The Grandmother Paradox
Posted: Aug 2 2003, 08:49 AM
Posted: Aug 2 2003, 08:49 AM
Beautifully stated. You do justly portray the \"everything is math\" position as applied to a baseball game.
My contention is that the human brain factor, is wrongly portrayed in an everything is math model of the world. I also contend that more then just the human brain adds chance to the equation but lets take the brain as a basis.
If factors such as a mom's death, to the look of a new car, play roles in outcome, then in the math model universe they are quantifiable factors.
A mom's death has a greater factor then a smile by a stranger say.
The point being certain factors would have more of a bearing then others.
Further lets say a test was being given to a group of test subject. The test involved the brain, specifically memory.
The first group was told to study a list of words and try to visualize each word in the list being associated with the word next in the list. And the other group of subjects was told merely to read the list and they did not know they would be tested on them.
Now such a group would have a variety of backgrounds from mothers having died to look of new cars. But the instructions to the people would have a far greater result on the outcomes of their tests. Thus the instructions to the test takers would be a far greater factor, then the other factors. And we may see that certain factors would be meaningless, if a larger factor over road it.
So the more important factors in chaos should be able to be delineated.
If such primary factors were found then the baseball game would be simple to predict as a trip to mars.
Now I maintain free will is probably the biggest factor in determining out come, but that it is frustrated by chance.
Consider a student who has a final to take covering seven chapters they covered over five months. The student can choose not to study or to study hard making notes and memorizing formulas. This choice the student makes will have a major factor in the result he will get on the test. Minor chance factors will frustrated the student's will like remembering the wrong formula or forgetting a minus sign.
Looking forward to your response to this scenario. And my assertion that the human brain should be able to be delineated by certain primary factors if it is mechanistic.