Women are taught, and naturally inclined, to look to the alpha male in social circles for security for her and any strong healthy babies he may give her. It is in their nature to do so. It is about assurance and risk management, nature's law of attraction and survival of the fittest. It isn't foolproof, but works out statistically over the long run.

For whatever reason, it seems to be attached to entitlement complex for a lot of women. They think it is about catching an alpha, to the victor goes the spoils, never mind trying to figure out how to be an alpha wife. Once he's hooked, it's time to relax. I see a lot of disappointed women when life proves marriage not to be a 'cake walk'.

You have to work at it, keep things balanced and in order in spite of adversity. It is give and take. You have to be there because you are ready and willing and genuinely want to be there building a life together.

Where's the woman who will bail her husband out of a jam, prop him up when he needs it instead of expecting things. Where is that woman who actually cares about her husband's day and wants to keep him strong for her and her children instead of threatening him with divorce when he could use some help? Where is the woman who can handle it when he is away, who is secure in herself and not needy of attention, but rather desiring of it, who can pick up the slack if or when necessary?

What made "Elastigirl" "Mrs. Incredible" wasn't that she took his name and superhero status in their legacy together. It was that she was willing to stretch herself thin and face whatever impossibility in order to save her incredible worthy husband from a bad situation. She was a strong woman who genuinely loved and valued her husband. That was the source of her motivation in her daring rescue of Mr. Incredible.

I knew a woman like that once. She was one hell of a fine catch. They aren't as common as they used to be.


Sometimes I wonder whether it is even worth it to care about family in a world that is structured with a culture counter-intuitive and antithetical to human nature, and in complete disharmony and imbalance with the greater universe and reality. One that has enslaved itself with the worst of our nature.

The natural order of the universe says that humans will be A B C, but we build a world around the idea that we are D E F.

And what does law have to do with marriage and family life anyway? Or anything at all? Why is it even part of the equation? It does nothing but create a big list of false standards and behaviors that interfere with a natural functional healthy family social structure. It is like a prescription for poison.

For example; Children need to process certain things at an early age that require structured role modeling. It requires fathers be the wise loving 'dominant' authority in the home. When a man is faced with the idle threat of a divorce, custody battles, ordered payments, etc, he becomes somewhat emasculated in regard to his said authority in the home.

Women have options they would not normally have in the real natural world, leverage to challenge him. It is somewhat of an opportunity for conflict, playing the sexes against each other instead of them creating a framework of unity, interdependence harmony and balance.

This can have disastrous effects on early development of children. Little boys are unable to sort out Oedipus Conflict and little girls unable to grow beyond Electra Complex. They develop all sorts of behavioral disorders of a codependent nature, and have a general unhappiness. So much of the world's issues stem from false premises learned from early childhood.

People raise children, then inject them into a world of enslavement that they can't see because they were never taught the difference of what it means to be loved in a real and free environment. The whole world is based on force, barbarism, violence, false premises, it is a divided and conquered socioeconomic consumerist slave race cash cow. Moo.

It's Goebbels' wet dream.

I wonder what sense it makes to condemn my children to a life of enslavement into a false reality that forces them and everything to be something they are not, or tells them the values and principles I teach them are wrong or useless.

It is to say that the world is not suitable for children. In many ways, I subsequently find the world and universe to be of little to no value.

I don't want to raise a family in 1984 or Idiocracy. Why do people accept this world as a sufficient standard?


Active Member
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here. You were married. She left you for a more alpha-er male, you're now divorced and she got the kids. You get by though, by thinking one day, a beauitful, blonde, meth addict, will need rescuing, and just some tlc. It's a reasonably fantasy I suppose.


I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here. You were married. She left you for a more alpha-er male, you're now divorced and she got the kids. You get by though, by thinking one day, a beauitful, blonde, meth addict, will need rescuing, and just some tlc. It's a reasonably fantasy I suppose.

Not that I haven't made my own mistakes with women, but does it bother you that I can be repeatedly shit on by selfish manipulative females and still manage to not be so bitter that I cannot appreciate fine women?

For me it is as much about brainstorming mission planning. 'The Time Traveling Captain Save-a-Ho Army' is more of a hypothesized justification, a template in which to base my brainstorming. Then again, if you really did have time travel, why not? Does that make you feel uncomfortable for me to look at history and time travel relative to appreciating beautiful women everywhere?

Should I perhaps talk about assassinating people and genocide? I thought 'The Time Traveling Captain Save-a-Ho Army' was a little more palatable.

Does it make you feel uncomfortable to openly call out the whole world for such a mess we have all created by not raising our kids right and becoming a violent dysfunctional ignorant society? How does that relate to time travel? What is the first step to correcting a problem?

How do you know this is even about any of what it means on the surface? It could be a metaphor. For all you know, I am having a cryptic conversation with a 30 year old dark haired beauty with a degree in early childhood development who understands exactly what I am talking about and agrees, who happens to be reading this from 100 years from now? How do I know?

...or several people in the future.

I don't expect you to get it, or care if you do. I can start punching in names dates numbers circumstances, various methods and metaphorical constructs, etc etc etc connecting all kinds of dots to demonstrate that in some way shape or form time travel is real. I would be typing forever. But it is more entertaining to have a conversation with some unknown party who already knows it is real.

Do you realize how many methods and mediums there are to carry on a conversation?

It's a conversation about breakfast and Freudian psychology, Templars, communications, etc, etc.

Depending on what time travel actually is and exactly how it works what can you do? What if it is only a means to communicate? ...not that it couldn't be enormously powerful in and of itself.

How many ways could you work it? How many ways are there to use time travel? What would you do with it? How could you use it for positive outcomes and keep things ethical, and do so without creating more impact than necessary? What are contingency methods for accomplishing tasks that are nearly impossible? I imagine it would be like a tightrope in terms of your parameters.

What if you had an opportunity to save someone by request, simply by being able to communicate with the right people? Would you try it? Why not?

You see, ...I read the thread on TTI where they are discussing the meaning of magazine covers. I know what the reference to the magazine cover means. I know there are a very limited means of acquiring that information because I do a fairly good job of paying attention and have a good memory. It is perceivable that it could have been information intercepted and used to communicate, but when further examined, when deeper questions become relevant, I have to really wonder. Who would know to use that? Who would understand the relevance? Who would understand why to use that particular thing? Is it because they are taking this paragraph and using it to communicate? I am inclined to think no, ...simply because they cannot understand the why of deeper questions in my head or be able to intercept my thought process.

Know thyself. Ultimately, It tells me I am the real John Titor, that I haven't left yet, or that it is perhaps another me. What if it is me sending people from the future to communicate with myself, and using things only I would understand? What would someone have to go through to pull that off to fake it? even be able to understand that? Who would care? Who would know why?

It doesn't matter, either way it is in the context of circumstances and information, that when examined from the perspective of a time line, demonstrates anticipation foreknowledge and therefore time travel in some form or fashion.

It is difficult to share. But I see it.

I have been having this breakfast conversation for years with an unknown party through various mediums. I have been having difficulty with clarity, but I think I am starting to get it.

I couldn't really give a damn about much of anything at this point in my life. I May as well enjoy a conversation about beautiful women breakfast, Freud and family values over a span of a few decades.
