The New Man of 2011: freedom from evil

Max X

Junior Member
:)The new man of 2011: Grounding and Earthing yourself

Grounding, or taking in energies from Mother Earth by walking barefooted or contacting by a metal rod and wire, has the effect of neutralizing harmful free radicals, or destructive atoms, turning them into positive influences. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms and molecules that result from exposure to background radiation and other negative environmental factors that can be neutralized by free electrons given out by the planet.
Most everyone is daily bombarded by radiation from not only obnoxious cell phones but by electrical devices like TVs, microwave ovens, computers, stereos, cell phone towers, and electric lines that enter homes to invade people's health.

Two studies done in Europe reveal that living in proximity of a cell phone tower could put your health at significant risk. Breast cancer topped the list, with an average age of 50.8 year compared with 69.9 years in the outer area away from towers, but cancers of the prostate, pancreas, bowel, skin melanoma, lung and blood cancer were all increased.

How many cell phone transmitters are in your neighborhood? Visit to find out where the antennas are in your area. By the way I would not touch a cell phone with a ten foot pole and now I ground myself while sleeping, at the computer and while exercising at a local forest.

Believe it or not we are in full-blown confrontation with the powers that be who are bound to maim and eventually to kill, the medical mafia being one their most powerful killing tools, yet Tibet and Indian monks, American Indians and the Aborigines of Australia and some African native tribes have been, both spontaneously and deliberately, grounding themselves for thousands of years.

Are you ready to start anew in 2011? Grounding yourself including if possible daily sunning and a diet of fruit and raw vegetables can be the foundation for your physical and emotional liberation.

See these two videos: also Earthing by Clinton Ober

See also the book Earthing by Clinton Ober
Wow, that's interesting! It's completely logical, with the free radicals and getting the electrons from earth. Obviously, we're animals too, we were meant to live on earth, basically. I watched the video, and, although it was a looking a bit too much of an "ad" for the guy who invented the grounding mat & everything, it was nice to see the effects it could have on that woman who had been affected by the lyme disease for so long. I think it must have a positive effect on anybody who tries it, for sure. The only thing is that I find it a bit dangerous to be "plugged" in the wall while sleeping! You have to check your whole electrical installation prior to doing this! And if you have kids, they can play with this! Not so safe.
Ahh, much better to enjoy feet in the sand, isn't it? But I understand we can't always be at the beach ! (sadly!) Hehe

Do you ground yourself like the woman in the video, with the mat and the wires and everything?
Did you really see a change? Do you feel better now? And for how long have you been grounding yourself?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm so curious about this!
Thanks for sharing, it's a nice and healthy subject, I like that! :)


:)Hello Nerdy Girl 3

Although Ober does not talk about it in his book Earthing it is obvious that if we want to survive and to thrive we must return to nature. Animals have an advantage over humans since most of them, especially wild ones, are in constant contact with sunlight, Mother Earth, fresh clean water, munching on leaves, grass and eating organic fruits and as a result hardly get sick.

Wild horses for instance, they say, very seldom catch a cold while domesticated ones are sensitive to cold weather.

What you get through the ground connection, the round hole opposite the two rectangular ones on your electric outlet, is not unsafe it is exactly the same energy you get when standing barefooted on sand, dirt or grass. So there is no danger for children or to anyone when connected indoors. You can even, if you can, put your finger into that grounding hole without any risk whatsoever.

I have been doing this for a couple of months and after reading the book I purchased the half sheet for sleeping grounded, then later on I purchased the computer mat and yesterday I got the set of bands you can put on your feet, arms or waist.

I am totally satisfied with this grounding system and as you say the thing makes sense and I wake up in the morning alert, energized and in good mood. You can feel the difference of before and after grounding.

Just today a friend email me saying she could not go to sleep last night until five oclock a.m. so I told her to get the half sheet for her bed, or the bands and she will be all right.

I have been doing natural grounding sunning and meditating barefooted in my back yard for two years now but short of sleeping outside I did not know how in the world to ground myself while sleeping indoors. Now with this great invention I can easily ground myself indoors.

This grounding thing is really a dream comes true to me. I also believe we have the responsibility to protect ourselves from the dark forces, to fight back, if not we are doomed.

Amen, brother. It is time for people to wake up to what is going on around them, and break free from the conditioned reality that has been set up for us. So much of the truth has been kept from us, to control us. Fear, guilt, lies, secrets. Time to break away from the herd. Time to awaken, and become aware. The way to turn against the dark forces is to awaken to the truth.

