Ouija boards 2008

Re: Ouija Boards

Some say if you piss them off, they will follow you everywhere. I heard once on tv that some people heard some noises from "dead people" you know. I'm keeping an open mind here, maybe that's not the kind of stuff to laugh at, even if it's sometimes shitty.
Re: Ouija Boards

well I wish you all the luck from twenty lepracons, and hope you see what you want. just don't sign anything untill the next day ok ????
ya know 24 to cool off
Re: Ouija Boards

Numenorean7 said:
Some say if you piss them off, they will follow you everywhere. I heard once on tv that some people heard some noises from "dead people" you know. I'm keeping an open mind here, maybe that's not the kind of stuff to laugh at, even if it's sometimes shitty.

Maybe the whole negative thought stuff is valid..like if you entertain negative thoughts alot then that is what surrounds you and being negative becomes more comfortable..When I say negative I mean REAL neg stuff....like the stuff that is so bad that almost nobody keeps it in their head...when people are obsessed with hurting others or envy or pettiness indifference......and it can get worse.......:( Negative energy hangs out in space and If we want to we can feel it....
Re: Ouija Boards

That makes sense, that's probably the stuff to avoid when playing. They say if you're careful to stay positive, right, and to ask valid questions, it's going to be ok.

The mood you're in seems to be pretty important to.

Re: Ouija Boards

Numenorean7 said:
That makes sense, that's probably the stuff to avoid when playing. They say if you're careful to stay positive, right, and to ask valid questions, it's going to be ok.

The mood you're in seems to be pretty important to.


I agree that the mood you are in is important..neg attractes neg.
Lots of people seem to think that they can be negative and scary all the time and they are just playin' but its like waiting for the other shoe to drop..it will and someone always gets hurt.....I havent seen an Ouija Board in YEARS...I wonder what it would be like today?
Re: Ouija Boards

It matters not what material the doorway is made of; the fact remains, it is a doorway.

As a technologist myself; it has occurred to me on many occasions that are not these objects by which we communicate a form of Ouija board itself...
Re: Ouija Boards

well kinda, sorta, maybe. but only in the sence that you can't realy see who you are talking to.
but at least you know there alive and breathin somewhere in the world
Re: Ouija Boards

kc wildman said:
well kinda, sorta, maybe. but only in the sence that you can't realy see who you are talking to.
but at least you know there alive and breathin somewhere in the world

I do?

To make my point even more clear. Where did this technology we use come from? Shockley, the transister, and 55 years later, here we are. Getting to my point; these objects we use to communicate are high tech Ouija Boards, and we are playing with more than we can handle...
