Strange almost electric like buzzing jolt-like sensations in legs arms and occasionally stomach?

Never had this my entire life. Trying to figure out if I have worms or blood clots?
Any advice? I got rid of the sensations for at least two months then they came
back. I have ZERO idea what this is and can't find much info on it.
Sometimes I feel stuff moving around in my body too. I think its parasites
cuz sometimes I feel better taking coconut water or anti-parasite meds
but it's recurring and I am not sure if I'm gonna die or not or if it might
lead to a heart attack? I'm in my early thirties. It's never really
painful but it's annoying. I've made peace with the fact I might die but info would be interesting
This sounds similar to sensations of chi movement. You don't do any Taoist practices?
This sounds similar to sensations of chi movement. You don't do any Taoist practices?
if you suspect blood issues like parasites and "viral" conditions, why not check out Bob Beck's micropulser. Based on a patent registered by the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in the 90s, he gave away the designs for a cheap battery-operated version - if you are competent enough in electronics to build one - or go to Sota Instruments in Canada and get a high quality manufactured version. I've been using one since 2018 and then bought it for all my family. His original target condition was AIDS/HIV but complete remission reported for all sorts of other conditions including Lymes and respiratory infections. This site is maintained by enthusiasts: The Official Bob Beck Site — The Beck Protocol - and there are a number of old videos on Youtube of him speaking to Psytronics Association and the like.
