Something I noticed about JTs predictions


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Something I noticed about JTs predictions

A series of waco like events eh?
"The war on terror"
I did a report on GW Sr before 9/11 before micheal moore came out with farenhiet and its common knowledge to anyone who does research that the bush's and the bin ladens were in cohoots. Thus 9/11 was probably allowed to happen to start this "war on terror" and invade iraq. I think that pretty soon the sh*t is going to hit the fan and some irreprible proof will arise. That along with the draft we are going to have next year (heard about it in July, just look at our military situation) will start a revolution. He said late 2004 early 2005 hrm coincidence that the elections are right there. Bush stole 2000, americans were too lazy and unorganized to do anything about it. I think they are going to push us to the edge then we are gonna decide not to take it anymore. Look at the news man. What about all the stuff he said about CERN? I read the news daily, if anything CERN is going to discover how to travel trough time. Hell maybe they already have you never know! The government is mad shady. Since the CIA has been around its been a lot more shady. Kennedy, Waco, Drug wars, selling drugs to finance cia ops, black op teams...... Now if you got a black ops team of course your going to use it and what do they do? Rig elections(2000), kill leaders or kidnap/defame them (aristade), and lots of other shady stuff. George bush SR was head of the CIA at one point, might I also add because he was 2nd choice to the position at the time (given to him by Nixon I think or the next prez). George SR was involved in watergate too. So we got a really shady ass monarchy going on here and I don't think people are gonna take it. I think about titor all the time and how pretty soon we will know if he was a hoax or not. Hopefully he was. I really hope he was. But as per the state of the world right now.... I don't beleave he was. Take heed to his warnings people tell your friends... Save a life.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Hello and welcome Wead!!

I agree with a lot of what you are saying. Unfortunately many people cannot emotionally digest a lot of what you are saying. It is indisputable that the Bush family is close with the Bin ladens and the CIA is responsible for most of the terrorist activity that exists. This however differs from the information that is spewed out by the main media networks and people just cannot accept anything except for what they are conditioned to believe.

I think as more and more people wake up it makes some sort of revolution a real possibility.

Something I noticed about JTs predictions

I really think that the plausability of his predictions depends on the results of this election. I don't really mean who wins either. Both candidates seem rather shady to me. I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction. I think that for the first time ever, the electoral college is not going to vote the same way their states do. That could happen due to alot of confusion (like say multiple states having Flordia type issues) or penetration/blackmail/bribery by right or left wing orginizations. But I really have a feeling that this year it will be very clear that we didn't have a voice in choosing our leader.
Hope I'm wrong

Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Oct 18 2004, 10:35 AM
I really think that the plausability of his predictions depends on the results of this election. I don't really mean who wins either. Both candidates seem rather shady to me. I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction. I think that for the first time ever, the electoral college is not going to vote the same way their states do. That could happen due to alot of confusion (like say multiple states having Flordia type issues) or penetration/blackmail/bribery by right or left wing orginizations. But I really have a feeling that this year it will be very clear that we didn't have a voice in choosing our leader.
Hope I'm wrong

I thing that you are right about the inevitability of some sort of irregularity, some kind of election distortion. The most recent news is that Colorado may be the new Florida in terms of voting glitches, for example.

The real threat to a legitimate election is that the final decision will move past the electoral college level again, but this time due to monkeyshines by the president, who cannot absolutely rely on failed technology to win. Remember that last time Bush's side wasn't in power; this time, they have a lot of other things at their disposal, including the Justice Department.

The media that is generally viewed as pro-Bush announces that the polls favor him, but there is some desperation in the White House about now as they scramble to hold on to power. What will they do, how far will they go? How far can they go?

If the other polls are right, and Kerry can manage to win by a comfortable margin, there is actually very little that they can do to overturn it short of an actual Executive Order suspending the inauguration. In the dark however, under the ground, there is no limit to what criminal things can be done to stop Kerry.

One popular misconception is that if Kerry were to become incapacitated before the inauguration, that then Edwards would be inaugurated. I think that this is wrong, although it has never happened before that a president-elect has fallen. I think that Bush would continue to serve until another election, although it is unclear whether that election would have to wait four years.

