The New World Order

Re: The New World Order

I don't think so. Joe Sixpack's willingness to continue consuming these goods at these prices is what, in part, keeps the markets going. Watch what happens to the price of gas once summer is over and Joe doesn't do as much driving. The problem is that in this day and age, Joe Sixpack has been joined by his equally consuming buddies, Xing Dao Sixpack and Raheesh Sixpack.
Re: The New World Order

I truely hope I am wrong.
I truely hope I have misread the prophecys.
I truely hope it is a far distant thing from some made up story.
I truely believe it is real and soon to be apon us.
the puzzle pieces are all here, just not in place yet.
Re: The New World Order

Prophets, like consultants, are about as useful as a steer in a herd of cattle. Might as well live your life by your terms. It's the only one you got.
Re: The New World Order

even a steer has a purpose in the heard, if for nothing ells but to feed the cowboys at the end of a hard days work.
much like the job of a prophet is to feed the people.
each having there own place and time of importance.
to discount prophets would not be wise.
but to blindly fallow/believe any man is equally not wise.
all matters must be filtered through the living word of GOD for truth.
Re: The New World Order

Well, eating steers is a hell of alot better than eating prophets. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this kc. In my almost 65 years of life, I have seen no proof of prophets and very little tangible proof of God.
Re: The New World Order

GL100 said:
Well, eating steers is a hell of alot better than eating prophets. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this kc. In my almost 65 years of life, I have seen no proof of prophets and very little tangible proof of God.

Depends on the prophet, I've heard.

Now, you take that tasty little Joan of Arc... :rolleyes:

Re: The New World Order

GL100 said:
I don't think so. Joe Sixpack's willingness to continue consuming these goods at these prices is what, in part, keeps the markets going. Watch what happens to the price of gas once summer is over and Joe doesn't do as much driving. The problem is that in this day and age, Joe Sixpack has been joined by his equally consuming buddies, Xing Dao Sixpack and Raheesh Sixpack.
As always; I enjoy your perspective GL but are you saying that the price of gas will drop? Care to say by how much?

I think the price will drop. But not significantly. I think what the PTB call a fair market has become a trucker’s hell, and could enflame the distribution chain just enough to affect "Joe Six Pack's eating habits...
Re: The New World Order

between the price of fuel and the low wages paid to Mexican drivers, soon there won't be any American truckers left. all driving jobs will be outsourced
Re: The New World Order

GL100 said:
I don't think so. Joe Sixpack's willingness to continue consuming these goods at these prices is what, in part, keeps the markets going. Watch what happens to the price of gas once summer is over and Joe doesn't do as much driving. The problem is that in this day and age, Joe Sixpack has been joined by his equally consuming buddies, Xing Dao Sixpack and Raheesh Sixpack.

I get so sick of hearing.."the price of gas went down!" People say it in such an excited its a big deal or something..
Sounds like the Ministry of Truth to me!
I feel like I am being "big Brother'd" to DEATH!