Thanks for the website, and definately people need to protect themselves from negative frequencies, cell phones, and the like. Stop eating their processed foods, that are so harmful to our system, destroying our immune systems, causing illness. Making us sick, and conditioning us to their medical system and stuffing pharmacueticals down our throats. Do some research people, many other countries around the world, don't allow the poison chemicals in foods, that the US government programs allow. The same companies make these products, but have different ingredients in many other countries. Aspartame, MSG, High Fructose Corn Syrup, to name a few, research what they do to the body, and this is only what we know about so far. Diet is used as prevention in many other countries, that don't have our medical system. Why do you think obesity and illness is so high in the US??? Take care of yourselves people, most companies sell products to maximize profits, not caring about your health, and if the government will allow an ingredient, and it saves them money, it will be in there. Watch what you eat, protect yourself from negative frequencies around you, and be wary of what is prescribed to you by a doctor. Change your diet, change your attitudes, and change your life for the better. Stress is one of the biggest causes of illness with your body, something that you can do something about, with your attitude and finding your own peace. Don't buy into what they say so much about your family history, which makes you believe you have no control over your own destiny. Don't choose apathy in your life. Environment is a big factor, what are you surrounding yourself with, in your own personal environment? It likely is something you don't think much about, but is time that you do.
Amen, brother. It is time for people to wake up to what is going on around them, and break free from the conditioned reality that has been set up for us. So much of the truth has been kept from us, to control us. Fear, guilt, lies, secrets. Time to break away from the herd. Time to awaken, and become aware. The way to turn against the dark forces is to awaken to the truth.

Thanks for the website, and definately people need to protect themselves from negative frequencies, cell phones, and the like. Stop eating their processed foods, that are so harmful to our system, destroying our immune systems, causing illness. Making us sick, and conditioning us to their medical system and stuffing pharmacueticals down our throats. Do some research people, many other countries around the world, don't allow the poison chemicals in foods, that the US government programs allow. The same companies make these products, but have different ingredients in many other countries. Aspartame, MSG, High Fructose Corn Syrup, to name a few, research what they do to the body, and this is only what we know about so far. Diet is used as prevention in many other countries, that don't have our medical system. Why do you think obesity and illness is so high in the US??? Take care of yourselves people, most companies sell products to maximize profits, not caring about your health, and if the government will allow an ingredient, and it saves them money, it will be in there. Watch what you eat, protect yourself from negative frequencies around you, and be wary of what is prescribed to you by a doctor. Change your diet, change your attitudes, and change your life for the better. Stress is one of the biggest causes of illness with your body, something that you can do something about, with your attitude and finding your own peace. Don't buy into what they say so much about your family history, which makes you believe you have no control over your own destiny. Don't choose apathy in your life. Environment is a big factor, what are you surrounding yourself with, in your own personal environment? It likely is something you don't think much about, but is time that you do.

Very well said CMAC, and how true.

Since USDA and the federal government are actually at war with We the People If we do not protect ourselves nobody is going to do that for us. Right now I was reading someone had sued Taco Bell because their meat is not 100% beef but about 36% real beef, yet we must go to the root of the problem: namely killing and murdering innocent creatures is a negative karma generator also it had been proved that eating meat is extremely toxic to your health and well being.

If nobody goes to eat at Taco Bell, McDonald, Burger King and other steak restaurants then they will have to close down, same with doctors, hospitals and drug stores. I have not been sick for decades, never had been in a hospital, never had operations, I don’t buy processed supermarket food, don’t watch TV, I take my water from oranges and watermelons and other fruits, don’t have or need their so-called health insurance, and very seldom shop in drug stores or pharmacies.

Have you noticed pharmacies in the USA are located in corners? Ever heard of the Corner Stone, are they trying to convey a subliminal message to the people?

We the People have the power to say NO, it is in our hands, to the evil forces of government, corporations, big pharma, the Medical Mafia and their many lies and mind manipulations put out on television, and through all their media.
I think it's a good point of view, but I think we need to be realistic a bit. Have you seen the quantity of antennas and electronic gadgets around us? It would be difficult to stay completely away from these, and not be alone in the woods, and even then... But I know it's a way of thinking we should all be transferring to, and in this way stop every company that wants an antenna near our houses from building one.
I do completely agree too (though I have a bit of difficulty to apply this to myself >_<) about eating healthy and natural food. I read a quote once in a recipe book that I found interesting: "If it's given to you in your car, it's not food!" (obviously talking about fast foods!)

