The Russians Are Talking About Nuking The U.S. Over And Over Again. Why Won’t We Take Them Seriously?


Senior Member
A large iron planet hitting the sun out of nowhere and causing a chain reaction could probably produce some nasty surprises for earth.
That would raise the temperature of the solar system by 100% and it would be an unlivable place to stay.


Senior Member
That would raise the temperature of the solar system by 100% and it would be an unlivable place to stay.
One thing I wanted to show, if a full scale nuclear exchange is planned. And furthermore with the use of time travel the powers that be have determined to themselves that this society will recover, then don't depend upon this.

It may be that in a tendrilled like way, just as a grapevine can branch around a supporting trellis, timelines in one's ability to travel through them, may not always be correct as a means of telling the future.

In this videoclip, what may be going on is that there's another reality structured almost the same as ours, but offset some that only a percentage of the time this other reality as sometimes seen through a mirror, acts exactly as our reality does.

So in other words one could time travel and with the end result of that time traveling think they've seen the certain future, when all the time this may be an incorrect assumption.



Senior Member
Circumstances seem to keep pushing the United States and Russia closer and closer to a horrifying showdown. If I was in the White House, I would be doing all that I could to try to find a way out of this mess. Unfortunately, the guy currently leading our nation is a hothead in an advanced state of mental decline, and he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history. That is a recipe for disaster, but most Americans seem to be entirely convinced that a full-blown war with Russia is extremely unlikely. Most of us seem to think that we can keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine without ever suffering any serious consequences. Unfortunately, the Russians see things very differently.

On Russian television, there is constant discussion about how the conflict in Ukraine is really a proxy war between the United States and Russia.

Sadly, she is quite correct that World War III has now begun.

Let us hope that a way to stop it can be found before it goes nuclear.

Nuclear war is not a topic that is brought up much on American news channels, but in Russia it is regularly proposed as a potential option…

Reading something like that should chill you to the core.

When Russian journalists and politicians say stuff like this, why won’t we take them seriously?

Just the other day, one prominent Russian politician openly talked about destroying both coasts of the United States with Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles…

Russia’s Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles are far superior to anything that we have, and we have no defense against them.

If push comes to shove, I believe that the Russians will not hesitate to use their nuclear weapons.

Our leaders should be trying to find a peaceful way out of this crisis, but instead both sides just continue to escalate matters.

In fact, for the very first time Joe Biden has just promised to give long-range rocket systems that are capable of hitting targets inside Russia to Ukraine…

What an incredibly foolish move.

Has Biden gone completely insane?

In response, the Russians are holding missile drills…


At this point, the U.S. is providing most of the new military equipment for the war in Ukraine, most of the intelligence for the war in Ukraine, and U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin has publicly admitted that we are actually bringing Ukrainians into the United States to train them to go back and fight in the war.

And now we have learned that the U.S. has actually been conducting “offensive hacking operations” against Russia…

What are we thinking?

Have our leaders really become this reckless?

Once a full-blown war with Russia starts, there will be no going back.

But right now many Americans are so self-obsessed that they don’t even realize that our leaders in Washington have brought us to the brink of the unthinkable.

To me, Hunter Biden is the perfect example of the type of self-obsessed American that I am talking about…

It is also being reported that Hunter actually made videos of himself having sex with prostitutes and uploaded them to a website known as Pornhub…

This is the son of the president of the United States.

Can you believe that?

Sadly, this is what we have become as a nation.

We have become a country full of self-destructive degenerates that are so out of it that we don’t even realize what we are doing to ourselves.

There is a small minority of the population that is awake, but most Americans are in a deep state of sleep. I am doing my best to try to wake them up, but most of the population simply does not want to listen.

The corporate media is telling them to hate Russia, and so most of them are going to keep cheering for more escalation until it is far too late to reverse course.

If we keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine, the Russians could eventually be put into a position where they feel like they are forced to make a very difficult decision.

And when that day finally arrives, you better hope that they don’t decide to pull the trigger.

Source: swp57 | The Russians Are Talking About Nuking The U.S. Over And Over Again. Why Won’t We Take Them Seriously?
It may be there's an error shown in the John Titor says, to where the full scale nuclear war occurs some time after 2022. This would be represented within this video.

The seers says he can't see anything past 2012. What if he has his numbers mixed up and is saying 2021?
So they made a plan back then to eliminate population by full scale nuclear war, but the actual happening's past the year 2021.

Event then would be calm compared to now where there's so much confusion. The seer's abilities would have shut down.

What I'm worried about because of the lack of this seer being about to visualize is to some extend a very violent event takes place on our central sun.

How time works is that it's uneven and tendrilled in nature. Just because you can travel in time and see events occurring does not mean they necessarily are going to happen.

What gives it away is how irritated this man is after the interview.



Senior Member
It may be there's an error shown in the John Titor says, to where the full scale nuclear war occurs some time after 2022. This would be represented within this video.

The seers says he can't see anything past 2012. What if he has his numbers mixed up and is saying 2021?
So they made a plan back then to eliminate population by full scale nuclear war, but the actual happening's past the year 2021.

Event then would be calm compared to now where there's so much confusion. The seer's abilities would have shut down.

What I'm worried about because of the lack of this seer being about to visualize is to some extend a very violent event takes place on our central sun.

How time works is that it's uneven and tendrilled in nature. Just because you can travel in time and see events occurring does not mean they necessarily are going to happen.

What gives it away is how irritated this man is after the interview.

The continued view of Earth humans now, from the time after full scale nuclear exchange is almost kill on sight by ETs & others. What's left after the exchange is dead humans and plenty of them, so they serve as a source of sustenance.

Since covid 19 is a foundation virus, keying into the elemental herpes block that every human has, through the eating of other humans warped genetic processes take over. Mankind on Earth as we once knew them, begins to sadly denigrate into another type of being.

Oh' my dear friends, this is not waxed philosophic, based in creative license. There's yet but proof and this is from the Art Bell Show.

Someone then, remote views into the future and in a caved system in the American Southwest. There's a group of people who are desperately trying to grow plants beneath the Earth. The remote viewer describes what's outside as one big constant wind and dust storm. So this factoid from The Art Bell Raido Talk Show, verifies that something drastic has occurred with the environment.

So maybe not all people left after the nuclear get together, have eaten dead corpses?


Did I read in the OP the Question,
"When Russian journalists and politicians say stuff like this, why won’t we take them seriously?" ??

I could give you countless reasons why things like these are not taken seriously.

1. People who still think they are completely protected by (the) Government,
give that as a reason.

2. People whom have discovered lies inherent to the (current) system of things,
pay things like this no heed at all. "They don't really exist."

3. Cold War Tactics.

4. Lies, Red Tape and Conspiracies muddle the actuality behind any logical conclusion
that could ever be shown to the accepting public eye.
Hence, there is no such thing as an accepted logical conclusion.

5. I think I'm going to have pizza for dinner and then retire to the movie room
to watch..Something.....


Enough said.
