minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread


Its not really, the media will do what the media does. It will present what will get them the advertising and viewers. That means that they will show the most sensational thing that they can. If there is something that can be described as a Waco incident, expect to see it live and in color

Interesting theory but how do you explain Scott Peterson? ;p

I might would agree with you if the media didn't try to paint anyone who questions election fraud (even though faulty voting machines were reported) or protestors as wild conspiracy nuts . These things are real news with valid points that are ignored more now than ever before, Why? The election's barely two weeks over and kerrys supporters went ( according to the media) from half the country to a"minority" filled with conspiracynuts, who set themselves on fire chanting allah!pretty soon the media will completely stamp out the uprising ( atleast in your average tv watchers mind) against fuhrer bush and if you can't see a bush biased in the media you just aren't looking. don't know if I'd buy the fact they'd show another Waco like they did in 93(?) either.
something that could potientially make bushco look bad or distract from the war of goodness america is prepetrating.. I'd have to see it to believe it.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

"Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Clause"

Famous Bold Words. So powerful, they launched toy sales powered by childrens' desires and a belief in a wizened old man that lived up north surrounded by little people who blasted out toys the year round and delivered with the help of flying reindeer. Just as powerful, the presence of all those Santa's in the toy department in attendance each December, the unspoken reaffirmation of a hoax played on our children. "God Bless Us, Each and Every One".

And Bless you Timmy for bringing up Nasa's faux pas and the immediate denial and coverup. It has happened, it happens every day and it will happen. The only possible way around it is to hack the sat feeds and record them.

Nasa also has photos of UNNATURAL buildings or structures (so do the Russians) THAT was the reason for a maned trip there. Yes we did want to be their first, otherwise there might be real slim pickens if we arrived second. There has been great debate over the fact that we actually made it there.

Be that as it may, we are all in agreement that the role the media plays or does not play, by not being able to, or refusing to air the real news is germane at this point. Proper and RIGHT Information in any form means the difference in all decisions be they large or small. A grand ploy of Psyops is the obfuscation of information to such a degree that plans for a battle or major actions along that same venue are defeated before they have even begun.

The absence of information can speak louder than lies in some cases, praying upon the human tendency to blow things out of proportion to the extent that extraterrestial beings are on the attack, or at the very least they snack from time to time on our livestock before we do. Mayhaps we are seeing the outcome of what 20 or more years subject to televised soap operas can do to most peoples modes of thought processes brought on by the advent of that very first show, Dark Shadows.

Children have their 'Busy Box' with all it's gadgets, mirrors, beepers, horns, wheels, lights to keep them occupied while the older folks have a chance to do something else. The only thing different is that the busy box we as adults play with, costs thousands of dollars more and is a 1000 times more entrancing and addictive to the point that all else of reality is but a grey mist.

Our greatest downfall is our need for information in a world where we cannot verify and test the information that spews in an electrical, honeyed musical, kaleidoscopic colored, intensely visual formatted slime that oozes from out of our TV sets.

The scary part is, Left long enough in front of that hypnotic diabolical trap and all freedom of choice and thought is but a dim memory amidst the reason to "smell great, drive the fastest, be the cleanest, get out of jail the fastest, able to perform at the drop of a dime all weekend long, see a Doctor if a certain condition your looking for persists for more than 4 hours, pick the next fast food reason for your heart to infarct, choose only simple ice cream, pick this medicine because it's new and guaranteed to cure the reason you feel bad and depressed".

Can you possibly blame folks for being confused?

At least with your neighbor or the Radio years ago, you had the choice to get up and walk away. Now a days for some, that is almost impossible until they doze off and awaken later somewhat 'free' of that machines mental grasp.

In theory, the use of television as a mode of passing information is horribly understated. In practice, it has become an electrical demon intent upon our attention and all to easy swayable allegiance.

The adult pablum for the un thinking and unwary.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Although Clinton and Reagan both, as they entered their second terms, cleaned out their cabinets, these purges were not accompanied by a shakeup in the "intelligence community" on such a disturbing scale as currently. There are also indications in other aspects of the government that it is pulling in its horns, circling the wagons, and other metaphorical acts pointing to the same thing.

Girding up its loins; digging in its heels; etc.

In a few short months, there will be effectively only one branch of the government, the Executive. It will have at its disposal the most expensive and dangerous cop agency to act as the enforcement arm of the president, without accountability or oversight by Congress or meaningful review by the Courts. It will have at its disposal a legal department able to conduct police work without Constitutional restraints. Neither the Justice nor the Homeland Security/Immigration/Intelligence departments will be restricted in their operations to only domestic or only foreign work. There will be no more "turf" disputes or hoarded information. Enforcement of the law and clandestine operations will merge. Search warrants will issue at the directive of prosecutors without judicial permission. Law enforcement on the federal level will function with an unlimited budget and no jurisdictional restrictions, and without the impediment of the Bill of Rights.

