Nine Year Hdr User


Senior Member
Actually, Sadly, one has nothing to do with the other. You reference to several children going walkabout and never returning because a kid brought a HDR to school, violates so many laws of physics it's mindboggling. He/she would need more than a simple 110 wall socket behind the Gym. We're also not dealing with any "time lines", just the one here where you and I are posting and the laws of physics are set. In order for any of that to be true, the title needed to have an adjective specifically pointing to pretense.


HDRKID, what are the chances to accidentally running over a vortex after using the HDR?

I heard there are areas where there are tons of vortexes, VS other places where vortexes are pretty rare, right?


Senior Member
Hi num:
"HDRKID, what are the chances to accidentally running over a vortex after using the HDR?"
It would be quite high if you live in a place like sedona arizona.

Steven Gibbs just called me. He says that a mother wants to buy an HDR for her 14 year old son. This is like a trend that is new. Parents buying more HDR units like a toy even. Well, an HDR is not a toy and should be use with care.

Mostly, HDR sales in the past were to dare devil types who crave new experiences. The type of people who live on the edge and want to move at a fast pace. It would be reckless young men. Few would give sufficient consideration to consequences. Well, now there is a different crop.

