Memories of days gone by...

I was reading some news articles and ran across something that triggered a memory, which I had forgotten...until now.

Remember when you were would do some crazy things? Now add being recently divorced, among friends, and attending a grand opening of a new sports bar. Then add a few drinks, dares, and a crane...a 'bungee jumping' crane. Ok, I'll jump, let me finish these drinks. I had done para sailing so how big a deal was this bungee jumping anyway? Where do I sign up? I remember them stating that if I got injured or killed they were not signature was everywhere even on a page that stated I understood what I had signed. I can't remember what it cost but maybe around $100...I'm not sure. One guy was in front of me and I would be next...I can't wait! I was put into a canvas strapped seat as I decided not to have my ankle's strapped. I told them it was a bit tight in certain areas and I could easily end up the adventure talking soprano...becoming an aunt, not an uncle! Anyway after several attempts the guy in front of me didn't jump and they finally had to bring him down. I was thinking...what would I do? Would I scream, beg for mercy, or what? Oh well I went up, where a guy said...when we count down jump, don't hesitate or you won't be able to go at all. He also said after you jump don't grab the cord on the bounce back. I looked at the ants below me like I was on a ferris wheel. Three-two-one...JUMP!!! I fell backwards. You know the feeling you have falling off a building or bridge. I remember a big spring and that was it, except for all the drinks that were bought for me afterwards! Don't try this at home or away from home. For the night I was a hero...looking back I was crazy!

Got a crazy memory? Let's hear about it and we won't judge!
One of the best memories I've got is my dad and his motorcycle. Had an old Triumph (not that old at the time). My place was always right in front of him, sort of laid down on the gas tank and peeking up over the handlebars. Wasn't very old at the time, probably like five or six, but every chance we got, we would hop on his bike and go driving around outside of Geneva. Always knew it was going to be a good day when he said something about going for a ride.
Question...Does anyone else have any memories? I was sitting in the lawnchair with a six-pack in hand...under the 'blanking' chemtrail skies. I thought about the early Jack-Ass movie making days as a kid. How many scars do I have?...let me begin. On my head, I have a scar caused from playing Tarzan. I first got my I threw a #2 pencil, which stuck in his it was a spear. As I was thinking that I achieved victory, my sister pushed me down the stairs. I hit my head on a xelophone, and I have a scar to this day. Back then, toys were made of metal, not plastics from China. Next scar was on my chest. We tied a rope to our bikes and to a tree as we rode, like a bat out of hell, down the ditch. The handle bar left it's mark on my chest. Next was bumper cars, as you hit people running at you and knock them down. I ended up with a broken was a mess! I got older and a bit smarter...playing basketball without shoes, oh well I broke my toe. I remember it was bent and I broke it back to a straight position to get my shoes on. Again, I broke my ankle playing basketball...cast and crutches, but I could still get to the access panel in the garage ceiling to get the beer. I might have been 15 or 16 then so I had to hide the beer....bummer. I broke my arm and ribs, but that was normal wear and tear..........What say you???? If you don't like my memories, now is you chance to post your own. Go for it!
My Friday was postponed to Saturday and I had a memory flash before me. I would call it 'Bang-Bang'. WTF you may say...I say watch your language!! These memories have to be properly retrieved and only pop out from time to time. Enough BS...I remember as a kid in Minnesota, before legalize fireworks, all we had was the fantastic snake and sparklers. Whoopi...whatever. You light the snake and watch the ash grow...what fun!!. And the sparkler, you could throw it in the air like a falling star and get you fingers burned picking up the wrong end. This was almost as boring as reading this post...SORRY. Now if you wanted to hit the big time you would go to South Dakota and get some relief or Missouri and get M-80s. Oh well, life took me to Roswell, alien NM, where they made fireworks, although being a label reader I saw that most came from China. We would explode black cats in the pipes of swing sets...making large explosions. I was kicked off the school bus for lighting firecrackers and throwing them out the bus windows. Sorry for the length of my memory...I don't like long posts and here I go. We use to shoot bottle rockets at each other for fun. I remember have a shirt with holes in it from the exhaust. One dumb thing I remember doing, all previous stuff was not considered dumb, was we didn't have a fuse on one so me and my brother hit it with a hammer. Can you say...young dumb ass? My ears are still ringing. When I got a bit older I was at my future wife's place and had some fireworks to share. I lighted a fuse and the exhaust lite up all the fireworks...Could this be the reason our marriage ended in divorce?...You never know. I'm done always if you don't like it, why did you read this far. I am running out of memories...does anyone else have any memory on anything? I would like to hear... and I won't be judgmental!
Haven't done this for awhile...sitting in my man cave drinking Fosters and thinking Halloween. When I was a kid the cold wind howled in Minnesota and we were out getting treats and freezing our asses off. As I got older I found out what tricks were...but that is another memory. We got popcorn balls and large candy I am pissed about the high candy bar prices lately and only buy sale bars...what a rip off,charge more and give you less. In '91 on Halloween we had 18" of snow and it stayed for six months...bummer so I am glad I am further south. Sorry Blast Tyrant, MN resident, hey I am listening to Ratt now and having a hell of a time. Do you all have any memories? Think
Man, that's a lot of snow, even for us, in Quebec. That's a very early time of the year for so much snow, let alone for the fact that it actually stayed there for a while. :sick:

I'll share a memory. Sometimes, I feel that when I was a kid, snowstorms were so much bigger and there was soooo much more snow afterwards. I figured at some point that there were not more snow back then. But I was smaller! LOL
I'll share a memory, just for nostalgia sake...
We had a blizzard pass through town when I was a kid... My dad was the one to take all of us kids sledding, usually at this old school with a big hill, but that year the hill had been landscaped with rocks and whatnot...So instead, my dad took us to this enormous dirt hill that was about to be leveled off for a new bulding to be built. We had to go at nighttime, we probably shoudn't have been there, lol.. Anyway, the hill was so large and steep, it took us everything we had just to climb it. After only the 3rd climb, we decided that was the last time...My sister and Ishared the same innertube and we were supposed to bail off before we got to the bottom of the hill...So I see my sister roll off, but I didn't hear my dad holler "BAIL!", so I assumed she just fell off, I decided to finish my ride...Little did I know, my dad was at the bottom of the hill with his arms out, trying to stop the innertube..I knocked right into him like a bowling ball and slid all the way into the street...Luckily for me, there weren't any cars on the road due to the storm and being that it was night...My dad however, wasn't so lucky... Not only did he hurt his back, he was covered head to foot in snow, a regular abominable snowman... Ahh, memories... :D
Man, that's a lot of snow, even for us, in Quebec. That's a very early time of the year for so much snow, let alone for the fact that it actually stayed there for a while. :sick:

I'll share a memory. Sometimes, I feel that when I was a kid, snowstorms were so much bigger and there was soooo much more snow afterwards. I figured at some point that there were not more snow back then. But I was smaller! LOL
Things always seem bigger when you are young but I remember snow up to the second floor on the old farm homes and towns would be shut down for many days...something like Nashville shutting down after an inch or two of snow, the winter doomsday senerio in the south. lol
