No bullshit - I am from 2039 and I'm here to help you


That's the Titor book, right? I'd like to, but last I saw on Amazon that shit was like $200 or something. If you have a PDF I'd love to take a look.

Nope, not Timetraveler's Tale. (If that's the name...) I meant this one:

Conviction of a Time Traveler: Anonymous: 9781453643181: Books

Aha! I didn't know about this book - I always thought people were referring to the other one. I'll definitely take a look.

It's Temporal Recon's book. Non-believers refuse to read it. It's a good example of what kind of evidence is needed to convince someone you are real. But, I have to say, that sometimes a few sentences can spark intuition. A FIRST IMPRESSION IS IMPORTANT.



They need to start showing this in schools or something. True openmindedness and a desire to learn new things are extremely useful. (I might go so far as to say if schools could only teach two things, it should be those, as you can learn pretty much everything else with the internet or asking people)

Perhaps a sticky with it would be a good idea?

So, I don't have an open mind because I asked him a series of questions? Also, spelling is actually an important thing to consider if you expect to become a credible person. If this offends you, then so be it. I find Walt Willis' accusing me of being a lesbian because I disagree with him on another thread to be disrespectful. I'm done trying to please people.

If you come on a message board and make a claim EXPECT opposition. Life isn't peaches and cream where everyone agrees with one another. Just omit the name calling and passive aggressive behavior. I am going to analyze peoples' claims and the only person that decides if it can remain on his message boards is Num. If he has a problem with anything I say, he'll let me know. If not. Oh well. You'll just have to prove your own case. It's called conversation and debate.

People WILL disagree and THAT is not disrespectful.

Did you accidentally reply to the wrong post? Because I have no idea why this reply is aimed at me, lol. I didn't say anyone didn't have an open mind. I was just saying if there are two things that will get you furthest in life, it's a desire to learn new things, and a mind open to accepting those things. Stuff like spelling comes as a consequence of those two things. (You have to admit that you're spelling something wrong and want to learn the right way in order to learn to spell something correctly, for example) If you lack either of the two traits your growth as a person is inherently limited to what others can push you to do.

walt willis

Senior Member
The very word "Lying" implies the intent to deceive another.

I nor anyone that I know on earth has to the best of my knowledge the ability to read another persons thoughts.

I respectfully disagree with your idea of playing nice with others, but I do love your head gear...


Active Member
Hello. I come from 2039 and as you may have seen in John Titor's preductions, future looks bad, but I'm here to try and change it. I'm not like Titor. I will be happy to answer any questions to prove I'm from future and I need to get my message heard.

Can you take people back into the past? If so, how far back into the past?

Michael Ford

New Member
Hello. I come from 2039 and as you may have seen in John Titor's preductions, future looks bad, but I'm here to try and change it. I'm not like Titor. I will be happy to answer any questions to prove I'm from future and I need to get my message heard.
Okay, people, it has become clear to me that nothing I’ll say could convince you I’m from future, but maybe I shouldn’t be angry because when I imagine myself in 2014., I wouldn’t believe a ‘time traveler’ no matter what. I’ll be able to leave at Sunday and I’ll do so. Now I’ll reveal everything you could find interesting I know about time travel.
When the guy with The Walking Dead profile picture asked me do I believe in the worldline theory, I said I do, but I do not think it works like you may think. I could never believe that every good man is a bad man in another worldline because I’m a Christian. My friend once described me how he thinks worldlines function:
For every minute that has passed in the universe history there is a different worldline. During the first minute of the universe history there was one worldline:
@ (that’s the symbol I’ll use)
During the second minute of universe history, another worldline was created.
@@In the second, original worldline was 1:01 minutes in universe history and in the first there was 0:01. You get where I’m going? So he thinks that, when we time travel, we go to the worldline in which de desired time is happening now.
This is not a completely believable theory because that would mean that divergences are based on the worldline which has time travel and that is not only one worldline and some worldline can’t be divergent on two different ways.
Are there sets of worldlines with different divergences?
divergence 0.3 - @@@@@@
divergence 0.2 - @@@@@@
divergence 0.1 - @@@@@@
divergence 0.0 - @@@@@@ (of course, there are divergences between 0.1 and 0.2, this is simplistic)
My time machine is not like something from Back to the Future. It’s closer to TARDIS. It’s a big, white box with a tough door (you know, those doors on spaceships, no air can get through them). On the top of it is a shining cone which is connected to the power supply, a device on the right of the machine. On the left is an X-ray vent connected with a lot of big and smaller devices around the machine. There are also some things in the rear, connected with the console in the middle, which has a LOT of cables connected to it. There’s not very much space around, but there is enough to sleep if you would travel far in the past. There are also some sensors all around the top of the machine which scan the environment and help the machine blend in it. As I stated, you cannot always go anytime. It’s a wormhole thing, you gotta have the right wormhole to travel somewhere. When you travel to past, you must go back to your time. You do not return to the very moment when you set off. You return in the time where as much time has passed as that has passed for you on your travels (if you want to return to the very time you set off, you won’t return to your worldline – yours has moved on.
Maybe it’s smart to mention that these 10 machines aren’t the first ones ever produced – government had them before, but not everyone could’ve used them, just scientists when they need something from past.
These 10 models aren’t final models, they’re test models. Final models will look much better (not so much cables everywhere). I can only use this until the September of 2039 (it was June when I left off). I had to sign a contract and take full responsibility for everything that happens to me on my travels. Before that machine sets off for somewhere it sends a signal to the base saying when and where I go. It also sends a signal when you return. This is used to help people if they get stuck somewhere and to monitor them. Somewhere in 2040’s scientists plan on mass producing time machines.
I told you I’m here to warn you about the possibility of nuclear war and raise the awareness of the dangers that nuclear weapons bear. I pray to God that nuclear war doesn’t happen in this and many other worldlines.
I wouldn’t just mess around with stuff like nuclear war just to scare people. If you don’t believe me, that’s OK, but please, don’t post on this thread.
I'm just leaving. Stop fighting, stick together, prevent the war. Make a difference and NOBODY DIES. I might come back one day.