In the event of a major terrorist attack aimed at the government (rather than at financial institutions that appear to be the actual terrorist targets), Bush could lawfully and Constitutionally declare the type of emergency allowing him to suspend the Constitution-- which, of course, includes all of the provisions for the election. There is no actual precedent for that, either, but they have carefully laid out all of the necessary foundation for such action. Last week, a Minnesota senator fled the capital; shut his office and warned his constituents not to visit DC due to the prospect of such an attack. Probably knows more than we do.

The suspension of ordinary civil law can include the postponement of the election. The polls simply do not open, and the candidates go to court to make them open. The Supreme Court hears the case and decides not to try to "second guess" the executive branch in a time of war (to use the phrase used by Rehnquist to describe his position on the issue).

By the way, the assassination of a candidate for president, not to mention the president-elect, could easily be characterized as a terrorist act meant to disrupt the election. The attempt to assassinate him is probably enough. So, bingo, you can have a terrorist attack meant to disrupt the election, providing (ironically) the legal justification for disruption of the election, and both men still walking.

We all prefer to believe that such a thing can't happen. But if this were another country, or it were a hundred or two hundred years ago, we wouldn't be too much surprised.

We are not all that much different now.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

What if we have missed the point here. Thinking out side the box, what if somebodies already know there is going to be a "problem" with voting the verification/veracity and in fact all those installations with the backwards wire if they do exist, are for folks that have tossed their TV's out the window cause they "Are Mad As Hell And They Are Not Going To Take It Any More" .. Now THERE I could see millions of ticked off Americans if Florida happened AGAIN
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

The real threat to a legitimate election is that the final decision will move past the electoral college level again, but this time due to monkeyshines by the president, who cannot absolutely rely on failed technology to win. Remember that last time Bush's side wasn't in power; this time, they have a lot of other things at their disposal, including the Justice Department.

It seems to me that you are only looking to the right for the threat. Thats ok, I am guilty of looking left a little too much. I think that as well as monkeyshines by the administration, we could look for well funded and connected leftist orginizations to pull something too. I have heard such plans being discussed. How about if it came out that both sides cheated like hell. How would we feel about that, and how would we then decide who won.
You notice that Clinton didn't use the justice department to put Gore in office. I'm not saying that Bush is clean, but are you going to tell me that Clinton was? (Interasting rumor. I heard that BC ordered the military to "enforce the lawful election of Gore, and they refused. Can't seem to confirm that one)
I honestly see Flordia as Gore trying to cheat after losing. I understand you think differently. (we can agree to disagree over that one.)

One popular misconception is that if Kerry were to become incapacitated before the inauguration, that then Edwards would be inaugurated. I think that this is wrong, although it has never happened before that a president-elect has fallen. I think that Bush would continue to serve until another election, although it is unclear whether that election would have to wait four years.

I think theres enough of a grey area there that that could cause some real trouble. I also think it won't happen. Mabey we shoulden't think of them as so diametrically opposed. Is Kerry talking about repealing the patriot act? Pulling out of Iraq? Personally, I don't see what Kerry would do differently.
It is not a conflict between left and right, rather between individualist/constitutionalist and statist. The left and the right seem to be attacking our liberties from both directions, using the conflict between them as a smokescreen. The sooner people wake up to that truth the better off we'll be. Both Bush and Kerry are statists. We're in trouble no matter which way we uhh.....roll the bones.

Last week, a Minnesota senator fled the capital; shut his office and warned his constituents not to visit DC due to the prospect of such an attack. Probably knows more than we do.

When those in power start running, try to catch up.


MOD edit - fixed quote commands
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

It is not a conflict between left and right, rather between individualist/constitutionalist and statist. The left and the right seem to be attacking our liberties from both directions, using the conflict between them as a smokescreen. The sooner people wake up to that truth the better off we'll be. Both Bush and Kerry are statists. We're in trouble no matter which way we uhh.....roll the bones.

Darkwolf / Phil,

You and I have very similar views here. There are reports of voter fraud on both sides from around the country and the election is two weeks away. What's going to happen between now and election day? I didn't quote your entire post, but I found myself thinking "He sounds like me, only less cynical." I've soured on the whole system in a major way after being a life long Republican since the early 70's. (Yes, I voted for W in 2000, thinking he would do the least harm - big mistake.) I wouldn't put anything past either of the assclowns we have running on our one-party-with-two-different-names system. The govt. has become a corrupt master of the governed, rather than the dutiful servant it once was. Loved your last line "When those in power start running, try to catch up." Classic.


