The Mandela Effect and The Bird of Hermes Initiative


Junior Member
I see what you're saying but I'm referring to finding proof as in the confirmed end result. No one will find that on here.
Those things you listed wouldn't be proof, those would be only clues that could only lead to a possible indication of whether it's true or not. With that being said I guess some possible clues would be better than nothing but having clues and having proof are 2 different things. And people always tend to think they're going to find it here and that proof can be given or found so easy over the net.

As well that's just 3rd party shit. That's not definite concrete proof. and that definitely isn't extraordinary or incredible evidence. but sometimes it's experiencing things that can only provide incredible evidence.

How hard would it be to create fake documents? Not hard at all. How hard would it be to create a 3rd party for collaborations and have others involved? Not hard at all.

what about those elaborate conspiracy theories out there that might have been created as an intention to create some kind of disinformation? There are all kinds of them out there.

All reasons why I personally would never consider these things as proof even if it were to all add up.

It would be just another needle in the haystack to find and stuff that you couldn't possibly find solid evidence or proof from by the end your investigation anyways. It would be all still only speculation with so many different variables and possibilities regarding it.

You would be getting this information over the computer remember.

It's here say there say! Just plain old possible clues to consider and follow. There would be no proof to be found there. Only a possibility of it being proof can be offered until it's seen or experienced for yourself in person.

He may very well be telling the truth for all I know.. but even if every one of his claims started adding up, that's still not definite proof. We're on the internet here.

No I don't think even a real legitimate video would clearly prove anything to most people. Even if the footage were 100% real. I know from experience.
but I guess that kind of judgment is obviously different for everyone on a site like this.

The fact of the matter is that we don't live in the times before computers came out, paranormal photos and video can be made to look real now a days and can be altered far too easy. Unless you're personally there to do the filming now a days then good luck with determining that unless the footage is filmed with an older style of camera or something.

Science is about building knowledge of how things work in the universe and it's subdivided, so what and who's type of science are you basing scientific proof off of though?
The legitimacy of certain scientific discoveries that were always considered as fact sometimes get re-examined by scientist and they learn new things that changes what they previously thought. That's why science can change and not always written in stone since the complexities of trying to understand the universe is something no one should admit to have a complete handle on. And let's face it there are lot's of ignorant scientists out there.


Active Member
Don't worry. It's a role play thread with some guy claiming a load of stuff without backing up with any proof. It has no basis in reality and has been shown to use fictional names of groups. They have yet to admit this and are trying ignore that this point was made and carry on with the story. We are currently all ignoring the elephant in the room and pretending that this person is not crazy/disturbed/hoaxing. I hope that brings you up to speed.
Oh thank goodness. I thought everyone was believing in this and that I felt like the only person who don't know what the heck everyone is talking about because to me, everyone sounds like they're speaking numbers and nonesense. I did wonder if there was proof, facts or some information that would sound logical and make us believe in all these claims.

Proof? Give me a break! No one is going to find proof through video, pictures or words. So unless he plans on taking us all on a grand tour through his organization then proof just isn't going to happen.

Even if someone were to have real legitimate pictures of something crazy, like an alien or something or video of it and were to post it on this forum, no one is going to look at those pictures or video and say they are real and think of it as proof. Even if they were real.

So why people continue to expect to be given proof is beyond me. what can be offered as proof or evidence to convince someone of anything on this forum?

You can only see the relation between what's being said compared to your own personal supernatural experiences. and that's the only hint of proof anyone's going to be able to get on here.
Dude. Chill.