Active Member
Hello. I come from 2039 and as you may have seen in John Titor's preductions, future looks bad, but I'm here to try and change it. I'm not like Titor. I will be happy to answer any questions to prove I'm from future and I need to get my message heard.
Okay, people, it has become clear to me that nothing I’ll say could convince you I’m from future, but maybe I shouldn’t be angry because when I imagine myself in 2014., I wouldn’t believe a ‘time traveler’ no matter what. I’ll be able to leave at Sunday and I’ll do so. Now I’ll reveal everything you could find interesting I know about time travel.
When the guy with The Walking Dead profile picture asked me do I believe in the worldline theory, I said I do, but I do not think it works like you may think. I could never believe that every good man is a bad man in another worldline because I’m a Christian. My friend once described me how he thinks worldlines function:
For every minute that has passed in the universe history there is a different worldline. During the first minute of the universe history there was one worldline:
@ (that’s the symbol I’ll use)
During the second minute of universe history, another worldline was created.
@@In the second, original worldline was 1:01 minutes in universe history and in the first there was 0:01. You get where I’m going? So he thinks that, when we time travel, we go to the worldline in which de desired time is happening now.
This is not a completely believable theory because that would mean that divergences are based on the worldline which has time travel and that is not only one worldline and some worldline can’t be divergent on two different ways.
Are there sets of worldlines with different divergences?
divergence 0.3 - @@@@@@
divergence 0.2 - @@@@@@
divergence 0.1 - @@@@@@
divergence 0.0 - @@@@@@ (of course, there are divergences between 0.1 and 0.2, this is simplistic)
My time machine is not like something from Back to the Future. It’s closer to TARDIS. It’s a big, white box with a tough door (you know, those doors on spaceships, no air can get through them). On the top of it is a shining cone which is connected to the power supply, a device on the right of the machine. On the left is an X-ray vent connected with a lot of big and smaller devices around the machine. There are also some things in the rear, connected with the console in the middle, which has a LOT of cables connected to it. There’s not very much space around, but there is enough to sleep if you would travel far in the past. There are also some sensors all around the top of the machine which scan the environment and help the machine blend in it. As I stated, you cannot always go anytime. It’s a wormhole thing, you gotta have the right wormhole to travel somewhere. When you travel to past, you must go back to your time. You do not return to the very moment when you set off. You return in the time where as much time has passed as that has passed for you on your travels (if you want to return to the very time you set off, you won’t return to your worldline – yours has moved on.
Maybe it’s smart to mention that these 10 machines aren’t the first ones ever produced – government had them before, but not everyone could’ve used them, just scientists when they need something from past.
These 10 models aren’t final models, they’re test models. Final models will look much better (not so much cables everywhere). I can only use this until the September of 2039 (it was June when I left off). I had to sign a contract and take full responsibility for everything that happens to me on my travels. Before that machine sets off for somewhere it sends a signal to the base saying when and where I go. It also sends a signal when you return. This is used to help people if they get stuck somewhere and to monitor them. Somewhere in 2040’s scientists plan on mass producing time machines.
I told you I’m here to warn you about the possibility of nuclear war and raise the awareness of the dangers that nuclear weapons bear. I pray to God that nuclear war doesn’t happen in this and many other worldlines.
I wouldn’t just mess around with stuff like nuclear war just to scare people. If you don’t believe me, that’s OK, but please, don’t post on this thread.
I'm just leaving. Stop fighting, stick together, prevent the war. Make a difference and NOBODY DIES. I might come back one day.

Unfortunately it looks like the point of no return has been passed in this worldline, and a ww3 is inevitable probably kicking off by march next year. And this is the governments were talking about, people unfortunately WILL die in a civil war caused by what I mentioned earlier. The world at the moment is like a game of chess, a game involving us as the pieces.


I was fine until I was blamed and attacked for asking legitimate questions. But at least now I don't have to begin an investigation, my first step of which would have been Num confirming by IP address if he was really from Croatia. I really didn't feel like wasting my time on him, anyway. I'm waiting and curious to see what Titor has to say very soon.
