Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


Senior Member
woah this topic is from 2005......
amazing that it's still getting responses.
Paranormalis is the only board I've ever seen
that doesn't seem to have rules on ressurecting old
topics which I actually think is COOL.

As for Revenge of the's a really old clip of Alex Jones to explain it "BRIEFLY" lol:



Senior Member
woah this topic is from 2005......
amazing that it's still getting responses.
Paranormalis is the only board I've ever seen
that doesn't seem to have rules on ressurecting old
topics which I actually think is COOL.

As for Revenge of the's a really old clip of Alex Jones to explain it "BRIEFLY" lol:

This is a thread Num restored from some really old archives, before we lost a lot of stuff in 2007. It's the Chronovisor!

Plus, neco-posting is the ultimate form of internet time travel.

now this is podracing the phantom menace GIF by Star Wars


On a lot of sites, resurrecting old threads is seen as a bad thing. Here it is encouraged! :)

I loved that video about Darth Jar Jar. I wonder if it's true that Lucas had plans to make him the villain.

Imagine this. JJ Abrams would have brought him back for Rise of Skywalker, some 70+ years later in the timeline! "Mesa back! Mesa all the Sith! Mesa Kills!"

And You'd have Poe Dameron, with a defeated look on his face, tell us that "Somehow, Jar Jar returned..."

I'll stop here for now! lol


Senior Member
I've posted this b4 but this is the funniest Jar Jar is actually evil joke:

And yes it's been confirmed George Lucas was planning on making Jar Jar a "bad guy"

from wikipedia:

The theory stated that Jar Jar was originally intended to be a manipulative villain, but George Lucas replaced him in Episode II at the last minute with Count Dooku because of Jar Jar's unpopularity. Best would later confirm that this was partially true, as he felt it would have happened without the backlash.

Jar Jar Binks - Wikipedia

personally I think the backlash would have all dissapeared if they had made Jar Jar a Sith lord.
The sad truth is that most people prefer bad guy characters, not ALWAYS but at least half
of the time, and it's because they make them more relatable, you see their frustrations come out more etc

Me I just thought Jar Jar was goofy and funny, the prequels were ahead of their time in some ways
and more in-depth and less plain as day these guys are good and these guys are bad and also
the admitted anti-Bush propaganda in the third one (yes Bush was not that popular but people didn't want to see politics on Star Wars even though it always was to a more subtle degree) all these things combined to hurt the prequels. No they're not as fun as the originals but they offer more insight psychologically than the other ones did. Which is why it's weird I suppose that such a cartoony character like Jar Jar made it into the more "serious" hardcore Star Wars movies. Yes he can be annoying but he didn't bother me that much personally. It's "Star Wars" for crying out loud and in the first movie you see a LOT of weird annoying space aliens in the New Hope bar scene.
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Senior Member
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Sheena and I just went to see it and it exceeded every expectation I had for it. Lucas finally made a film for his adult fans and it's pretty damn good :p

A couple of the lines are corny, but overall I think this is one of the best movies of the spring/summer. Definitely go see it.
Know that there actually was a Star Wars period of time and a real Darth Vader. The augmented telling of issues is way off base in accuracy. This was past the 60,000 year ago episodes in humanic evolution. Then, according to Pleiadean tellings of human evolution Lord Vader was about twelve feet tall.

They had the level of technical prowess, but some issues they may have gotten wrong. I think, but am not sure the Sith were peaceful traders and artisans, although some could have been physically augmented to have been assassins. So it's good to ferret that truth out.

The second was that Vader never turned against the Emperor, but stayed with him. They got the part of Vader being raised at a menial level with his mother right. But Vader's real father was the Emperor himself.

This midi-chlorians stuff in the blood, is just a fantasy fixture for super human genetics engineering. Vader was hurt in a transport crash to where he was mangled, not a laser saber dual on some volcanic planet.

I probably was Vader at one time, but my temperaments greatly changed. I'm really not mad. Look what they did with the memory of Hiwatha, diving off waterfalls in what looks like a late model bathing suit. Sensationalism sells better than real press.

This might have been a star system to where the planets were extra size. This would explain the Pleiadeans size claim.

Sources, Eye on Hollywood radio talk show hosted by Liz Gibbons. Man from California says he channeled Star Wars as real past information. / The telling of past humans were giants. Pleiadean relayment of history./ The Kandahar giant from Afghanistan attacking US soldiers on patrol. Giant was said some 13 foot in height.

