Memories of days gone by...

Lets see if I can get this out without screwing it up or using numerous edits...Here we go...think bacon, then think "hog kill".
My memory tonight is working on the hog kill so if you don't like it go away and come back with your own memory. Way back, it doesn't matter when, I worked on the hog kill at a meat processing plant. I was a "800", a non-union worker who would work if they needed help. We would have to sign up at the main gate if we wanted to work and if someone was absent, they would call us. Sometimes they would call even if I didn't sign up. Don't mean too brag but I was a good worker and they knew it. Oh well, back to earth... My first day was pulling hoofs off the sows as they came down the line. I used a small crow bar and I pulled away putting them in a container next to the hair. I never knew pigs or sows could get that big. On the days we would report to work, the only thing that mattered was how many hours was wrtitten on the chauk board. If it had "10", we knew we were screwed as the bars would be closed before we got off...what a pisser! I lived at home and my step old lady didn't want to wash my clothes as I had guts in the pockets from work...sorry for talking about this but you watched a horror movie and didn't think anything about it. Once off work we would run to our cars, brush the foot of snow off, and race to the bar for last call. We were allowed to order five or six beers as long as we could drink them down by 2:00 problem. Going home I would have to use my ice scrapper on the inside of the windshield as the ice was forming...No time for the heater to warm up the car as we were always in a hurry...Next week part 2, with strange things happening with your meat...HA-HA, don't worry you will live.
I had a couple of hours to kill before an appointment and found myself thinking of days gone by. Today my thoughts were…”Heart Attack!” I had a stressful job and based my day on how I felt at the end of the day. Having several presentations per day, if I lost my voice and had a headache, I realized I had a good day at the office. I woke up one early morning with chest pains…a burning sensation that didn’t go away. I went to work the next day and said to myself…this sucks…I am going to the doctor. He hooked me up to the machine and told me I was having a heart attack and needed to go to the hospital. I walked into the Emergency Entrance putting out my last cigarette at their door. No sooner than I got in, I was put in a chair with nitro under my tongue. If you are bored click on something else…I was put into a room and they were going to do the balloon thing on me. This was a Friday and as I was being wheeled down the hall I heard Santana playing in the background and the assistant said, one more and we can go home. Felt like a side of beef at the slaughter house. Anyway, the balloon was doing its thing until I heard the balloon operator say Oh no…I knew I was screwed. Once I was back in my room, I told them to give me a phone. They wouldn’t until I told them I would pull all the tubes and wires off of me if they didn’t. I got the phone and called my GF and X. I was transferred to another hospital and ended up with quadruple bypass surgery. I was told that I could die and I remember saying…Oh well. Got my chest cut open and my arm and leg cut to harvest parts. People ask me how I got the 12” scar on my left arm…my reply is, I cut myself shaving. I got discharged and went back to work a few days later. I became more laid back afterwards not letting things stress me out (as much) I remember giving my “X” $300 to help pay for gas…later my kids told me she bought jewelry with the money after visiting me at the hospital. The moral of the story is…If you have a pain that you haven’t had before, check it out…it may be telling you something. You should also quit smoking; avoid stressful people and stressful jobs. I can now walk away from stressful people or tell them to get screwed, while before I put up with it. People and jobs can be a pain in the ass. I found that most boss people were a pain and wanted to intimidate their subordinates…actually they are insecure little people who get off on throwing their weight around. Move on…as it isn’t worth a pain in the heart!
Good ones here. Although I grew up in the Orient, but I like to think of the days when kids rode bicycles instead of hanging out at the malls, when kids used to read comic-books and stories instead of playing games on their computers/smart phones, when there were only so many channels on TVs and one would wait eagerly for a show instead of 24/7 shows on million channels, when little things would be cherished dreams instead of chasing after gadgets and expensive products that bring nothing but more demands and misery (sorry to sound like a Buddhist here). Those were the days when I collected and played marbles on the road, played soccer on our street and barely an automobile will pass by in 2-3 hours, When kids (even teenagers) used to love spending time with their grandparents and respected their they want to get away so they can post a new status on Facebook, chat on their smartphone or loiter around with their peeps.
When beauty was another name for simplicity and people did not make a fuss over what colour their purse is, how latest fashion their jeans is, or what would their peers think if they did not have "this or that".

