minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by gefedic01@Sep 24 2004, 04:19 AM
Everyone you are all freekin me out! :cry:

Take a deep breath, repeat after me: Coca Cola, Coca Cola; Levis, Levis; McDonalds, McDonalds; British Petroleum.

There, better?
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Serves that lady right for thinking that her opinion and rights as a human being mattered to a airline offical. To which she compounded the matter by trying to abscond with airline property worth more money than I care to think about.

She needs to thank her lucky stars that she wasn't next to Martha in prison. Martha would have her changing the dressing on all those sandwiches they get to sleep on.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Take a deep breath, repeat after me: Coca Cola, Coca Cola; Levis, Levis; McDonalds, McDonalds; British Petroleum.

There, better?


I am sure you have all seen this; though more a Mind-control event than a Waco event, it is sort of a Snickers bar for Conspiracy theorists. Let me know what you think...


Now let me get back to my corporate media tranquilizer...
minuteman project and Waco type events thread


First off, welcome to the plantation. Thanks for the link to the Pentagon strike and the suspicious events/circumstance surrounding it. Yes, I've seen it several times, and no, I didn't post it here. I come across as a conspiracy nut as it is. All of the 9/11 events are suspect, IMO, and the facts have been twisted in a serious case of misdirection and manipulation by those in charge. You might want to introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself thread - let everybody know a little about yourself. We're just getting started in the Politics/Military/Law Forum at exposing/documenting the whole NWO structure and history. Contribute whatever you have there, if you could please.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Thanks Cornelia, I'll have to pick up a copy of the book now that it's out. Sad part is, Ruppert will probably be ridiculed and nothing will come of this.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I study the news with an eagle eye for Waco-type events, and it occurs to me that the real ones may not make the news in a recognizable form.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

as we are the leading experts in the world about Titor-Waco-type events ( :lol: ), maybe it's time to discuss what really a Waco-type event means !
You're all americans, so it sounds obvious to you. To me, it's more subtle. I know Waco because I'm very deeply interested in american culture/history, but I seriously doubt you'd find just one european in the street knowing what the heck Waco is.
Anyway, Waco means something quite simple: repression of dissensus. You don't need to involve "the right to bear arms", or fireshooting with Police, or whatever reproduces the original Waco. To qualify for "waco type event" you just need citizens trying to affirm any of their rights (arms, speech, a march, free press or simply a discussion) and the govt stopping them, with violence or in a undemocratic way.
That's why sometimes I post what sounds a Waco to me, and people here often respond "no, that's not a Waco". "Waco event" is a mood, is a black hole in a free country, is something you don't expect, is something you can find in the 6th page of an unknown newspaper from Nowhere, Ohio. Is the little story of the citizens protesting and the Police arresting them for 3 days without any guarantees... nothing you're going to see on prime time.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread


I appreciate your point of view. While individual arrests at the RNC could not be Waco type events, the entire process of random arrests and detainment at little Guantonamo would qualify IMO. Most of those arrested were released, but their right to peaceful assembly and protest were violated. Some will face trial on God knows what charges. The random brutality of the police and security forces will go without notice by the authorities, another Waco event IMO. The tension of the election is likely to heat up giving more fertile ground to future Waco events. We'll have to see what happens.


As most of the major media is owned by global corporatists, the real Waco events will never make the main stream media. Who owns the major networks and media outlets?

CBS = Viacom with Sumner Redstone, CEO
ABC = Disney with Michael Eisner, CEO
NBC = GE with Jeff Immelt , CEO
CNN = Time Warner with Dick Parsons, CEO
Fox News = News Corp with Ruppert Murdoch. CEO

And that's just the television networks. These guys are all mega wealthy elite with their own agenda, and it don't include being benevolent to us peasants. The newspapers and radio networks is another ball of corporatists.

Waco type events are probably going on regularly. We just won't hear about them until later, much later. Look at the coverage of the RNC. Mostly happy talk. The demonstrations and little Guantonamo was mostly covered by internet news sources. The networks showed a couple of pictures of large crowds, but nothing significant. And no mention of little Guantonamo at all.