Abilities I have now. Still remember the bio-assisting suit I was in. Was of a high degree of technical quality and was wired into my neurological synapse. Sometimes computers just come out and talk to me. AI's old hat to me. Also markedly aware of others with an ET past like myself. Remember the body odor from the first movie when Vader talks to the emperor via hologram. Think he was my dad, but I was remotely placed away from the royal court.

Points of contention. Was bored with my life before the transport accident happened. I've always suspect it was the Emperor himself that ordered this, as I was headed for a life of crime just before the crash occurred. *Vader may have also been a magical, but not a pagan or witch. Witch-like, maybe even wizard, but not what we would term as a pagan.

This society should be off world travel capable by now. If this will never be the case, then take my word for it, it's headed for worlds of trouble.
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Senior Member
Know that there actually was a Star Wars period of time and a real Darth Vader. The augmented telling of issues is way off base in accuracy. This was past the 60,000 year ago episodes in humanic evolution. Then, according to Pleiadean tellings of human evolution Lord Vader was about twelve feet tall.

They had the level of technical prowess, but some issues they may have gotten wrong. I think, but am not sure the Sith were peaceful traders and artisans, although some could have been physically augmented to have been assassins. So it's good to ferret that truth out.

The second was that Vader never turned against the Emperor, but stayed with him. They got the part of Vader being raised at a menial level with his mother right. But Vader's real father was the Emperor himself.

This myclonals stuff in the blood, is just a fantasy fixture for super human genetics engineering. Vader was hurt in a transport crash to where he was mangled, not a laser saber dual on some volcanic planet.

I probably was Vader at one time, but my temperaments greatly changed. I'm really not mad. Look what they did with the memory of Hiwatha, diving off waterfalls in what looks like a late model bathing suit. Sensationalism sells better than real press.

This might have been a star system to where the planets were extra size. This would explain the Pleiadeans size claim.

Sources, Eye on Hollywood radio talk show hosted by Liz Gibbons. Man from California says he channeled Star Wars as real past information. / The telling of past humans were giants. Pleiadean relayment of history./ The Kandahar giant from Afghanistan attacking US soldiers on patrol. Giant was said some 13 foot in height.

Abilities I have now. Still remember the bio-assisting suit I was in. Was of a high degree of technical quality and was wired into my neurological synapse. Sometimes computers just come out and talk to me. AI's old hat to me. Also markedly aware of others with an ET past like myself. Remember the body odor from the first movie when Vader talks to the emperor via hologram. Think he was my dad, but I was remotely placed away from the royal court.

Points of contention. Was bored with my life before the transport accident happened. I've always suspect it was the Emperor himself that ordered this, as I was headed for a life of crime just before the crash occurred.

This society should be off world travel capable by now. If this will never be the case, then take my word for it, it's headed for worlds of trouble.

While many were extravagant and fascinating----Darth Vader will forever be the most awesome Star Wars Character. I feel he's the main reason it took off (Vader's voice is so iconic James Earl Jones not the original one they had planned lol). I feel Star Wars was real too---look at how heated it gets between fans who
prefer the Jedi or the Sith over the other. It's like they're talking about a real war that happened like people who talk about the Union and the Confederacy or the Allies or the Nazis. It's just as heated. Maybe we're ALL ET souls or something? I don't really know. Nor am I sure if all the authors of Star Wars know that they're channeling this stuff or not.
There appear to be far more Sith than there are Jedi. Which makes sense because with the exception of a few flaws
in the Sith philosophy there are far more flaws in the Jedi philosophy. Jedi can be wise but they are known liars. The Sith are an easier choice, and are easier to root for in most of the movies with the exception of like the first two. The irony is the "empire" are the actual rebels if you study the prequels carefully, but then again that's how every dictatorship starts so there's depth.
They were infiltrating a Supreme Jedi Council that seemed to pretty much control all the planets like the United Nations or something. Personally I always was hoping some third group of aliens would blow both the Jedi and Sith out of the skies (in the movies) and start a new group that combined the powers of the forces, more wise and balanced than either?
Someone on this board, possibly Iamdo claimed George Lucas knew about it in a dream. The only sources I know of about Star Wars being a real war between space aliens is Montauk but one thing I find interesting is there IS a lot of speculation
in the UFO field in other areas too about Star Wars even a starwarswasreallproof dot com or dot net not sure but there used to be a place where if you found proof Star Wars was real you could send the proof to some investigators it was weird.

To this date Yoda has never crash landed in my yard.
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Senior Member
I think a lot of what people view as flaws in George Lucas's storytelling are actually there on purpose
to help fuel speculation and make the movies more like a religion or something and more interesting
with people interpreting them all differently.
