Questions to a time traveler


Apparently this timeline doesn't have any time travelers on it either.
Are you suggesting there are no time travelers in this timeline? There may have been changes in history occurring in this timeline that didn't occur in another. And once a person is a time traveler, he wouldn't want to make that knowledge public, would he?

I did say apparently. Meaning nothing that can be seen or verified. Then speculation is all that is left.

Blame the people controlling and manipulating everything Titor. They screwed you all out of seeing it for real, ...and a lot more, probably got people killed.

Selfish idiots.


Senior Member
Hi well I didn’t want to say much on here yet since I do not have more info yet . But I was referring to a guy that I came across lately who claimed to be a time traveler . But his exactly words to me and his conversation was

“ Handlers are major corporations. I work for a secret military unit “

I was waiting to get more info . But I haven’t seen him on social media for like 3 days . Then again he might be lying . And he stopped talking to me lately . I’m waiting on more info . But he seems to be the kind of person that doesn’t like to talk much with others .
You must realize that this situation in which you have encountered him, is a setting. There is a sense of intuition that really good time travelers possess, in reaching out to others that may be either curious or want to time travel themselves. I don't know how to explain this other than it's just a feeling that one has to have.

In your query about them, one often looks for a place, a time, a set of circumstances and this media of need can cover a range of issues. Sometimes they know all about you and simply come to you.

What you must realize if you make contact is, that this meeting in no way is a game. If your contacts with this person have gone cold, then maybe the cooling is out of a concern for safety involving you?

I like to plot out what and how the contacts going. But as with a horse, do not get either panicky or greedy and reign too hard.It's best to let the contact cover issues at its own pace.

One thing. If you do make contact and for whatever reason are offered an opportunity to come along with them, your next stop and what you're seeing after the jump is the real McCoy. Don't start screaming your head off in a foreign to you surroundings, as the next words that are coming out of your host mouth, are likely to be swear words.

You had asked for this, you are now there and have seen it.At all cost, keep your cool.Commit what you see to memory and draw it. Do not try and photograph it by any means. If it's a big happening in a probable history, then let it happen and above all do not interfere. Lastly' do as your host does and act within that jump target, as if you've been there all of your life.

If you make a disclosure with a permission from your host, say it once and usually make it on a qualified time travel posting board. Hope that this has helped?

9th Wave

Junior Member
@9th Wave ..."Absolution definition": Formal release from guilt, obligation or punishment...
"Absolute definition": Not qualified or diminished in anyway...

This thread title is: Questions to a Time Traveller...In my opinion i think the title should read, (No disrespect to you astrophysicsgirl)..
Questions to an "alleged" Time-Traveller...

Some random guy goes onto a social media site and says he`s a time-traveller...The chances of that being an attention seeking guy and NOT a real time-traveller is 99.999999% to infinity...You are utterly naive in believing that any Tom Dick or Harry who goes onto any social media site claiming to be a time-traveller, is speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

IF there ever was a real time-traveller, he or she would easily answer my question, they would go forward in time one week and bring back three different newspapers headlines...So, how is my simple test being used as an "Absolution" as you quoted?...Which means Who is formally released from guilt, obligation or punishment, the alleged time traveller or me?..I think you should fully understand the words you choose to put...

Quoting you again...Who says, Its a "fact" this timeline itself isnt "Absolute?"....So to you the word "Absolute" means this timeline is "not qualified or diminished in anyway"...Where is the relevance in your choice of word again??....Finally i would like to know what question YOU would ask the alleged time traveller, although personally i dont think you would ask him or her anything? :D...
Never once did i stipulate that my beliefs directed towards "harry dick" or w/e, are my valid input for time-travel.
I've merely stated that the possibilities themselves are infinite.
Rather so, is the misfortune that you have an "absolute" capability to understand or grasp why I said what I said...I'm sure your statements are regarded from ms.jedi.
You yourself are naive to think that anyone else is subjective to this timeline or personal confrontations, rather than just be open minded to the thought of it.
You don't have to believe it, you just have TO QUESTION IT.


