No bullshit - I am from 2039 and I'm here to help you

“Well, I personally don't belive in the worldline theory, which makes the entire discussion moot because it means you can't change the known. (The unknown is fair game though, which can include interpretations of known events. Think Doctor Who and the Teselecta)”

The world line theory is true! I personally witnessed the arrival of TTs back in the later part of July 2005. (They do not travel alone. They travel as a unit.) I posted what I had seen on the Conspiracy Café forum in 2006, under the title “Possible Arrival/Departure…” username Gnostic. I shared a bus ride with a young man who was a part of this TT unit I had witnessed.

“As far as unintended consequences go, so could showing up here. Butterfly effect. The only possible reason for someone to show up here saying they need to change a bad future is if one of us directly impacts it, and even then, why not contact them directly? It just doesn't make sense.”

They do contact them directly.
View attachment 1507

Shouldn't those call boxes be blue?? ;) ;)
I have a problem with there being no proof provided. Michael did say in his opening statement that he can prove he is a time traveler.

And then he states that we will have a nuclear war. Yet denies his time machine can travel into our future.

The problem I see is that if he can't even go forward one day to see future events, then how could he know that our timeline will have a nuclear war?

It appears Michael's statements are inconsistent. It is becoming obvious that there is no time traveler here. Just another fraudster.

I like the part where he says that his machine can only travel 30 years into the past, but cannot travel forward, but then backs up and says that his machine can drop him off back in his own timeline. So then its able to travel 30 years back to the present (which is going forward for those not paying attention), correct? I wonder how many posts edits he's made thus far...
Just another idea of how it all works...

Perhaps time is a constant and the activity within that time evolves and changes but not time itself.

Not we may think that there are many timelines but in reality we only have one timeline that is in constant flux.

Perception may be the key to understanding the word timeline.

Just another wild ass guess...
And I would like to point out multi-world interpretation of quantum physics strongly support the mutli-timeline theory.

Whereas General Relativity supports a single-timeline theory via closed timelike curves. The questions is: which side of the line will a theory of quantum gravity fall on?
What part of General Relativity or Special Relativity Theory supports timeline theories? The interpretations of quantum physics are related with uncertainty principle and the collapse of wave-function.

They don't, that was my point. The idea in General Relativity is that time travel is possible via closed timelike curves. A hallway that loops back on itself while only ever seeming to move forward would be a closed spacelike curve. A CTC is like that, but with time. It's basically just a loop in time.
Where ya from, dude? I don't get into the "my country is better than yours" arguments much. I'm from the US, which, like most countries, has its good and bad points. I don't approve of our current "leadership", but I believe all things are fixable with sufficient and consistent effort.

I'm from earth, and I dislike those arguments too. If you want specifics, I'm from the UK, but I think people need to stop dividing things by "British" and "American" and start thinking in terms of "human". (And even further if aliens actually exist) It's easier than ever with the advent of the internet.

As a sidenote, I would say the current leadership is the lesser of two evils, but then "The only winning move is not to play". A move away from the two and three party systems is needed to something that allows more choice. (Along with better education so people make less stupid choices)

Describe your time travel device in full detail.
In 2039, scientists made 10 time macines which were to be sold to civilans. They were expensive, but I managed to afford one. You don't have to be a scientist to use it. There is a simple console on which you set a date you want to go to. You can not always go anytime. You can also put coordinates for where to go. Civilan machines can only go 30 years to past and cannot go to future. After I travel in past, I cannot travel anywhere but back in my time. That was made to prevent problems in travel.

Well, looks like this is what it takes to get me out of lurker status.

Are you telling us that, as a 38 year old architect, you managed to have enough saved up to purchase one of only TEN time machines in the WORLD?

The average take-home for an architect is in the 70-80K a year range (2015 dollars). Adjusting for, I dunno, 5% inflation over 25 years you're looking at a 2039 take-home of about 186-213K per year.

Sounds legit. You must be a really good architect.

Describe your time travel device in full detail.
In 2039, scientists made 10 time macines which were to be sold to civilans. They were expensive, but I managed to afford one. You don't have to be a scientist to use it. There is a simple console on which you set a date you want to go to. You can not always go anytime. You can also put coordinates for where to go. Civilan machines can only go 30 years to past and cannot go to future. After I travel in past, I cannot travel anywhere but back in my time. That was made to prevent problems in travel.

Well, looks like this is what it takes to get me out of lurker status.

Are you telling us that, as a 30 year old architect, you managed to have enough saved up to purchase one of only TEN time machines in the WORLD?

The average take-home for an architect is in the 70-80K a year range (2015 dollars). Adjusting for, I dunno, 5% inflation over 25 years you're looking at a 2039 take-home of about 186-213K per year.

Sounds legit. You must be a really good architect.

Look who creeped out of the coffin!

Yeah, this one isn't interestingly realistic in the least. SIGH.
In 2039, scientists made 10 time macines which were to be sold to civilans. They were expensive, but I managed to afford one. You don't have to be a scientist to use it. There is a simple console on which you set a date you want to go to. You can not always go anytime. You can also put coordinates for where to go. Civilan machines can only go 30 years to past and cannot go to future. After I travel in past, I cannot travel anywhere but back in my time. That was made to prevent problems in travel.

Well, looks like this is what it takes to get me out of lurker status.

Are you telling us that, as a 30 year old architect, you managed to have enough saved up to purchase one of only TEN time machines in the WORLD?

The average take-home for an architect is in the 70-80K a year range (2015 dollars). Adjusting for, I dunno, 5% inflation over 25 years you're looking at a 2039 take-home of about 186-213K per year.

Sounds legit. You must be a really good architect.

Look who creeped out of the coffin!

Yeah, this one isn't interestingly realistic in the least. SIGH.

I wonder if he brought HODOR with him.
In 2039, scientists made 10 time macines which were to be sold to civilans. They were expensive, but I managed to afford one. You don't have to be a scientist to use it. There is a simple console on which you set a date you want to go to. You can not always go anytime. You can also put coordinates for where to go. Civilan machines can only go 30 years to past and cannot go to future. After I travel in past, I cannot travel anywhere but back in my time. That was made to prevent problems in travel.

Well, looks like this is what it takes to get me out of lurker status.

Are you telling us that, as a 30 year old architect, you managed to have enough saved up to purchase one of only TEN time machines in the WORLD?

The average take-home for an architect is in the 70-80K a year range (2015 dollars). Adjusting for, I dunno, 5% inflation over 25 years you're looking at a 2039 take-home of about 186-213K per year.

Sounds legit. You must be a really good architect.

Look who creeped out of the coffin!

Yeah, this one isn't interestingly realistic in the least. SIGH.

I'd have gone for "I'm the CEO of a very large company and have a lot of ties to the government" or something similar. Being the 2039 version of the dad from The Brady Bunch just doesn't work as well.

Perhaps he was hoping we questioned him about the kinds of skyscrapers and modern residential styles he has in his time?
