The Grandmother Paradox
Posted: Dec 31 2003, 03:09 PM
Posted: Dec 31 2003, 03:09 PM
This concept is independent of single or multiple theory, it is a theory in it's own right.
If this happened, would the future me be my current age in the past, or would I be the same age as the past me?
In a body double theory the future you would be what ever age you were from your point of temporal departure.
In a single body theory you are back in the body you had in your arrival time. Such a form of time travel would have to be backward as there would be discontinuity in a forward jump.
Now in a single body theory there are two possibilities too.
1) The future mind is placed in the past self.
2) The past mind is restarted at that point.
Possibility 1 needs a multiple time line model to work because it implies change.
Possibility 2 you better hope is in a multiple time line model are there is an infinite loop created, of exactly repeating the same events including the time travel that is not remembered.
Actually possibility 1 is possible in a VCR model but not in it's pure sense, the past mind would be the future mind. When that person got to that point in time they would know events that would happen in the future that lead to the time travel. Perhaps this scenario is worse than scenario 2 as now you are aware of what can not be changed in the loop.