Star gate in the sea


Active Member
There are some futurists who mentioned the existence of star gates on our planet, These are allegedly gates to other worlds or dimensions. So far, several gates were mentioned, one in mountains of Afghanistan, one in Europe in Kazakhstan, one is allegedly in Babylon in Iraq(BTW US army is said to have searched for it during the occupation of Iraq between 2003-2011).
The one that created some buzz is near the straits of Aden in the Arabian sea near Yemen. This one came to news when suddenly military fleets from US, Russia and China rushed and sealed the area claiming to fight Somali piracy in the area. But the size of ships were far bigger than the small pirate boats . here is a photo:Eden.PNG


Senior Member
If pirates have access to a stargate, they can have a whole planet of pirates without their economy collapsing. Just loot something and nobody knows which planet you fled to.


Senior Member
There are some futurists who mentioned the existence of star gates on our planet, These are allegedly gates to other worlds or dimensions. So far, several gates were mentioned, one in mountains of Afghanistan, one in Europe in Kazakhstan, one is allegedly in Babylon in Iraq(BTW US army is said to have searched for it during the occupation of Iraq between 2003-2011).
The one that created some buzz is near the straits of Aden in the Arabian sea near Yemen. This one came to news when suddenly military fleets from US, Russia and China rushed and sealed the area claiming to fight Somali piracy in the area. But the size of ships were far bigger than the small pirate boats . here is a photo:View attachment 17103
Ships have been going past Aden, Yemen for 100+ years in modern times so what this has only been talked about recently or ?


Active Member
An Egyptian Scholar name Dr. Maya appeared on TV documentary and showed satellite pictures of superpowers navy fleets surrounding a certain area near Aden. That area is still unaccessable. Dr.Maya disappeared ever since.
