Something I noticed about JTs predictions
A series of waco like events eh?
"The war on terror"
I did a report on GW Sr before 9/11 before micheal moore came out with farenhiet and its common knowledge to anyone who does research that the bush's and the bin ladens were in cohoots. Thus 9/11 was probably allowed to happen to start this "war on terror" and invade iraq. I think that pretty soon the sh*t is going to hit the fan and some irreprible proof will arise. That along with the draft we are going to have next year (heard about it in July, just look at our military situation) will start a revolution. He said late 2004 early 2005 hrm coincidence that the elections are right there. Bush stole 2000, americans were too lazy and unorganized to do anything about it. I think they are going to push us to the edge then we are gonna decide not to take it anymore. Look at the news man. What about all the stuff he said about CERN? I read the news daily, if anything CERN is going to discover how to travel trough time. Hell maybe they already have you never know! The government is mad shady. Since the CIA has been around its been a lot more shady. Kennedy, Waco, Drug wars, selling drugs to finance cia ops, black op teams...... Now if you got a black ops team of course your going to use it and what do they do? Rig elections(2000), kill leaders or kidnap/defame them (aristade), and lots of other shady stuff. George bush SR was head of the CIA at one point, might I also add because he was 2nd choice to the position at the time (given to him by Nixon I think or the next prez). George SR was involved in watergate too. So we got a really shady ass monarchy going on here and I don't think people are gonna take it. I think about titor all the time and how pretty soon we will know if he was a hoax or not. Hopefully he was. I really hope he was. But as per the state of the world right now.... I don't beleave he was. Take heed to his warnings people tell your friends... Save a life.
A series of waco like events eh?
"The war on terror"
I did a report on GW Sr before 9/11 before micheal moore came out with farenhiet and its common knowledge to anyone who does research that the bush's and the bin ladens were in cohoots. Thus 9/11 was probably allowed to happen to start this "war on terror" and invade iraq. I think that pretty soon the sh*t is going to hit the fan and some irreprible proof will arise. That along with the draft we are going to have next year (heard about it in July, just look at our military situation) will start a revolution. He said late 2004 early 2005 hrm coincidence that the elections are right there. Bush stole 2000, americans were too lazy and unorganized to do anything about it. I think they are going to push us to the edge then we are gonna decide not to take it anymore. Look at the news man. What about all the stuff he said about CERN? I read the news daily, if anything CERN is going to discover how to travel trough time. Hell maybe they already have you never know! The government is mad shady. Since the CIA has been around its been a lot more shady. Kennedy, Waco, Drug wars, selling drugs to finance cia ops, black op teams...... Now if you got a black ops team of course your going to use it and what do they do? Rig elections(2000), kill leaders or kidnap/defame them (aristade), and lots of other shady stuff. George bush SR was head of the CIA at one point, might I also add because he was 2nd choice to the position at the time (given to him by Nixon I think or the next prez). George SR was involved in watergate too. So we got a really shady ass monarchy going on here and I don't think people are gonna take it. I think about titor all the time and how pretty soon we will know if he was a hoax or not. Hopefully he was. I really hope he was. But as per the state of the world right now.... I don't beleave he was. Take heed to his warnings people tell your friends... Save a life.