I'm not that old, so I can only go back to the 80s. Oh dear I feel like Kevin Arnold of the Wonder Years. But they truly were, The Wonder Years of my life :)
Everyone used to be so nice. Now, everyone is more or less an a-hole. Well, not everyone, but the majority have some kind of attitude issue. It's like the social networking bullying stuff has bled over in to daily life and people can barely contain themselves. I heard a litany of crap all day long everywhere I went today. People are absolutely out of their minds compared to how they used to be even just 5 years ago. Everyone is so freaking mean. I was raised to be quiet and polite in public. Some people I've noticed will gab away about just about anything, and say the rudest, most hateful things, all within an ear shot of everyone else who can hear. It's so disturbing.
Let it snow...let it snow...let it snow!!
After getting myself waisted.. I thought on this memory... "snow drifts."
#1 As a kid, I remember the snow was so high we had to go out the upstairs window to get outside. Power and schools were out for a week or more.
#2 I was traveling in Montana and got stuck in the snow. The next day we found my car by the antenna sticking thru the snow.
#3 Wolf Creek, Montana...I was driving at night with the window down...looking for the strips on the road and going left or right to stay out of the ditch.
#4 Baker, Montana...A house was completely covered by snow and only the chimney was sticking thru.
#5 The road was closed but I went to work anyway...I walked to work and was able to walk on top of the snow drifts as it was cold and the top was frozen solid. Was I dedicated or what? Maybe brain freeze set in!!
#6 I traveled thru Iowa and went around the road closed barricades to get home. What a challange as cars were buried in the snow and I had to go around them.
#7 A truck behind me helped me navigate on the C-B radio...go left...go right as he could see but I couldn't. Driving blind in a blizzard is not fun.
I hate snow and if it snows in Tennessee I am staying put as I have paid my dues.

Boy I feel better as I am in my comfort zone...One sentence and I have to take a leak...sorry for the pause in communication...I am back...As always Friday night motivation...and as always if you don't like it...LEAVE. This thread is for anyone that has a memory. (Sounds strange but that statement might rule out many) Before I get into what I think I might say...I have a question. PM me with your thoughts. On Friday after 8-9 beers I like the radio turned up...trouble is I got it all the way up and not loud enough. Playing 105.9 out of Nashville and even tilt my De WALT Work Site radio at an angle and leaning into it...not loud enough...suggestions would be appreciated!


This is my memory tonight: A Ice fishing contest at Whitr Bear Lake, White Bear Lake, Minnesota. We had to drive to the St. Paul area and get on a bus that took us to the contest. We had our, beer, a fishing rod, and beer. They had the holes drilled and supplied the bait, so all we had to do is drink and hope for the best. I remember it was like the land rush in Oklahoma. The whistle blew and we all ran to our holes. Prizes were a house, car, cash, etc...I didn't win shit. After the contest we got back to our homes and drank more beer. We were all amazed that one of our comrades had such a understanding wife. She was fixing him a steak dinner with potatoes and whatever. We were envious as the rest of us were being bitched He told us the next day that yes he sat down to the table and his wife put the steak, potatoes, and whatever on a plate. He felt like a king as she put the plate on the floor for the dog to eat! Now I realize why we all are this point in time.
This is my memory tonight: A Ice fishing contest at Whitr Bear Lake, White Bear Lake, Minnesota. We had to drive to the St. Paul area and get on a bus that took us to the contest. We had our, beer, a fishing rod, and beer. They had the holes drilled and supplied the bait, so all we had to do is drink and hope for the best. I remember it was like the land rush in Oklahoma. The whistle blew and we all ran to our holes. Prizes were a house, car, cash, etc...I didn't win shit. After the contest we got back to our homes and drank more beer. We were all amazed that one of our comrades had such a understanding wife. She was fixing him a steak dinner with potatoes and whatever. We were envious as the rest of us were being bitched He told us the next day that yes he sat down to the table and his wife put the steak, potatoes, and whatever on a plate. He felt like a king as she put the plate on the floor for the dog to eat! Now I realize why we all are this point in time.

Aww, that was downright mean! I don't know how women can be so mean to men. I'm just the opposite. I've always loved the male species and gotten along very well with them (in person, not counting the Internet, lol). I've always had men friends, worked with men on a man's job before I retired (it was prestigious), and also have 3 sons. I just don't understand how women can be such bitches to men. Between men and women, I'm much more partial to men. It's women that I don't get along with (not all though).

BTW, you tell great stories! Thanks for sharing, and Merry Christmas! :D
I actually had a New Years' memory from the past. All I needed was a Papa Murphy's pizza and a six-pack to get me going. On most New Years, I am sleeping at 12:00 and tonight will be no different. I want my morning coffee and could care less about waiting for another year to go by. It wasn't always like that...when I was married we use to have friends over for dinner and play Hearts, Spads, or Uno. One time I took the wife to our local bar to celebrate but I was a little pissed as she was flirting with someone I worked with. Sort of obvious when most guys can see this, unless they are blind. Anyway I laughed at the couple across the bar from me, to pass the time, until we could leave. She was sort of on the "rough" side and got pissed at her husband and thru a glass of beer in his face...ha-ha. Anyway I was pissed too and at 12:00 when they play that song (I can't spell) I blew the party thing that makes noise and unwraps (whatever you call it) her face. Not a good memory but we can always shoot for another one. This was a happy friken New Years from the past that I hadn't thought about until tonight!


Happy New Year
