Senior Member
Re: Project pegasus
Sorry to hear that. Does Jarrod believe that the hdr, a radionic gizmo works also?
Unfortunately, there is a mountain of past history since the mid to late 1800's that points to radionics being less than real. In fact, those dastardly debunkers even went so far as to utilize the F word one more than a few thousand occasions.
Imagine, saying that those radionic geegaws were Fake. Takes a set of pure brass ones to go that far.
Opinion is an interesting term when it comes to the bottom line of either expressing an opinion or marketing don't you think?
This Alex Collier you referred to, would it be this Alex Collier?:
"Alex Collier claims to be a contactee with the ET race known as the Andromedans from the star system Andromeda. He describes this race as human beings that have a slightly blue tint to their skin as a result of the planet they live on."
Did you know that Michael Horn (Official North American media representative((golly!)) of Billy the one armed farmer, FIGU's saint) has been throwing stones at Alex Collier calling him a fake and that he's stolen much of Billy's ideas? Pot calling kettle black?
Would his real name be Ralph Almagran. Does he "channel" Aliens?
You don't think the Andromidans have been stealing our Oxygen do you? Unlike the woo woos at hdr central who seem to eschew the foundations of Science for that of temporal "Just So" stories, would it not be a good idea to research that tidbit regarding Oxygen first? After all, not every contactee has a pedigree when it comes to being above board and truthful. Especially IF they happen to be selling something.
If I'm not mistaken,
Total loss since start of industrial revolution
1 Pmol = 10^15 mol
"So the total estimated industrial O2 depletion on Jan 1, 2005 would have been (35.3)/(37050)x100 = 0.095% of the preindustrial amount."
Read more:
That's LESS than 1% since the industrial revolution.
"" This mix of CO2 and H2O vapor are primary gases which come out of a car's tailpipe. Interestingly, these two byproducts are also the two things which plants need to take in to produce glucose and release Oxygen""
~Same link as above~
Fancy that. It looks as if ol Ralph Almagran/Alex Collier may not be as credible a source for Aliens that go bump in the night after all. Inquiring minds want to know, does he happen to be selling anything like books, CD's, Secret Reports...?
Did you have another source of information to link the magic ring of magnets and wish plates to?
In case you may have wondered, I believe 1000% in ET as there's a shitload of info from the USAF an NORAD to be had.
Boy!! Jarrod does NOT WANT TO TALK TO YOU GUYS! He says you all had better find some manners first.
He doesn't care if this guy is nuts or not. He has his opinion just like everyone else-and his dreams. So leave him to them.
Sorry to hear that. Does Jarrod believe that the hdr, a radionic gizmo works also?
Unfortunately, there is a mountain of past history since the mid to late 1800's that points to radionics being less than real. In fact, those dastardly debunkers even went so far as to utilize the F word one more than a few thousand occasions.
Imagine, saying that those radionic geegaws were Fake. Takes a set of pure brass ones to go that far.
Opinion is an interesting term when it comes to the bottom line of either expressing an opinion or marketing don't you think?
This Alex Collier you referred to, would it be this Alex Collier?:
"Alex Collier claims to be a contactee with the ET race known as the Andromedans from the star system Andromeda. He describes this race as human beings that have a slightly blue tint to their skin as a result of the planet they live on."
Did you know that Michael Horn (Official North American media representative((golly!)) of Billy the one armed farmer, FIGU's saint) has been throwing stones at Alex Collier calling him a fake and that he's stolen much of Billy's ideas? Pot calling kettle black?
Would his real name be Ralph Almagran. Does he "channel" Aliens?
You don't think the Andromidans have been stealing our Oxygen do you? Unlike the woo woos at hdr central who seem to eschew the foundations of Science for that of temporal "Just So" stories, would it not be a good idea to research that tidbit regarding Oxygen first? After all, not every contactee has a pedigree when it comes to being above board and truthful. Especially IF they happen to be selling something.
If I'm not mistaken,
Total loss since start of industrial revolution
- O2 depletion from fossil-fuel burning through 2004: 35.2 Pmol
- CO2 depletion from fossil-fuel burning through 2004: 26.3 Pmol
1 Pmol = 10^15 mol
"So the total estimated industrial O2 depletion on Jan 1, 2005 would have been (35.3)/(37050)x100 = 0.095% of the preindustrial amount."
Read more:
That's LESS than 1% since the industrial revolution.
"" This mix of CO2 and H2O vapor are primary gases which come out of a car's tailpipe. Interestingly, these two byproducts are also the two things which plants need to take in to produce glucose and release Oxygen""
~Same link as above~
Fancy that. It looks as if ol Ralph Almagran/Alex Collier may not be as credible a source for Aliens that go bump in the night after all. Inquiring minds want to know, does he happen to be selling anything like books, CD's, Secret Reports...?
Did you have another source of information to link the magic ring of magnets and wish plates to?
In case you may have wondered, I believe 1000% in ET as there's a shitload of info from the USAF an NORAD to be had.