Schematic Poo's Device


Lol I love it when plebians claim something as false after not bothering to wrap their neanderthal minds around how it works.
I was making a joke about the name of the device. And no one does know for sure if it works. Others on this thread have much pretty much said the same thing, about this device not having a 100% success rate. So no I'm sorry that you're wrong in this case, I don't have a neanderthal mind.
I am sorry. It was rude and obnoxious. Please accept my apology
It's ok Pegii. Don't worry about it.


Active Member
  1. I just got the device yesterday and planned on using it. I'm lactose intolerant so I eat dairy free spread. I asked Dad to get some at the shop so he went out to get that and a whole bunch of stuff. He comes back and says they don't have it. Later on I tuned the device like a HDR, rubbing my fingers along a hard surface until they become 'sticky' whilst saying what are the rates to get me into the universe I want? It was 9000 Hz. Then I crawled through the hoop and checked the fridge. No such luck. Then I went and did crawled through and checked the fridge. Again no spread. Then I did it a third time and then a forth. On the forth time I forgot to look in the fridge and gave up. I watch tv and then go to get a beer. In front of me was the spread. I nearly crapped myself. Talk about forth time lucky. I say 'why is there spread in the fridge?' To Dad who says 'I got some this morning'
    I say 'weren't they all out?' And Dad laughs and says 'what don't you remember?'
    He couldn't have gone and got spread in that amount of time unless our Nissan travels at the speed of light. He could have been messing with me but he doesn't know about my parallel universe desire so there would be no reason to secretly have spread, hide it and prank me. Yes it could be debunked I mean I got be going mad but I still think there is something weird going on with this device.


New Member
question for einstein if you are able to travel to anouther universe or world with poos device how would u return ??


Temporal Engineer
question for einstein if you are able to travel to anouther universe or world with poos device how would u return ??

I would mark the big coil loop so I know which way I went through. Then just go through the loop from the opposite side to get back where you came from.
