Reverse sneeze erections?


Senior Member
Some people sneeze when aroused (sneeze erections), but I get erections when I sneeze, which I can't find in any medical books. Very inconvenient when combined with allergies.

Does anyone else know about this condition?


Senior Member
Some people sneeze when aroused (sneeze erections), but I get erections when I sneeze, which I can't find in any medical books. Very inconvenient when combined with allergies.

Does anyone else know about this condition?

Worst topic you've ever created no offence. rofl.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Some people sneeze when aroused (sneeze erections), but I get erections when I sneeze, which I can't find in any medical books. Very inconvenient when combined with allergies.

Does anyone else know about this condition?
nope but i found that certain frequencies when applied to my third eye area and throat trigger sneezing to like as if im allergic to it and there's nothing on the internet about that either.


Senior Member
Some people sneeze when aroused (sneeze erections), but I get erections when I sneeze, which I can't find in any medical books. Very inconvenient when combined with allergies.

Does anyone else know about this condition?
Yes, basic Freudian reading where the sneeze is sup[posed to be the auxiliary mechanics box related to the orgasm. With covid having gone around and this virus upsetting the human body by altering its DNA this should be a common problem.

There was also a dug a few years back that when a person yawned after taking it they would orgasm. There are double redundant systems built into the human body, but these can't really be considered as a fetish as the have a basic bio-physical basis in being and assisting the rest of the bodies physiological functions. Lamdo


Senior Member
Yes, basic Freudian reading where the sneeze is sup[posed to be the auxiliary mechanics box related to the orgasm. With covid having gone around and this virus upsetting the human body by altering its DNA this should be a common problem.

There was also a dug a few years back that when a person yawned after taking it they would orgasm. There are double redundant systems built into the human body, but these can't really be considered as a fetish as the have a basic bio-physical basis in being and assisting the rest of the bodies physiological functions. Lamdo

Yes a fetish is usually associated with some kind of psychological deal,
whereas basic biology is different. Some things are misunderstood
as fetishes that are actually not fetishes but just basic reactions
to things. Yet not everyone reacts to said things at all or even
the same way. So those not in the know assume they are psychological
in basis when they are not. I do not believe that liking certain parts
of female or male anatomy is necessarily a fetish or just that seeing certain things
elicits a basic biological response that is not reflective of anything psychological.
I have seen very dumb people try to argue that certain things like
liking big boobs is a result of the media oversexualization and blah blah blah
No. It's just that everyone is different and reacts to things differently.
A fetish to me is more "I need to be dumped in peanut butter and jelly to get aroused
because I have this fond memory or blah blah"

But if you feel sexual urges or sensations by seeing something it isn't necessarily
tied to anything other than simply having said urges.
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