The New Civil War

The New Civil War

Im sure there is no law to stop people claiming to be timetravelers when they are not, i also dont think govenment or feds would be to intrested in busting someone who is selling all these storys and diagrams or atleast promoting them to gain buyers for tshirts and cups.
The New Civil War


What site is titor's site
[/unquote] ofcourse.

I personaly beleave that the person who is paying for website has close contact to titor or is him, i also beleave that johntitor isnt his real name.

I mean i could be wrong but i think many of people has come onto forums claiming to be time travelers and know johntitor, it has clouded many peoples judgement so that they beleave in titor more.
The New Civil War

None of us can prove Titor to be a fake, or on the up and up at this point. If he is a fake - he is a fascinating one. So far - much of his story seems to be grabbing a foothold, albeit in generalities.

One interesting thing - the Mad Cow scenario. I could envision a lot of trouble stemming from the way the govt (USDA) has handled this thing. They have refused to release their test data on the cows they ran tests on - but even MORE incriminating is their absolute refusal to allow private cattlemen to voluntarily test their own stock. If that doesn't border on unconstitutional - I don't know what does.

What possible reason could the USDA get so up in arms over that they threaten to sue a slaughterhouse if it uses its own money to test for MadCow?

Try searching "Creekstone" and "mad cow" in Google and see what you come up with.
The New Civil War

I don't think according to the scenario or what is going on we would split up neatly by states like the last civil war. The conflict would more be between people in areas that the government has turned into survalence prisons, and people who are in areas that they cannot afford to do so with, but are trying.
For places where rebels could attain strategic control, I'd look at both mountain regions. They could be shut off from ground acess, and the terrain makes hiding from aircraft easier.
I don't think that the split will actually be liberal vs. conservitave either. I think that calling it conservative/libertarian vs. neocon/neoliberal would be more accurate.
The New Civil War

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Dec 22 2004, 08:44 PM
I don't think according to the scenario or what is going on we would split up neatly by states like the last civil war. The conflict would more be between people in areas that the government has turned into survalence prisons, and people who are in areas that they cannot afford to do so with, but are trying.
For places where rebels could attain strategic control, I'd look at both mountain regions. They could be shut off from ground acess, and the terrain makes hiding from aircraft easier.
I don't think that the split will actually be liberal vs. conservitave either. I think that calling it conservative/libertarian vs. neocon/neoliberal would be more accurate.

I think you're dead on with how this could split up Darkwolf.

The New Civil War

Darkwolf you have a very good point. I was just honestly tring to strike up a good debate on what would really happen. My honest feeling are if another Civil War begin all State, county, and city border would be replaced with whatever the government or local population could build or move into place. I think the key would be who got the weapons the quickest.


Merry Holidays

The New Civil War

In all honesty, its not who can get to the weapons first. Because the US government already beholds the US Army, Navy, Airforce and Marines. And we all know which side I would be taking against.

It is a matter of time, before the US government steps on someones' shoes. And when they do, that will be the beginning of the end of the new found Dictatorship.

And by the way, those who will win the war, are those that have wit, and stamina, and determination. The United States Government, has no just cause against us, however we have a very good cause for striking back.

When the going gets bad, it'll get worse until you do something. I don't know about you guys, but sitting around here and talking about how horrible they are, is getting the least bit enervating, and nuisance. The time is now, not later.
The New Civil War

In all honesty, its not who can get to the weapons first. Because the US government already beholds the US Army, Navy, Airforce and Marines. And we all know which side I would be taking against.

It might not go that way for them. Every soldier holds a weapon, every tank crew holds a tank ect. I don't think that the whole military would follow orders like that it would be alot more confused.
Re: The New Civil War

:unsure: hello all! if you remember, john said that a waco type event would start the war , ok is anyone watching this ( minuteman project?) there seems to be a lot of saybor rattling going on...and now the aclu is making threats as is the president of mexico , i can see the us gov coming after the volenteers, they are coming in from all 50 states and at their own expence and have been labled vigilanties by the us gov, its some thing to watch ,as it starts april 1st thu the 30th and i believe the sparks are gonna fly, as g.w. seems to have little interest in procting the southern border....its still early 2005 ,this may be the excument that hits the proverbial fan.....
Re: The New Civil War

I've just return from my trip to Savannah Georgia, and I must say. This was my first time in the deep south. We did alot of adventuring, and traveling. I'd have to say I would totally change my drawing of the map. I cant believe how many military fort, and bases are in the woods, and on the coast down that way. Lots of area we couldnt go. We other stated before that it would be dangerous to be near the larger towns, I'd agree, but i'd also say it would be dangerous to be near all those bases. Even the older forts that arent used anymore. It was a pretty eye opening change of my Future Civil War idea.

