and up north it was either -25 or -30 degrees…COLD where your nose and mouth freezes shut. One night a bearded Wildman, like Loopi, was in a lower bunk bed and was pushing up on me in the bed above. Of course I fought back and pushed back on him. I needed to put my feet on the ceiling for leverage and guess what, I put a hole thru the ceiling. The next day I had to explain to the lodge owner that oh yeh, I put a hole in your ceiling and how much do I owe you`? I don’t remember the amount but do remember that they wrote, “Don’t come back” on the receipt, Oh well another memory and I am out of here!!!

I really liked your story about Ice Fishing, me Pop and Candy and having very cool feet. No cards, just fishing for Sun-Fish and Blue-Gail. Soooo long age, about 60 years ago.
I miss the good ol' days when the world was less populated, two movies featured at the theater were 50 cents, movies were decent, people had good manners and were considerate towards one another, men shaved and didn't look like bums, women didn't look like sluts, everything was cleaner, gas (and everything) was cheaper, and almost nothing was 'Made in China' fall-apart crap. I miss the days before the world was out-of-control. I have lots of memories about those times and I think of them often. :( The consolation is that this life is temporary, and I will be spending eternity in Heaven. :)
OK Sam: Question: Just if things are not the way you picture Heaven (as eternity with God), But something different, but still something good. Any comments please. (This planet has so many different believe systems, I did not know with to think)
OK Sam: Question: Just if things are not the way you picture Heaven (as eternity with God), But something different, but still something good. Any comments please. (This planet has so many different believe systems, I did not know with to think)

I have a pretty good idea what Heaven will be like for a few reasons...I have studied Near Death Experiences since the '80's, and many people who have seen Heaven have described it in great detail. I have dreams of visiting Spirits in the Afterlife (my gift as a Medium), so I know a lot about Heaven from my dreams. Also, I study the Bible and Jesus told us many things about Heaven. :)
