The Phoenix Experiment modified


New Member
It’s the one done in during the time Time Tunnel was on tv. It’s a experiment as a part of underground experiments done by the USA which also had Operation MKULTRA which I was a part of during the time I was in my mother’s womb, during which they experimented with telepathy between mother and child in a womb. My mother was working for the Navy since 1960’s until 1990. I was born in 1986.

About the Phoenix experiment, you have a tunnel which attracts electromagnetic currents at the frequency of 432hz which creates the portal to the time line you desire. Steven L. Gibbs mentioned it in his report, 8th Key to the Riddle of Time and provided diagrams to his simplified Phoenix experiment. However, due to the wacky weather of Missouri, I am doing it in the basement after realizing that the poles are suitable for the inside of the house due to their size. I am also using frequency generators for my experiment as well as buckets of dirt to hold and ground the poles in.
Hi, are you sure it was 432 hz?.
Maybe you meant 432 mhz. Greetings from Chile.


Senior Member
It’s the one done in during the time Time Tunnel was on tv. It’s a experiment as a part of underground experiments done by the USA which also had Operation MKULTRA which I was a part of during the time I was in my mother’s womb, during which they experimented with telepathy between mother and child in a womb. My mother was working for the Navy since 1960’s until 1990. I was born in 1986.

About the Phoenix experiment, you have a tunnel which attracts electromagnetic currents at the frequency of 432hz which creates the portal to the time line you desire. Steven L. Gibbs mentioned it in his report, 8th Key to the Riddle of Time and provided diagrams to his simplified Phoenix experiment. However, due to the wacky weather of Missouri, I am doing it in the basement after realizing that the poles are suitable for the inside of the house due to their size. I am also using frequency generators for my experiment as well as buckets of dirt to hold and ground the poles in.
Which Frequency Generators will you be using? :)..


Ok. So it was in a bit of hiatus due to time and money. So according to my calculations, it would be this year or the next year, depending on the money situation. I might have to spend my birthday money on one frequency generator for 45 bucks on My friend decided to gift me another one for my birthday. It seems frequently, these generators cost more than arm and leg compared with parchment, which is cheaper than a frequency generator on Amazon.
If I see to the experiment’s source of income, I might have to not spend money on small things at all.
