Why do I keep thinking of that confidence building exercise where one person is to freely fall backward and be caught by another before hitting the ground?

...makes me wonder...

Maybe it has something to do with having a name with different meanings.
Ma bonne amie,

You know you only have one way out of it, right?

I think back to our conversations, and how some of the things you said then relates to events in the present, and probably the future. I realize now how you're working it. Well, I have been suspicious for a while, but now I see it a little more clearly.

The funny part is that you were all ready to go, eager and pretending to be dripping wet with excitement. Then, out of nowhere, you are inexplicably uninterested and awkward.

It just hit me that you were trying to avoid giving the wrong answer and be exposed. You don't know whether she is my friend, wife, daughter or grandmother, a corpse, or what. (hee hee)

Hell, for all you know, it is all a big bunch of BS to bait you.

WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!??????!!!!!!

So help you God if you are playing games like the rest. Kalah will do a death dance on your head, boy.