P.S. Is "KYPD" a police dept. somewhere, or is it the call letters of a TV or radio station west of the Mississippi? Possibly "Keep Your Powder Dry"? Just curious.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

but I found myself thinking \"He sounds like me, only less cynical.\"

I'm working on it I'm working on it. Give me some time. I really thought the republicans were the good guys too for a while too. Unfortunatly you might have been right about Bush being the lesser evil. I think if Gore the Clintonista had been in charge, most people might think 911 was the work of the Montana Militia, and we'd have UN troops in the streets or something like that.

KYPD means keep your powder dry, but for the record, I start work at WCSO next week. (great time to start that career huh)
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Ever since i was old enough to comprehend the basic systems of government, i always thought (and was always taught) an election was an undeniably fair and just way to create or keep a leader of a given country. An election would mean the people themselves represent their country and it is their obligation to give their vote in order to exact change or to keep the system as it is. Our ability to think for ourselves and to be given the opertunity to have a say in the direction our country moves is a basic right, and the most beautiful representation of democracy. It represents our own personal freedom and gives us partial control over our own destinies.

To me, even the thought of an unjust election is utterly horrifying. I sat and watched in stark terror in 2000 as Bush was made president in the most obtuse of circumstances. The arguments over who cheated or was trying to cheat aside, that election was a complete shambles either way you look at it. The most powerful nation in the world with just under 300million citizens had a fixed (if not fixed, then at least erratic and highly suspicious) election. Many people seem to have come to a resignation that this is inevitable in todays climate, and will probably happen again. How can people be so blase about this aspect? It is a general election for crying out loud!! The citizens should be represented!! Because some uber shady meta-companies and faceless organisations who've been let to sneak in and take root over the past 40 years, we are all screwed. The only hope to really make a radical change and wipe out this highly criminal element (probably a board of white haired, secret society, whiskey drinking billionaires) is for everyone to rise up and kill those who feel they can deceive ordinary people for their own monetary gain.
Unfortunately a revolution means much bloodshed. They are rarely peaceful.

I am in utter despair at the thought that whoever wins this election, we lose. How can any of us have hope when everything is already decided for us? What is the point of living my life if my life has already been panned out for me?

This whole situation makes me feel physically sick. I just cannot believe the lethargy and ignorance of whole swathes of the population have let criminals like this be in charge. We have lost the way. Diplomacy will no longer work. The money loving leaders will now do anything to keep their tight grip on their bundles, and no one is gonna stop them.....Apart from JT's world of course.

Maybe we really have to go through with WWIII in order to have a decent chance at getting the earth back again.

A fixed election......... The most incomprehensible paradigm imaginable.
Something I noticed about JTs predictions

Look at the news man. What about all the stuff he said about CERN? I read the news daily, if anything CERN is going to discover how to travel trough time. Hell maybe they already have you never know!

CERN (if we are talking about the same thing here) is a big particle accelerator in switzerland where scientists study particle physics. If any discoveries are made there that information might be useful for learning how to travel in time, however i strongly doubt they could come up with the whole conept of time traveling at that facility.
It is useful for the science of physics to learn how particles behave in speeds close to the speed of light but whatever can be observed there will ofcourse only be one piece in the time traveling puzzle.

I think about titor all the time and how pretty soon we will know if he was a hoax or not. Hopefully he was. I really hope he was. But as per the state of the world right now.... I don't beleave he was. Take heed to his warnings people tell your friends... Save a life.

In my opinion, Titor was not a time traveler. The thing is that it doesn't at all matter. He (or the group of people who acted like one person) was able to make people actually listen to some of the most important, growing problems in the world. Democracy is nearly gone, the world economy is screwed up, the environtment is threatened, we live in a world consuming far more that is possible in the long run, etc, etc..
Even if Titors predictions are wrong, they are at the same time right. If there is no civil war in 2005 many of the points Titor made are still really important to listen to. We can't just sit around and hope someone else will make everything better, it's everyones responsibility.
