I hate to bitch and moan but I will. Weather is bad, rain and nasty. I'm here during lunch and have a light work load this P.M. but the fact is that it doesn't seem that a lot of members are interested in the continuning of this site. It's a damn good site, I'd likke some more topics but what is here is interesting. I could site some sites with some interesting topics for examplle but that's sorta tacky and I won't insult anyone by doing it. A lot of work with into this place, from all I can find, and it's an insullt to let all their efforts just lay flat. Maybe it's the weather, time near Christmas, heell, I don't know if I'm just not in a "bitchy mood" because it's Wed. and it's raining, or it might be the phase of the moon. I just think a lor of work, time, and effort went into this place and I, for one, worry that if it isn't use more, it will simply vanish, which will REALLY PMO .!!!


Senior Member
I love this Forum! The features are GREAT and the format is too. Easy to use and visually pleasing. I wish we had more participation, but people seem to want to view more than post. It is indeed unfortunate. Hoping things will pick up some day. Time will tell.

Time may tell but I perfer bribery, beats use of force, ie; kidnapping and chaining to a keyboard.:ROFLMAO:

Thanks "Sam", though I feel odd calling you "Sam" with that photo, assuming it is you, and no, I really am not a dog, Just a single male from North Carolina. Drop by, if so inclined sometime. ;)


hey you grouchy old hound I am in here two or three times a day and do make coments too haven't been posting topics to much of late but don't have alot of time right now anyway yeh it is kinda slow but hey your back now so keep sturring the pot and it will pick up I'm shure :D
Figured if I stepped on enough tones or jerked on enough chains, I might stir up some signs of life. NO OFFENSE WAS EVER INTENDED, just doing a check to see who was around , note the word "around", not hooked up as in life support to the pc. I can get on here when not seeing pts., some cancel, which gives me free time , but I don't get any money for no services rendered, so I guess I get crnky and just a little bitchie but ya'll are family and I'll not be taking "cheap shots" ever in public and seldom in private. Must be a does of PMS I got from my date last night.:ROFLMAO:
Actually I do stuff like this just to get to know folks and NOTHING PERSONAL in ANYWAY, is inteended to be negative or seen as a "slap in the face", cause i wasn't here for a while and was welcomed back. Thanks for the comment "Santa". I appreciate it and yes, you are here as much as anybody. Now saying that, who else will I PO tonight?:ROFLMAO:


Paranormalis is doing well compared to last year and the year before, thanks to more members contributing. We get a nice amount of new posts every day. I remember in 2009 when I acquired this place: A 20 posts week was a busy week back then.

I'm trying to find some time to spend on here and have a steady daily presence on the board like I used to, rather than being the "1 post every 2 days" kind of administrator. I used to post a lot back then, I want to get back into it again. I keep an eye on the site though, I'm able to log in from basically everywhere on my iPhone, so I'm always available if you guys want me to know about something I perhaps didn't notice.

As far as being active, I agree that a lot of people around here are readers rather than posters. That's not an problem, unless all posters become readers! :p Readers gotta know that even if they post one short message once every few days or week, it'll make a difference. Just register and let people know you enjoy their post. It's simple as that. :)

If you have friends who enjoy discussing paranormal, just let them know about Paranormalis!
