Ren's Predictions for the US: Beyond Time-Travel Now


Senior Member
..meanwhile, militias continue to flex their strength in Texas to keep out illegals. More and more people are considering the militias as a hobby as they are working less than 30 hours a week now.
This is the news I am interested at this time.

Detroit flooded.
Long Island flooded.

Ferguson, Missouri is having days of race riots over the police shooting death of Michael Brown.
The Feds take over then pass the power to the state police while insisting that the local Ferguson police are no longer in charge.
These protests have extended to New York City.

Ebola is being contained in Africa by quarantining people to small areas within drawn lines.

Isis(The Islamic Caliphate State) now controls the Mosul Dam and threatens a biblical Noah flood. Flooding could indeed kill over 500,000 people in the area.

If you do a Google search on these key words;

"John Titor" flood
"John Titor" race war
"John Titor" wasn't just talking about beef
"John Titor" Caliphate'll find all my posts about these subjects dated before they happened within a span of 2 months.
ISIS is not operated by Islam, they were originally, and they had nothing to do with 9/11. They are fraudulent.
The things that are going on over there are beyond horrific. Otherworldly. Demonic, even.
It is absurd.
What I do not understand is why we do not have intervening forces yet; we have very blatant need for assistance but I am not sure how this is going to play out. By intervening forces, I mean otherworldly.
The next 2 years are going to be of utmost interest.


This is the news I am interested at this time.

Detroit flooded.
Long Island flooded.

Ferguson, Missouri is having days of race riots over the police shooting death of Michael Brown.
The Feds take over then pass the power to the state police while insisting that the local Ferguson police are no longer in charge.
These protests have extended to New York City.

Ebola is being contained in Africa by quarantining people to small areas within drawn lines.

Isis(The Islamic Caliphate State) now controls the Mosul Dam and threatens a biblical Noah flood. Flooding could indeed kill over 500,000 people in the area.

If you do a Google search on these key words;

"John Titor" flood
"John Titor" race war
"John Titor" wasn't just talking about beef
"John Titor" Caliphate'll find all my posts about these subjects dated before they happened within a span of 2 months.

I have to admit, you were posting about flooding on Twitter. You posted a song that said "don't worry" before I went on that radio show and had a self esteem issue afterwards. You psychic, Ren? ;)


Senior Member
This is the news I am interested at this time.

I have to admit, you were posting about flooding on Twitter. You posted a song that said "don't worry" before I went on that radio show and had a self esteem issue afterwards. You psychic, Ren? ;)

I'm not psychic and I'm not insane. But it wouldn't hurt if I was called these things. It keeps people from bothering me.

walt willis

Senior Member
Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”. Kissinger, the most famous living practitioner of international statecraft
By Alfred Heinz Global Research, February 15, 2013

NEW YORK – USA – In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East.

Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan apartment, the elder statesman, who will be 89 in May, is all too forward with his analysis of the current situation in the world forum of Geo-politics and economics.

“The United States is bating China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them. We’re like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it’s bang bang.

The coming war will will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that’s us folks. This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete super state because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us.

O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment.”

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”

Mr. Kissinger then added: “If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”

After pausing for a few minutes to collect his thoughts, Mr Kissinger, carried on:

“We told the military that we would have to take over seven Middle Eastern countries for their resources and they have nearly completed their job. We all know what I think of the military, but I have to say they have obeyed orders superfluously this time. It is just that last stepping stone, i.e. Iran which will really tip the balance. How long can China and Russia stand by and watch America clean up?

The great Russian bear and Chinese sickle will be roused from their slumber and this is when Israel will have to fight with all its might and weapons to kill as many Arabs as it can.

Hopefully if all goes well, half the Middle East will be Israeli. Our young have been trained well for the last decade or so on combat console games, it was interesting to see the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 game, which mirrors exactly what is to come in the near future with its predictive programming. Our young, in the US and West, are prepared because they have been programmed to be good soldiers, cannon fodder, and when they will be ordered to go out into the streets and fight those crazy Chins and Russkies, they will obey their orders.

Out of the ashes we shall build a new society, there will only be one superpower left, and that one will be the global government that wins. Don’t forget, the United States, has the best weapons, we have stuff that no other nation has, and we will introduce those weapons to the world when the time is right.”
End of interview. Our reporter is ushered out of the room by Kissinger’s minder.


Active Member
One of my old professors from college also stated just a few weeks ago that World War III is inevitable. Buckle up people Ezekiel 38 and 39 is on its way.


This is the news I am interested at this time.

I have to admit, you were posting about flooding on Twitter. You posted a song that said "don't worry" before I went on that radio show and had a self esteem issue afterwards. You psychic, Ren? ;)

I'm not psychic and I'm not insane. But it wouldn't hurt if I was called these things. It keeps people from bothering me.

I never called you insane.

walt willis

Senior Member

Here is the way I see the world of politics.

The leaders of the three great powers of the world all have a economic problem as there are way too many useless eaters in their respective countries.

To fix the problem they must reduce or remove the N/P non productive people or face an economic collapse.

War would accomplish the needed reduction nicely.

Now for the leaders to remain blameless they need the other country to justify the next war.

This way they will be able to come out smelling like a rose.

Ussher in the now world order...

With half the people gone it would be easy to control the other half.

Wake Up people...


This is the news I am interested at this time.

I have to admit, you were posting about flooding on Twitter. You posted a song that said "don't worry" before I went on that radio show and had a self esteem issue afterwards. You psychic, Ren? ;)

I'm not psychic and I'm not insane. But it wouldn't hurt if I was called these things. It keeps people from bothering me.

My point was that you knew before I did that I was gonna freak out a little bit, unless it was just intuition based on my personality. You are not insane.
