Phil Schneider and his photo of Val "Valiant" Thor

FWIW, there is a sign I see in my neighborhood on my walks that says "Valiant". It is near the gas station that was turned in to a restaurant.
Good. I've been looking for other stuff as well. This one has the information about the movie that is supposed to be coming out. But I haven't heard any more other than my first batch. I will keep you posted, though.
Is there any way we could have a forum on Valiant Thor. I do know someone wrote she knew quite a bit about him and his mission here.

here is who Val Valient Thor really is

He is clueless, i have always been skeptical of Phil, but he has no background or even what Valiant Thor was here to accomplish, he didn't crash here and he wasn't held against his well "to our knowledge"

This is the best there is on Valiant Thor, including the book.
It is a old picture, I do not believe it is a picture of Val Valiant,
in all the pictures of Val Valiant, he had jet black hair.