Senior Member
@9th Wave ..."Absolution definition": Formal release from guilt, obligation or punishment...
"Absolute definition": Not qualified or diminished in anyway...

This thread title is: Questions to a Time Traveller...In my opinion i think the title should read, (No disrespect to you astrophysicsgirl)..
Questions to an "alleged" Time-Traveller...

Some random guy goes onto a social media site and says he`s a time-traveller...The chances of that being an attention seeking guy and NOT a real time-traveller is 99.999999% to infinity...You are utterly naive in believing that any Tom Dick or Harry who goes onto any social media site claiming to be a time-traveller, is speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

IF there ever was a real time-traveller, he or she would easily answer my question, they would go forward in time one week and bring back three different newspapers headlines...So, how is my simple test being used as an "Absolution" as you quoted?...Which means Who is formally released from guilt, obligation or punishment, the alleged time traveller or me?..I think you should fully understand the words you choose to put...

Quoting you again...Who says, Its a "fact" this timeline itself isnt "Absolute?"....So to you the word "Absolute" means this timeline is "not qualified or diminished in anyway"...Where is the relevance in your choice of word again??....Finally i would like to know what question YOU would ask the alleged time traveller, although personally i dont think you would ask him or her anything? :D...
Never once did i stipulate that my beliefs directed towrds "harry dick" or w/e, are my valid input for time-travel.
I've merely stated that the possibilities themselves are infinite.
Rather so, is the misfortune that you have an "absolute" capability to understand or grasp why I said what I said...I'm sure your statements are regarded from ms.jedi.
You yourself are naive to think that anyone else is subjective to this timeline or personal confrontations, rather than just be open minded to the tought of it.
You don't have to believe it, you just have TO QUESTION IT.

If YOU want to believe what is obviously a hoax, thats your business, other members and me have more critical thinking processes to make our judgements from bye bye (y) :D..

9th Wave

Junior Member
@9th Wave ..."Absolution definition": Formal release from guilt, obligation or punishment...
"Absolute definition": Not qualified or diminished in anyway...

This thread title is: Questions to a Time Traveller...In my opinion i think the title should read, (No disrespect to you astrophysicsgirl)..
Questions to an "alleged" Time-Traveller...

Some random guy goes onto a social media site and says he`s a time-traveller...The chances of that being an attention seeking guy and NOT a real time-traveller is 99.999999% to infinity...You are utterly naive in believing that any Tom Dick or Harry who goes onto any social media site claiming to be a time-traveller, is speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

IF there ever was a real time-traveller, he or she would easily answer my question, they would go forward in time one week and bring back three different newspapers headlines...So, how is my simple test being used as an "Absolution" as you quoted?...Which means Who is formally released from guilt, obligation or punishment, the alleged time traveller or me?..I think you should fully understand the words you choose to put...

Quoting you again...Who says, Its a "fact" this timeline itself isnt "Absolute?"....So to you the word "Absolute" means this timeline is "not qualified or diminished in anyway"...Where is the relevance in your choice of word again??....Finally i would like to know what question YOU would ask the alleged time traveller, although personally i dont think you would ask him or her anything? :D...
Never once did i stipulate that my beliefs directed towrds "harry dick" or w/e, are my valid input for time-travel.
I've merely stated that the possibilities themselves are infinite.
Rather so, is the misfortune that you have an "absolute" capability to understand or grasp why I said what I said...I'm sure your statements are regarded from ms.jedi.
You yourself are naive to think that anyone else is subjective to this timeline or personal confrontations, rather than just be open minded to the tought of it.
You don't have to believe it, you just have TO QUESTION IT.

If YOU want to believe what is obviously a hoax, thats your business, other members and me have more critical thinking processes to make our judgements from bye bye (y) :D..
I never once said the titor situation was real, i merely said I met someone who indicated the possibilities, regardless if it was social media.
mind you, i've actually lived in the "area" where titor supposedly lived.
Titor itself, was created maybe for this exact reason, "controversy".
