minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

You are closer to the truth than we may suspect Paul. The sad fact is, as Cary pointed out, the folks that own the major networks are filthy rich. Not that there is anything wrong with that, they are smart enough to know which side of the bread has butter on it and which limb on the tree is supported by the hand that feeds them (allows them their small pcs of the pie). Tick off the wrong people and no amount of money will save you from the other sharks in the tank of ownership.

Unless a few hundred blow the collective whistle, we may never know about most events.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Actually, I don't get to watch much news on TV, and it gives me a headache to try to follow the running captions, which I feel strangely obligated to try and read each word. I do study the newspaper, and what I'm getting is through the filter of UPI/AP.

Many events and situations leak through the inevitable corporate filter; it is no longer anything resembling a political filter, and the spin attempted by most nominally political organizations is ordinarily identifiable by its flat, stupid tone.

Many potential "Waco" events are therefore not superficially recognizable as such. On the other hand, the internet and even the regular news is full of subversive truthtellers. You must question the size of the gap between controlled news and "free" news if there are not now a great number of important stories circulating on the internet.

I would be interested in the size of this gap, and perhaps Cornelia the journalist (just one of her Mata Hari roles, and not entailing a slinky gown) can shed light on the dimensions of the lapse between what we are being told and what is happening. I know that in Europe you can see a great deal on television that could not be broadcast here without the immediate Wicked-Witch immolation of "Christians" and "family value" individuals. Does this go for the news also?

Also, Cornelia, I am broadening my opinion of what constitutes a "Waco" event, and offered up the FBI episode only as one that has many of the same elements. I don't mean to set a standard by it; we should let Waco describe itself.

In fact, it has become my opinion that Titor is himself a Waco event. This is because I am convinced that he is a government project meant to distort history to cover an assault on the truth-- which is, as usual, an assault on the people.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

since you asked for my opinion as a journalist (yes, it's a coverup: my real job is doing nothing :lol: ),
This is because I am convinced that he is a government project meant to distort history to cover an assault on the truth-- which is, as usual, an assault on the people.
well, that's a no-no. Keep this in mind: when a govt makes an effort in order to steal our attention, or distort history, or whatever they're NOT going to spend money and time talking to a niche. And before you ask, no, I don't think at all we are opinion leaders spreading voices. We are just this: a small niche of few people hidden somewhere in the Net. Maybe SF fans or dreamers or time wasters (?). If you want divert attention then make an OJ murder on prime time, on launch a manhunt, or invent something which can attract millions people, not just some hundreds. Or a Waco event, but 24/7 on evening news, not hidden in some unknown net boards.

After reading all this, you can guess what was a REAL Waco event already happened. It was the perfect "fake Waco event" planned to steal our attention from a govt attack to the people. No, I'm not mentioning it: but it was not John Titor.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

So... it is your opinion then that a worthy target audience would be, who, college professors, scientists, highlevel bureaucrats? The inhabitants of the Vatican or of the Hague? Really important people, perhaps celebrities?

My understanding of social change tells me that it often comes from what we call the "fringe," the marginal areas where there is less fear of censure from peers, and where random groups of like-minded people are more bold with their thoughts.

Where else would you find a Swedish physics student, an Italian beauty and ostensible journalist, a Arcadjian investor with a penchant for shotguns, a Dad of 5 and a Mother of many more, as well as Satan himself and a Jedi from the Alamo, all discussing time travel and the future? I cannot mention everyone, just those that popped into mind.

I've said this before: don't underestimate yourselves. Real power lies with those who don't really seek it. All of us on the board are important, even those who do not post much. Everyone is part of the process here; some read more than write. Some wish that I would.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

(No, Cornelia, you're NOT going to look in the dictionary for "ostensible"!!! :lol: )

So... it is your opinion then that a worthy target audience would be, who, college professors, scientists, highlevel bureaucrats? The inhabitants of the Vatican or of the Hague? Really important people, perhaps celebrities?
No Paul! Quite the opposite! The target audience to divert attention is the PUBLIC. That lady going shopping right out of your window. What is she thinking now? About the govt stealing her rights? About a coup done in USA some months ago?
Or is she more likely thinking about terrorists hiding under her bed? She's not thinking of John Titor and his prophecies. Her attention, and the attention of about 1 billion people all around the world was diverted by something else than a Time Traveller.

Reread my last three lines. I'm still sure John Titor was a warning. Someone wanted to ATTRACT our attention into what was going to happen soon. And about his prophecy... well, I think the real message lies into what will happen before the civil war. And I'm almost sure that the civil war itself (and the nuke following) was added just to attract more people to the message, but it won't happen. Unless... ;)
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Cornelia@Sep 29 2004, 08:12 AM
... I'm still sure John Titor was a warning. Someone wanted to ATTRACT our attention into what was going to happen soon. And about his prophecy... well, I think the real message lies into what will happen before the civil war. And I'm almost sure that the civil war itself (and the nuke following) was added just to attract more people to the message, but it won't happen. Unless... ;)

I'm confused now. If someone wanted to attract our attention to events supposed to happen soon (this year, in fact-- leaving us three months), why would he or they use what you call a "niche" audience? This would seem to stifle the message in obscurity, and couldn't be salvaged with the sensational aspects.

The warning only makes sense if the target audience was singled out as one which was likely to spread a great deal of dubious material quickly-- the internet forum members willing to entertain incredible facts. Therefore I disagree with you when you say that we are a "niche" audience, though I do agree that we are on the "fringe," where momentous things often occur. The reason this audience was targeted was because it serves as a beacon.

You have to instal lighthouses on the coast.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Ops Paul, maybe you've forgotten my old theory on the tk forum. He/they had to talk to a niche because he couldn't do anything else. If JT is from govt., but did all this unauthorized, then he couldn't go on the most famous forums speaking plain and simple what was going to happen. Then, he/they were forced to go to a niche and invent a workaround like the Time Traveler.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Speaking of that, if they were really smart, they could have gone to Oprah. 30min' on that Coffee Clatch, and half of the United States would have been on alert and looking for a handsome prince from the future that owned a pickumup truck, a nuclear looking lunch box the size off a foot locker and several seemingly air tight alibis regarding his past and your future.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Cornelia@Sep 29 2004, 05:10 PM
... If JT is from govt., but did all this unauthorized, then he couldn't go on the most famous forums speaking plain and simple what was going to happen. Then, he/they were forced to go to a niche and invent a workaround like the Time Traveler.

Now I get it.

With a government like that, who needs a revolution?