There's only one thing I'm not completely agreeing. I think doctors and hospitals are needed. I understand that if we all change our lifestyles, everybody would be a lot more healthy, and we'd need a lot less medical treatments, but virus and bacterias are still present, whatever we eat. But I'm pretty sure we could be a bit more resistant to these "invaders" if modifying our way of living. And stop disinfecting every-damn-thing in our houses!!! But, we're sadly not super-heroes.

In another way, as a Vet Tech, I do see the effects of our absolutely-not healthy lifestyle in America. Animals tend to be fat, less active, have behavioral troubles, cancers, they even have depressions sometimes! Have you already seen a moose with a depression?? Ok, we wouldn't know, 'cause he would probably die alone in the woods, but anyways...
I think its true that we overuse medication, for humans, but for our companions too. They reflect our lifes. And when I see a 90 pounds Beagle, I assure you that I don't want to know what his owner eats and how he lives!
Well, put NerdyGilr3

I definately don't think we need to get rid of medications and doctors, but the current system is a mess. Big Pharma has way too much power and control over our lives. We expect some pill to take care of our problems and have taken the responsibility off of ourselves. They will gladly take the responsibility, our cash, and our health, if we allow them to, and from what I see, we are as a whole in the US for sure. Things are allowed in foods in this country that aren't allowed in many other countries, and those things, many of them just happen to be detrimental to our health.

Definately time for people to take preventative measures by cleaning up their own diets. Change the market in the process, and eventually get rid of all these preservatives and unnatural products in our foods. It may raise the prices of goods, but in the big picture it will save yourself money in less illness, more energy, and so on. If enough people are reading labels, and refusing to buy products with certain ingredients, then eventually the products will adapt to fit our purchasing cycles. This won't happen overnight, but we have the power in the numbers. But enough people have to spread the word, and change the masses for this to work. Best thing we can do is become more aware, and then not only talk about it, but do it. Set our intention, and become active in following it. So many of us talk about what we want to do, we know we need to do it, unless motivated, we don't stick to it. It is actually work, to change your behavior, and most americans at least, don't want to make the effort.

Maybe if we see it not only as helping ourselves, but mostly helping our immediate family around us, and then also positively effecting the masses, then we will step up and do it. When you change your nutrition, you also effect the nutrition of your family around you. As you educate yourself, you also educate them as well. You are doing such a favor to your significant other and your kids if you have them. When you mention to a friend that you are refusing to eat something with a certain ingredient, then the word spreads, it gets others to research into this. No telling how many people one person can actually reach, and what difference we all can make to the mass consciousness. The ripple effects can be dramatic. You don't have to preach from a soapbox, to make a difference. You don't have to be seen on a TV show, and have a Ph D to be heard. Maybe the only step you need to take is for yourself, and let the rest happen on its own, just be open to sharing with others. I think we forget the power of grass roots, or we just don't see it as openly to understand how great it can work.


Have to admit, Nerdy girl, and CMAC, I am kind of radical and my life style is quite unusual and dissimilar from regular people even from people like you who are on the right track, but I believe in the future, assuming a path of a positive probable timeline, most people will exist in harmonious contact with uncontaminated nature, as sun and nature lovers, fruitarians, raw vegetarians and/or breatharians dedicated to real freedom and the joy that life style conveys.

Of course other timelines or probable realities might be slightly different or even the opposite of the one I talk about, you have free will, free choice and it is up to the individual, they say.

On the other hand I am convinced that the domestication of animals is one of the steps backwards taken by mankind. The problem with the pets, Nerdy, is really sad, now most pets are not only fed toxic so-called food and water but the so-called government is forcing people to vaccinate them.

I inherited a pug dog but it passed on a year and a half ago but since I have progressed to understand those creatures belong in the wild in constant contact with mother Earth where they can be healthy and happy (of course the secret government has polluted rivers, lakes and land, then blame us for it, but there still are some spots high on mountains where the evil hand of the monsters has not reached) I am not getting any other pet.

Keep it positive because the dark cannot prevent us from becoming free beings of light.
If you have trouble faking a smile, you’ll need to get this Electro Shock Smile Enhancer. How does it work? The portion under the chin is made to send a constant pulse of electricity through your cheeks to make you smile.
It's a smile generator!
