Solutions for Natural Climate Change


Senior Member
He hasn't bought it, yet, but yeah, the shadow bans are severe. I had a 24k account once and got almost NO responses. I deleted the account when they removed Trump. I'm back now, but struggling. Big Brother is big on censorship! So, anyway, I posted this stuff on Twitter and nobody cared. Zero. They only care if you fear monger.
Paula, is that "Big Brother" one of those far left scumbags i spoke about in my previous posting to you?


Senior Member
Lost cities under ocean level show that nature does these things in cycles, but this time it happens faster than ever in the past 800000 years of fossil recordings. Slow changes are nothing to worry about due to evolution, but fast changes made Australia into a desert and dinosaurs go almost extinct. (Smaller dinosaurs are just called birds because they survived.)

Ocean levels are easy
If people just stop building new houses where land will be flooded 50 years from now, moving megacities will come at no additional cost. It will actually make it easier to standardize train tracks across countries and build cities right from the beginning without traffic jams. Problem is that people were already given permission to build on land that will be flooded during the lifespan from short sighted investments, which is just plain stupid when a place right next to it has no buildings on high ground. We built our cabin high above ocean on a mountain half a century ago and will have no problems.

Drought is complicated
The biggest problem is drought from groundwater being depleted from higher temperatures, so we need to cultivate a fast growing slimy durable moss that can prevent water from leaving the ground too fast. Moss, bacteria and fungus that started life on earth can live in a collapses ecosystem as long as the essentials are available. Also mutate into breaking down plastics, electronics and radioactive waste.

Water is needed
If the useless oil pipelines can be repurposed into transporting purified ocean water in reverse from harbour to oil producing desert countries, it can restore forests from desert. Just need to prevent oil producing countries from going to war in order to drive up oil prices.