I will be watching and posting the details as they emerge. Remember that one of the key elements of the Waco episode was its incredible overreaching by federal agents, and their use of deadly force with impunity.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Ice, my point is that there would be coverage of any waco events. Correct coverage, probably not. We may hear of the unprovoked death of a multicultural group of constitutionalists as the federal agents defending themselves from a horde of terroristic clansmen in camoflage. But we will hear about it. If there is something burning, and somone dying, there is a newscam pointed at it. You will see the spectacular footage so that you watch one of those aformentioned Viagra commercials. Most people will be shocked, and glad that those Nazis are dead. Those of us who don't buy the line however will at least be tipped off to look for other information. Here for instance.
I didn't say the media was honest, just bloodthirsty.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Nov 16 2004, 06:51 PM
Ice, my point is that there would be coverage of any waco events.? Correct coverage, probably not.? We may hear of the unprovoked death of a multicultural group of constitutionalists as the federal agents defending themselves from a horde of terroristic clansmen in camoflage.? But we will hear about it.? If there is something burning, and somone dying, there is a newscam pointed at it.? You will see the spectacular footage so that you watch one of those aformentioned Viagra commercials.? Most people will be shocked, and glad that those Nazis are dead.? Those of us who don't buy the line however will at least be tipped off to look for other information.? Here for instance.?
I didn't say the media was honest, just bloodthirsty.

You're probably right, they're would be a possibility of some form of coverage especially if it was big, it probably wouldn't do any damage to bushco, apparently they don't give a damn what anyone thinks anymore. I don't think they're reaching to heal a divided nation , more like reaching out to silence a divided nation. I'm just not gonna rely on a media that obviously covers up possible election frauds and other events to bring me my news or take their news as truthful and pretend other news sources are obsolete because it isn't on fox or cnn. no offense man
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

TimmyG, StarLord, Paul J. Lyon, Darkwolf,

We in some deep doo doo fella's. We have crossed the Rubicon. Hope you've read the book. I don't know how all this will turn out, but it don't look good. The steam roller of the neocons is rolling. The end game doesn't look too good. Iraq and Afghanistan are much worse than we're being told. A strike here on CONUS (Continental US) is just about guaranteed to set up Rex 84, or whatever. It will probably take more time than we can appreciate. That's part of the deception. Hope we all make it outta here in good form.

icepick lobotomy,

I feel your rage pal. Don't know what to do about that. It's pretty weird. We definitely ain't in Kansas no more. I have my dreams, doubts and nightmares about what we could be experiencing in the not too distant future. Hope it's way better than what I'm seeing so far. Welcome to the plantation by the way. Thank you for your posts so far. Looking forward to more.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by CaryP@Nov 17 2004, 01:37 AM
TimmyG, StarLord, Paul J. Lyon, Darkwolf,

We in some deep doo doo fella's. We have crossed the Rubicon. ...Hope we all make it outta here in good form.

... We definitely ain't in Kansas no more.

Crossed the Neocon.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

We have crossed the Rubicon. Hope you've read the book.

I live in a rural area and actually travelled 30 miles to Decatur Illinois - and not one copy of Crossing the Rubicon to be found. So, I drove another 40 miles to Springfield - Barnes & Noble & the Mall - and not one copy to be found there either (and a few on back order). 100 miles and nuttin... :D'oh:

So, now I guess I'll have to break down and get it off of Amazon.com, which I probably should have done to begin with. I understand the book is from a small press - and not to expect bunches of copies to be sittin' on the shelves.

CaryP (or any other of you great peeps) - while on the subject of 'hard to find great reading' - any other recommended titles?
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Timmy G@Nov 18 2004, 03:41 AM
We have crossed the Rubicon. Hope you've read the book.

I live in a rural area and actually travelled 30 miles to Decatur Illinois - and not one copy of Crossing the Rubicon to be found. So, I drove another 40 miles to Springfield - Barnes & Noble & the Mall - and not one copy to be found there either (and a few on back order). 100 miles and nuttin... :D'oh:

So, now I guess I'll have to break down and get it off of Amazon.com, which I probably should have done to begin with. I understand the book is from a small press - and not to expect bunches of copies to be sittin' on the shelves.

CaryP (or any other of you great peeps) - while on the subject of 'hard to find great reading' - any other recommended titles?

Apparently the vaunted Titor book is now out of print, and used ones are not to be found throughout Central California's Barnes & Noble search.

So you are left with Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, for one.
