The New Civil War

Re: The New Civil War

I personally see those guys on the southern border as patriots since they are doing the job that our goverment should be doing.

I think if something does happen on the border then that could easily be a Waco type event that could just explode.

I've read reports where Mexican troops have shot at people across the border.

If Bush is supporting the Mexican's then I can see how a small fire fight could turn into an all out war on the border.

BTW has anyone ever seen the movie The Second Civil War? For some reason the idea of a state trying to break off because of immigration issues could end up really happening.

Its funny how these movies end up seeming prophetic in the long run.
Re: The New Civil War

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mai\")</div>
From what I see/hear/read, I don't think there will be a second American Civil War anytime soon. You have a lot of people who are not happy with the current administration, you have a lot of evidence for vote fraud/irregularities, but you don't have a big event that would drive people into action. Everybody thought the election is going to be such a big event, but it looks like (from what I read and from the Americans I talk to) people just don't want to take action.

Even Ukraine's and Kyrgyzstan's elections were a lot worse than ours, and they didn't disolve into a civil war.
Re: The New Civil War

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Timescholar\")</div>
Even Ukraine's and Kyrgyzstan's elections were a lot worse than ours, and they didn't disolve into a civil war.[/b]

No, but they deposed the unpopular leaders. The fed. govt. has a lot more power here and the situation we have in the US is that those in govt. rely on money, not voters to put them where they are. People are not yet squeezed enough to be mad enough to make a real stink. However, the fact that the elite will attempt to push through their agenda with no regard for what the people think will become more and more clear as the domestic situation worsens. According to the JT timeline (not saying it's correct but it's the only template that I know of) open civil fighting isn't common until 2010-11. What we're probably observing is the lead up, the battle lines slowly being drawn.
Re: The New Civil War

Hmmm Still thinking about John Titor's Civil War


Hmm.. Omaha is a purple county.... Hmmm...

Re: The New Civil War

If you get into a big fight before you know precisely who the enemy is, you are doomed to lose.

Agreement on the identity of the enemy between a large number of people who considered themselves opposed to each other in the past is the only chance for winning; continued dissension among us destroys the only chance.

If most of the people agreed that the government needed to be replaced, you would have a civil war and revolution without a shot fired; the level of agreement at the present time is probably between 50 and 60% of the American voting population, so apparently a simple majority is not enough.

This is why they twist the margin and set the "undecided" ones against one another.

If you had made up your mind completely one way or the other and couldn't be swayed and didn't want to hear anything more about it, you wouldn't be long on this forum or any like it.
Who benefits from political and "moral issue" squabbles-- the government or the people?
Re: The New Civil War

Why the Govt., of course. It keeps folks 'busy' much the same as the crackers or bread does at restaurant tables. If you run out of playdough early in the day, it's a safe bet that you are going to see some very agitated attendees.
Re: The New Civil War

This is why they twist the margin and set the \"undecided\" ones against one another.

Add to that that real liberals and real conservatives no longer realize that they are on the same side in the end. I think that the enemy has neatly identified themselves for us. That is anyone who has neo before their pollitical affiliation is part of the agenda.
Re: The New Civil War

The Third American Revolution, I believe is underway.

Paul J Lyon
If you had made up your mind completely one way or the other and couldn't be swayed and didn't want to hear anything more about it, you wouldn't be long on this forum or any like it.

Great Point. Look at the way the media covers the issues. At least one media station will cover, and say the otherside is wrong. They put \"smart\" people on to debate each other to confuse out personal view more. We like to have someone to cheer on. But, lately we have to cheer for the team we would usally bother watching. The problem is, it's the only game and we want to feel we are part of a team.

If you run out of playdough early in the day, it's a safe bet that you are going to see some very agitated attendees.

This would be the reason, we cover crazy story like trials, murders, and \"what would you do stories.\" Keep our minds thinking about everything else and not beng able to focus on the issues being forced upon us.

I think that the enemy has neatly identified themselves for us. That is anyone who has neo before their pollitical affiliation is part of the agenda.

Enemies are smarter then giving themselves one single way to id them. The neo thing may have some valve, it's just a word. We can't id out enemies, our view of the world is being jaded for us. If we seek the truth, we would have to trust the story tellers. Do you have a current story teller
to trust?

