Robots take our jobs away


Junior Member
I'm surprised at many of the statements you made. I certainly hope you weren't taught any of this socialism you spout. Socialism is the most destructive form of government in existence. Where there is no freedom. There is not enough of anything to go around for everyone. No one has to work. And you don't have any possibility of escaping from this horrible type of existence.

There is enough for everyone, more than enough, but it's distributed improperly worldwide and inside countries. Not everyone does have to work, as proven by the Monarchy, or by unemployment figures. Everything you describe is already the case as it stands. Class mobility is very difficult, moreso than ever.


New Member
Its good to know that President Trump is concentrating more on producing goods within the US, i believe in protectionism not Globalism!..
For example he wants US made Steel, Iron and Concrete, which obviously means more jobs for US people and more good news, since January this year, 300.000 more jobs have been created(y):)..
Agree. The problem is that America has become a mostly "service" economy. "Real" money comes from "producing" items for sale. Presently, we are merely passing the same money in a circle. I pay you to cut my lawn, you use that money to buy a burger, the burger guy uses that money to pay me to repair his car, and on and on.


Senior Member
A large supermarket chain here in Australia is trialling Robots. Not sure if it's at night at first packing will have to get more information of the plan.


Senior Member
When robots artificial intelligence matches that of the highest IQ people in the world, they will become the masters of our planet..
Is there an old movie which covers that scenario? :unsure: :D..

start at edge

Active Member
From my point of view, no matter how advanced an artificial intelligence may be, it could not “dominate” or “take over” in the real sense of these words, a biological form of intelligence (society), again no matter how primitive this one would be, because of that little (yet huge) thing we call consciousness. I also think it will never be possible to “upload” and “equip” an artificial intelligence with consciousness, because intelligence and consciousness are completely separate issues.
Intelligence is what makes one advanced or primitive, consciousness is what makes one good or evil.
One can not program into a machine to be good or evil, only to be advanced or less advanced. Take the following example:
A car manufacturing company is owned and directed by a human. This human decides to acquire intelligent robots to do the work of ALL workers (designers, engineers, mechanics, electricians, welders, etc.). The cars that are produced such way, in reality and practically are much cheaper because the company does not need to pay wages to anybody.

Now ..

  1. The company owner can put these cars on the marked at their real price (very low)
  2. The company owner can put these cars on the marked at the same price as when having employees

If (1) then the company owner is not a good person, also not necessarily evil, just doesn’t care about the people who used to help him becoming rich, but only about keeping his usual benefit (profit).

If (2) then:
A) If the owner collects for himself the entire profit (which is much more substantial than usual), then he is an evil person.
B) If the owner continues to pay some percentage to the former employees even if not calling then at work, then he is a good person.

So, it is the human that decides to do something evil or something good. A robot will always do what he was programmed or taught to do – WITHOUT ASKING FOR A SALARY. I do not believe that an artificial intelligence will ever come to the point where negotiating with a human it will say “OK, I’ll do this job, but how much will you pay me for it ?” .. as it knows precisely that earning money makes absolutely no sense to a robot, as money is part of those things that a robot will never need in order to function.
I think that in a robot it would be impossible to even implement the sort of intelligent thinking that goes “please do not power me OFF, do not shut me down”, as a robot does not perceive his being as “life” (which is priceless for a human being). In this aspect, it is also (some) humans who would become jealous to know that a particular robot will “live” much, much longer than himself, as such type of human could not get to the point of accepting that “to live” and “to last” are completely different notions.
If I would have the chance to be offered having my brain uploaded to some machine (computer driven robot, for example), I would definitely refuse. This is also called “free will”. No matter how advanced an artificial intelligence may be, it will never be able to have real “free will”, as this is somehow part of consciousness. Then, it is also a lot about “morality”. I think that not even all quantum computers connected together would be able to compute and simulate morality or consciousness.
There already are intelligent systems that were instructed to do evil things (more or less), but they were programmed this way, this feature did not come out from any consciousness or moral thinking of these systems. There were humans who decided to program them this way.


Senior Member
Artificial Intelligence will be the collective types of Integrated Circuitry (ICs) all working together for a common purpose, admittedly they don't have consciousness...All of us have seen the movies where the AI take over a countrys defensive and offensive electronic systems, they are the scenarios iam convinced will happen in the foreseeable future....Every AI is amoral, and I don't believe for one second that the AI contains the "psychic signature" (Good or Evil) of the person who originally designed the circuitry, which we have all seen in some of those movies..

The A1 system would be built around a quantum model that incorporates quantum entanglement, needed for extremely fast information getting to the USA nuclear defence/offensive operations as an example.....Any threat information on the internet would be collected through a series of AI all of which are monitoring 24/7, and operating at speeds beyond Shors Algorithm for quantum computers....Other types of AI monitor Radio and TV Frequencies, Cell Phones, Satellites.....Any type of information coming from hostile countries such as North Korea, China and Russia, would be code broken and if necessary, acted upon.....Within a millionth of a second, the USA defence system would be on full operational alert...
