^I'm not looking for a travel agent. I'm looking to cure my amnesia and find that (Queen) that I have lost. I hope that time has not passed me by.

Basically, yes.

Have you ever read the story of King Ahaz? You can find it in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 7.

The House of David had problems. It was a mess. King Ahaz wasn't a Godly man, and was advised to look to God for answers, for a sign. Ahaz had no interest in any gods and denied it. So God sent a sign anyway, in the form of a redeemer of the kingdom. You might say King Ahaz was Graced by God.

לכן יתן אדני הוא לכם אות הנה העלמה הרה וילדת בן וקראת שמו עמנו אל׃

תורי זהב נעשה־לך עם נקדות הכסף׃


Layla and Majnun grew up in the same village together and were very close. As they got older, they fell in love. They were like peas and carrots. When they were old enough, Majnun asked her father for her hand in marriage, but was denied as her father had promised her hand to the count who was older and more established and could provide for her well.

Well, Majnun could not accept this. The universe did not compute without Layla in his life. He couldn't handle it. So he went deep into the desert where no one could find him. For years, the only reason anyone in the vilage knew he was alive was because of tales of travelers finding poems in the desert sand written of Layla.

Layla was married off and kept quite well. But she wasn't happy. She missed Majnun. She one day became ill as a young woman and didn't have the will to fight. She succumbed and died.

One day many years later, Majnun returned. They found his body curled up laying against Layla's head stone.

So, if time travel is real, and I or someone will travel, I wonder if perhaps I have found references to my beloved friend suspended in time as as an honorary mention. Because for all intents and purposes, she was my Freudian Layla. Maybe that's the one that I couldn't save, so I stamped her name all over time. ...or someone did.

'Poems in the sand'


It starts at the Temple Mount in Jeruselem. Coincidentally, my name is the diminutive form of a Hebrew name meaning Jerusalem.

If you draw a line on Google Earth from the Temple Mount to Versailles Palace, it lines up perfectly with the center line. Also notice Versailles is an owl. Coincidentally, I have natural 'horns'. Versailles means "to turn", a circle. Repeat-peat-peat...

Find the circular monument in the garden called La Colonnade. Again, coincidentally, my name, that is the diminutive of Jerusalem, is represented by a circle. Draw a line from the center of La Colonnade lined up with the paths. One lines up perfectly with my place of birth. I think the gardens is a bloodline map. Some of it seems to correspond to my family tree that I cannot seem to definitively trace. Many lines go to cities with a Fleur De Lis in their symbolism that also correspond to migrations from France.

La Colonnade is a statue of Pluto, the gentle god of the underworld who takes the virgin from her mother to safety.

Immanuel was a sign from God to Ahaz and the House of David, a young woman giving birth. the Grace of God. I know an ancient Jewish tradition was to write graffiti in honor of your love by writing the gematria number of their name.

There's more. It looks like a big loop in our names, in the context of family, kings and queens.

Big anomalous coincidence? Poems in the sands of time? It really makes me wonder.


Y2K being a disaster, model cars not manufactured, and towers not being built, stores, Leviticus 27:20 etc. suggests that I was unable to save her, that she isn't driving a nice car married to a dentist or perhaps is, or whatever. It would explain the Majnun thing.

...Or maybe someone is using it to mess with my head?

Whatever the case, I miss my friend.


Active Member
These horns you say you have, are they hereditary? Can you post a picture? I know about people being born with tails and wedded feet and hands. Anyone else in your family born with horns?


Senior Member
Pattie Boyd was Clapton's Layla.

Pattie Boyd was the first wife of George Harrison and Eric Clapton..They both wrote songs for her...I need you, and Something, by Harrison and Layla including Wonderful Tonight, by Clapton... this was the first time 2 people had written 2 songs for the same person.:)


Pattie Boyd was Clapton's Layla.

Pattie Boyd was the first wife of George Harrison and Eric Clapton..They both wrote songs for her...I need you, and Something, by Harrison and Layla including Wonderful Tonight, by Clapton... this was the first time 2 people had written 2 songs for the same person.:)

I wonder if either of them really loved her. George Harrison was somewhat negligent, leaving her alone and lonely for long periods while he chased other women. Clapton couldn't stand being without her and did everything he could to convince her to be 'his'...then eventually cheated on her.

Love is a selfless thing. When you love someone, you want what is best or them. It is about honoring and cherishing them, not necessarily 'having' them. You can never claim someone as yours. They have to give themselves to you. You have to treat them well and hope they stick around. Calling your love "my/mine" speaks to your responsibility toward them, not ownership. Honor is when you think so highly of them you feel 'honored' that they chose you as their object of affection. It isn't just words for a ceremony.

My philosophy is that you should never have to say the words "I love you" to someone because they should already know for the way you treat them. the song.

I suppose they loved her in some way, but I also think things would have been different.
